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1. THUGS at malls here in WI are crying racism and oppression because we don't want them bringing their guns to Mayfair, and beating up on the customers who get to a parking spot ahead of them ...true story. They don't have money to buy anything (they are poor - stay with me here) but they feel they have a RIGHT to hang out at a MALL where the main purpose is to SHOP...purchase things.
LIBERALS - those poor kids should be able to go wherever they want . Life is already unfair to them because they are poor.
SHOULDN'T THEY ...oh I don't know...GET A JOB instead of hanging out and beating people up at the mall. The Wauwatose police get 200 calls a week from this mall.

2. A girl in the MPS School System was just taken into custody for punching her teacher 10 times in the face and chipping her teeth. What did the teacher do? Told her to GET OIFF HER CELL PHONE. That's it! The Mom of the girl said, that everyone is taking the side of the teacher, who was protecting her kid.

2007-02-22 03:58:27 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

The local Liberal Democrats condemn the MALL and the SCHOOL system.

***Schools in Milw. have BANNED cell phone because GANGS use them to call for BACK UP during fights - true story!

2007-02-22 04:00:10 · update #1


Mayfair Mall is Wauwatosa as the search
**Be sure to pay special attention to what the Democrats say about the issue.

2007-02-22 04:11:09 · update #2

31 answers

I am a life long conservative and police officer so I agree with you 100%. The sad fact is that we are losing ground to the give-in and let people do what they want generation. Sadly, it is only going to get worse until somebody stands up.
After the shellacking you will probably take here, just blow off the haters who are angry you tell the truth!

2007-02-22 04:03:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 6

Yeah, as always, you are right RLP. I tutor homeless youngsters in Los Angeles and I tell them that the best place to hang out is the mall and that they can have a lot of fun tormenting the patrons. I even give them guns that they can use when someone like you infringes on their right to have fun.
Now that the sarcasm is out of the way, we can get to the point. The point is that, as a Liberal, I do not give free passes to ANY kid (yours included) to commit crimes. I believe in the saying "If You're gonna play, you got to pay". If these kids are committing illegal activities they should be punished. I would hope though that they are being punished for an actual crime and not because they are poor or wear a certain type of clothes or listen to certain music.
Not all kids hang out at the mall to "beat people up" as you say. When I grew up I used to hang out at the mall. I didn't always have money but it was a place to meet up with people or window shop. When I did have money, it wasn't much, so I had to think before I spent the little money I had. The kids do have the right to hang out at the mall just like the adults. However, if they don't observe the rules, they should be kicked out. Simple.
The mall should also examine the types of stores they have and the clientele that these stores can possibly bring. If they are intent on serving the upper middle class they should have stores that cater to them.
Many years ago, they had a similar problem in Grafton, WI (this goes to show you that this problem is not just poor Black kids from Milwaukee) where I grew up at the Manchester Mall. The mall ended up closing a video arcade and several other stores that catered to young people. The few stores that the Manchester Mall has now cater to the upper middle class and you don't see all that many young people hanging around.

2007-02-22 05:35:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I really don't see what this has to do with liberals. If individuals who have been violent shouldn't be allowed to return. And I agree, no one should be allowed to bring guns in. But I'm not concerned with peaceful poor people hanging out at the mall without buying anything. I go to the mall to window shop sometimes too. I don't consider it criminal to be poor and at the mall.

As for the second one, I certainly don't think anyone should get away with beating up anyone. Unless the student was hit first, and it does not sound like that is the case, then there's certainly not an excuse.

Where do you get the idea that liberals are OK with violence? In my experience, we're especially against it.

The only difference between conservatives and liberals that vaguely relates to this might be how we view troubled kids. Conservatives seem to focus on just creating harsher penalties, while liberals are more for rehabilitation programs and government funded help to give underprivileged kids have opportunities (like after school activities, and the chance to go to college) to give people a real future and curb gang related activities. Please don't think that all kids from difficult home situations are criminals. When I was in high school my family fell apart due to mental illness, and I found myself alone. I never beat up or hurt anyone, and yet MANY people immediately regarded me and other kids who were in the same situation as "delinquents" and "degenerates." It made us very scared to find help, and after awhile I did have to turn to petty crime (shoplifting food) to survive. The foster care system in my state was and still is notoriously bad- many abuse cases and even deaths, so we knew we had to do everything to stay away from that. But long before it came to that point, there were many people who knew what was happening and could have helped. If you start thinking of all kids from difficult homes as dangerous, or thugs, then I guarantee a lot of good kids will end up turning to crime.

2007-02-22 13:09:27 · answer #3 · answered by M L 4 · 0 0

I myself do not see the liberal connection here, well a little I suppose. Liberals generally feel empathy for others situations and seek to excuse their behavior by saying oh they have had a tough life.

