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after selling advance tech secrets to china, blocking a missile defence system, defunding the military, defunding intelligence, not having carter arrested for illegally going to north korea, sending albright to north korea to suck one, giving billions to north korea and letting them off the hook, refusing to let sudan arrest bin laden when they had almost had him, imposing the racist affirmative action, raising taxes (which decreases tax receipts collected), cheated on his gold-digging wife, and raped Juanita Broaddrick.

bush started the second iraq war and *allegedly* lied, like clinton about monica. and...thats about it, besides a few minor issues. nothing else serious like selling tech secrets to china like a naive little 10 year old. the spending is due to the war, quit blaming the lower taxes. the budget deficit is decreasing according to the liberal CNN, unemployment is lower than it was under clinton, GDP is up.

so how is bush worse?

2007-02-22 05:05:03 · 25 answers · asked by j 1 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

Implicating Bush would allow liberals to relive the hayday of Vietnam wherein they "forced" a Republican president from office.

As for how many people died when Clinton lied...compared to the years of the Bush presidency, a statistically insignificant difference in military deaths has occured under Bush WHILE WE ARE AT WAR.

President Clinton lives a morally repugnant lifestyle. He remains corrupted by his lust for power and for women and for women in power. He was a linguini-spined psychophant who would throw us under an absolute tyranny and total government if we allow him.

The whole Bush lied people died thing is a farce. More people die from food poisoning every year than have died in combat during all years of the Iraq war.

As for the economy, a projected surplus does not mean there will be one. Most of the budget surplus assumes that the social security trust fund (which is just a bunch of IOUs) exists as an emergency fund. Honesty in fiscal policy marks the Bush administration as opposed to the Clinton administration. The economy has done better since Clinton left office, and while it may appear that Bush is spending more, you should look at the OMB (office of management and budget) figures for fiscal spending.

2007-02-22 05:14:43 · answer #1 · answered by Fergi the Great 4 · 2 2

Bush isn't really worse than Clinton. He's just boring in comparison. The Clinton administration was the top rated soap opera on TV. The Bush administration has no entertaining quality. It just a nose to the grindstone sort of thing.

2007-02-22 05:26:37 · answer #2 · answered by .... . .-.. .-.. --- 4 · 1 0

so... you're going to believe all the conspiracy theories against Clinton... and believe none about Bush... OK....

you're one of those... everything bad you hear about the other party is absolutely true... and everythign bad about your own is absolutely false... no further investigation needed.. oh, I'm sure you've got all the conservative blogs to back you up with only the facts that support you, ignoring any other information... sure, that's accurate...

and actually unemployment is not lower, maybe on average, but Clinton inherited a 7 percent rate from Bush's dad... kind of ruined his average... so that's a horribly niave way to look at it... actually Clinton handed Bush a lower unemployment rate than it is now... that's why Bush's is so good... that's just one point you're wrong on...

2007-02-22 05:31:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bush is a far better president. As for you who say Clinton's lie hurt no one well I disagree. If he had not been so busy covering his Azz he may have had the time to do something productive like finding Osama, or fixing our schools, but instead he was wasting time and money covering for his poor judgment. If people are so blind they can't see what an affair by a president can do to harm the country let me help you understand. If the wrong people become aware of his actions what is to prevent them from black mailing the most powerful man in the world? I don't agree with some of Bush's stuff but he does appear to have integrity; something Clinton knows nothing about.

2007-02-22 05:24:16 · answer #4 · answered by joevette 6 · 2 1

You account of history will not be the one accepted 30 years from now. The truth will show Clinton as a hard working president who fully understood the issues. Bush will be seen as a president who never fully grasped the issues and made poor decisions.

2007-02-22 05:24:24 · answer #5 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 0 2

People say that Bush is worse than Clinton because Bush conducts many raids and wars in the Middle East. They say that Bush is only doing that so he could smuggle oil from those countries. Also, I think people hated the Bush regime even more when images of the merciless tortures and killings of Abu Gharib prisoners by American soldiers were released. People think that Bush actually allows it.
There has also been some specualtion that Bush is not doing a very good job with US security, as the September 11 attacks can attest. I think Bush just wants to remind the world of who's boss, and that's the United States of America.

2007-02-22 05:13:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

I agree that Bush is a better President than Clinton. You make some good points, some of which are valid.

2007-02-22 05:08:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

You obviously do not have any value for human life. Over 3,000 brave American soldiers have been killed by a fake war against terror. There was no relationship to terrorist and Iraq regardless of wishful thinking and self-serving rhetoric. Close to one million Iraqis have died, obviously those lives don't matter to the right as much as Jewish lives did not matter to Hitler. Let's hope some rationality and logic Will prevail in the world. We need that because people are drunk with fanaticism brainwashed by the media.

2007-02-22 05:23:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

hes not

2007-02-22 05:28:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How many died when Clinton lied?

And the MURDER of over 3000 American soldiers is a minor issue?

That Juanita Broderick allegation is pushed only by the dregs of society like Sean Hannity, Michael Weiner, Bill O'Reilly and a bunch of other chickenhawks.

The "new" deal with North Korea is basically the same one Clinton/Albright signed.

Affirmative Action dates back to Nixon

Bush owes America one skyline and one major port city.

2007-02-22 05:10:07 · answer #10 · answered by Frank 2 · 4 6

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