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i am 40 weeks pregnant, i still have not got any sort of labor pain....tomorrow i am getting admitted in hopital and doctor is going to induce me...i heard eventhough doc induce some people wont get labor pain..in that case i need to undergo C-section....why i am not getting any sort of labor pain.....how many of you have got induced for the pain..is that going to be successfull..i am ofcourse nervous and getting tensed toooo..please help me............

2007-02-22 04:21:00 · 12 answers · asked by lovebird 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

12 answers

Some women go over their expected due date. THe date they give you is an ESTIMATED DATE. They often miscalculate this, so your due date could easily be 1 to 2 weeks after what they told you.

You have nothing to worry about. You don't have to have a C-section just because you aren't in labor yet. Just relax and enjoy the last couple of days you have without a crying baby that keeps you up at night. :)

2007-02-22 04:32:03 · answer #1 · answered by Episco 4 · 0 0

If this is your first baby or even if its not you can go past 40 weeks unless there is a medically necessary reason that it should be done sooner. Most MDs where I am from will allow you to get to 41 weeks and 3 days, its actually policy at the hospital I work at to not allow inductions until this point in time (unless, like I said before it is medically necessary). A lot of people don't go into labor right at 40 weeks, everyone is different. And yes, it is higher risk for a C-section when you are induced but that is just a risk and is not always the case. You have to weigh the risks and benefits of your particular situation. I hope this helps.
PS: Everyone gets nervous before they are about to have a baby, even me! I am 31 weeks preg. with my second and I too am nervous :-)

2007-02-22 04:36:28 · answer #2 · answered by Janelle 2 · 1 0

both of my kids ended up being induced, both ended up eventually being c-sections. being induced just means they give you medicines to force your body to have the contractions that it otherwise isn't having when you need to have them. have you gone to a lamaze or some other childbirth class? labor contractions are not a walk in the park, but you WILL be fine. Really! I looked at it like pledging my sorority. Bring it on, sisters, I can do anything for 24 hours :) Not trying to be flippant, but the contractions will not last forever and you will be just fine afterwards. If you find that you need to have a c-section, realize that c-sections are done willy-nilly, by the way. You have a c-section because it needs to be done (your cervix is too small and the kid just won't fit, that was #2) (the baby's heart rate starts falling, that was #1 and he's a fine strong eleven year old now). It took me four days to get back on my feet after #1 just because everything went so bad -- I had pre-eclampsia so I was carrying 55 pounds (literally!) of water weight, my blood pressure was through the roof as a result, they induced hard because my son's health in-utero was poor due to the ecclampsia, etc., etc. With c#2, though, my daughter was just too big to fit. I could have pushed all week, and she wasn't going to fit. So the doctor turned off the pictosin, my husband went to Wendy's to get me a Frosty (because I had been in labor -- both natural plus induced -- for 30 hours at that point and I was HUNGRY), and they put the monitor on and let me sleep for the next five or so hours. Then we wheeled to the o.r., I watched them retrieve my daughter from my belly, and la de dah I was on my feet the next day.

Chicks rule! You will ROCK my dear, you can do this and you will laugh about it later!

2007-02-22 04:36:21 · answer #3 · answered by Zeke 2 · 0 0

I was eight days past my due date, with no signs of labor at all. Your baby is comfy right where he or she is (as was mine)! No one, including my doctor, could give me an answer as to why she wasn't budging, so I stopped asking.

I was not induced; I ended up having a cesarean. I won't tell you not to be nervous or tense...it is totally natural to feel that way. I was scared. But there are certain things you simply have no control over. So, focus on what you DO have control of: make sure you have everything you need for the hospital, get all of your creature comforts together, which helps feel a little more secure. Ask any and all questions that come to mind of your doc and/or hospital staff. Keep close and talk about your nervousness and anticipation to your partner, family, friends. Let it out.

You and your baby will get through this...sending positive thoughts your way! By this time tomorrow, you'll see that beautiful tiny little face! Congratulations!

2007-02-22 04:34:39 · answer #4 · answered by Maudie 6 · 1 0

any doctor will tell you that a woman is actually pregnant for 9-1/2 months so you're within the normal range. Also, doctors can only "guess" as to your due date. As far as the pain, don't worry, and be thankful. As long as you have seen your doctor every month during the pregnancy and you heard the baby's heartbeat then everything will be fine. Enjoy this painfree, able to sleep thru the night time, for it will end very soon! Good luck!!

2007-02-22 04:29:30 · answer #5 · answered by robbie d 1 · 1 0

if you feel fine this morning then it was probably just the Babys position. If its consistent and you can feel a change like every 10 minutes or so you may be experiencing back labor. I had back labor with my daughter and had no idea I was contracting until my doc told me to go to the hospital where they confirmed I was in labor. But you should be able to tell if it gets stronger. If its not labor than the baby is just getting comfortable more in your back area. Either way you'll hopefully be having her tomorrow. Good luck!!!

2016-03-15 21:04:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont worry about being induced i have 2 children now and both needed to be induced and after i was induced the labour pains came right away and they were born within 12-18 hours there after and not by c-section either so i think that most likely everything will be fine for you and good luck

2007-02-22 04:33:44 · answer #7 · answered by jazmin j 1 · 0 0

i was 42 weeks pregnant and induced. i failed to progress which led to my c-section. Honestly i think my bones are 2 small to fit a baby through anyway. my mom had 5 c-sections for that reason. my second c-section is sceduled ahead of time. it will be april 16th. I am hoping to have a shorter recovery time this time around, because I won't be laboring at all. Which can really wear you out.

2007-02-22 04:31:14 · answer #8 · answered by angie 4 · 0 1

I was induced at 2 days after my due date, and it was great. No more waiting, I knew baby was coming!!! I was induced twice, first at 9am in the morning, nothing happened, they sent me home, I went back at 4pm, only dialated 1/2cm, they induced me again at 8pm, by midnight I was in hard labor, and 3am she was born. It was great, if I needed to be induced again, I would definitly do it. It was so nice knowing I didn't have to sit and wait for the labor to start, nice to know the baby was finally coming!!
Good Luck and don't worry, keep positive, just think tomorrow you will see baby!!

2007-02-22 04:26:05 · answer #9 · answered by Proud Mother 3 · 0 1

Why would you go for an induction at 40 weeks? Inductions are risky, and the average first pregnancy is 41 weeks and a day.


2007-02-22 05:03:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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