1.At certain malls in CT, if you are under 16 years old you are not allowed to hang out there. If the security guards catch you loitering they can throw you off the property. The malls used to be terrible with groups of 20, 30 kids hanging out all over the place, made it very unpleasant to visit. So now under 16 you need a parent or adult with you. You can shop there alone under 16 but not loiter and get in the way of paying customers.

2.Schools have gotten crazy and out of hand. 40 years ago the parents believed the teacher before there own kid, because they realized kids will lie to save their own butt. Now they blame the teacher and think their little precious darling couldnt possibly do that. They need to face it their kids are brats, partially due to the way the parents coddle them their whole lives and think they are angels. If I had a kid and it punched a teacher in the face, well it would be the last time my kid did something like that, thats for sure. That mother should be ashamed of herself, for backing her child up over something as horrible as that. That student should be permanently kicked out of school and spend some time in jail, straighten it out a little. Cell phones in theory are a good idea at school, in case of an emergency, however they are horribly abused at schools and I can understand the school banning them.

2007-02-22 04:11:18 · answer #4 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 1 0

If you are serious then you realize the cumulative affects poverty and drugs has in the mother that's passed down to the kids, the lead paint, the unchecked alcoholism that affects a fetus, the drug use. They don't clean up their act because they don't have the mental capacity to make good choices when they don't know of or see any good choices made by the people they know. Kids grow up in places where the only ones they know of who possess wealth, are drug dealers, where family is a gang. Where crime isn't a bad thing, and drugs are something everyone does until they get caught, the frame of reference is totally different from a middle class kid who's mom read him Goodnight Moon from infancy. I once asked a poor teen why she wanted to have a baby at 16, she said it was so someone would love her. Can there really be any sadder reason why?

2016-05-23 23:09:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who are you to dictate what anyone can do, say, or go? Yeah, so you're some middle class, middle-aged white woman affraid of every black person you see wondering why you can't go to the mall without seeing them. You are AWESOME. So I guess every black person between the ages of 14 and 40 that shops at an urban clothing store and listens to rap music is a THUG, right? So what does your question have to do with being poor, again? So you are effectively asking "why don't we keep poor kids out of the mall?" Again, what a super awesome question. Look, you're not priveledged enough not to see black people at your local mall. When you become somebody you can live in a place where there are no poor people and you won't have to care. There, problem solved.

2007-02-22 04:22:47 · answer #6 · answered by mixedup 4 · 2 0

I know what you are talking about. But, and stay with me here, the government took God out of our schools, they are making video games that make the kids more professional when they go out to do what the see all around them. They are teaching our children how to do it better. To add to the problem, the couples are having more kids to come home from school and find no one there, because their parents are at work. The parent's don't seem to care what the kids watch, what games are played, as long as they don't have to play parents unless they want too.
This is what I am seeing. No one and I mean NO ONE EVER brought a gun to school when I was going to school, and NO ONE ever killed as many kids as they could before someone got close enough to stop them. By then they have already killed a dozen or mor class mates. The law won't let you make your kids mind and the teachers hands are tied. I am not saying that some parents don't beat their kids or some teachers step out of line, but the world is getting very, very dark.

2007-02-22 04:14:16 · answer #7 · answered by cprucka 4 · 0 0

1. Anyone who is not breaking a law, should be able to go to a mall and hang out. They can't discriminate and only let those in who plan to buy things. But as soon as they break the law, they should be arrested. They would also be justified in not letting them return. They should get a job, but they are free to not get a job if they want. It certainly seems that there is a problem with that mall, and lets hope they clean it up.

But you are stereotyping poor kids as all breaking the law and causing problems.

2. Great story, but what does that have to do with anything?

You have done nothing to show me that liberals are giving poor people a free pass to commit crimes. You have only shown that you have a stereotype of what poor people act like.

2007-02-22 04:10:14 · answer #8 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 5 0

Is this a question or a rant?

I'm liberal on social issues, so no, I dont think that being poor gives you a free pass to do whatever the hell you want. They should be able to GO where they want, but should obviously follow the law.

As for your second point, it sounds like the girl needs a good beating from mom. I'm not sure what it has to do with being liberal, but I was always told to respect my elders.

2007-02-22 04:06:25 · answer #9 · answered by CelticPixie 4 · 10 1

it has nothing to do with being liberal. if the kids are criminals then they should be punished when they commit a crime (not for looking like they would commit a crime).
if white rich kids can hang out at the mall, why not poor black kids? the mall is a hangout for kids (welcome to the 1980's)

when a criminal act is committed then the punishment should be severe, but you can't just get rid of the black kids b/c it makes you feel better while shopping at ann taylor.

2007-02-22 04:06:44 · answer #10 · answered by The Godfather327 2 · 6 0

You spent a lot of time on this question, I can see, but I can only say this. If loitering is against the law there, which it probably is, than I don't see what the problem is. They don't have a right to hang out in front of the mall. I'm not quite sure how you linked Liberals into all of this, though. Probably mostly opinion ...

2007-02-22 04:03:25 · answer #11 · answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7 · 8 2

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