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If you are a small person and always have been, how long after giving birth does it take to get back to your normal size, that is if you didn't pile on a whole lot of weight? Trust me, I eat plenty but I do know you can have a healthy pregnancy and not pile on a buch of weight. Please don't say "Don't worry about the weight" because that is impossible for me. I don't think being pregnant is a liscense to eat any and everything.

2007-02-22 03:09:03 · 11 answers · asked by DGBrandy 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

11 answers

You're absolutely right, it's not a license to eat whatever you want. For a woman who is normal weight, she should gain between 25-35 lbs. If you stay between that range, trust me, you will lose most of it before you even come home from the hospital. If you breastfeed, it actually helps you to recover faster because when the baby nurses, it causes your uterus to contract, which helps it shrink back down to it's regular size. You also burn about 300 more calories a day just from nursing. If you exercise regularly before and during your pregnancy, it will help with delivery and recovery. It is important to gain some weight when you are pregnant, so it's not the time to diet either. Just be sensible and eat a healthy diet. Good luck.

2007-02-22 03:49:44 · answer #1 · answered by Melissa B 5 · 1 0

I"m a petiete person myself, not really short, but have always been on the slim side. I"m on my 3rd pregnancy and I can honestly say to you getting the weight off doesn't have anything to do with how big you are before or after your birth. Sorry.
It does however depend on what kind of weight you put on, good vr. bad. Which you alreayd mentioned. It also depends on your activity level, if your exercising or at least not being a couch potatoe. It's different for everyone, I took of the weight within 3 weeks, and yes I get stares when I say that. I only gained 17 on my first and 15 for my second it was very , very hard for me to put weight on me. So the break down of the weight sheided easily, but it didn't mean I was in shape at any cost. I'm active and always on the move which helped but I didn't get right into my jeans right away. More of the fact it was more comfortable to be in loose sweats and socks than anything else for those first couple of weeks.
Either way, big or small, small framed large framed, it's what you eat , and whether or not your keeping healthy throughout the months that will help take off the pounds later. I'm not saying how much you eat, but how good it is for you, how healthy. I'd say though for average women, it takes a couple months to take off the weight, some depending again on the weight gained and good vr. bad it can even take longer. It's not something you can plan, and depend on it working.
I'd say just keep eating healthy, get out for walks, and keep active as long as it's ok with your doctor. You'd hav ea good chance of making your recovery easier on yourself and the chance of getting back into those jeans quicker.

Hoped something helped. Good luck, Congrats!

2007-02-22 11:25:25 · answer #2 · answered by Bugster 4 · 0 0

I followed my body's cues while I was pregnant, and only satified my hunger with very healthy, very wholesome foods. I gained 20 lbs all together, and I lost 28 before I even left the hospital.
However, as wonderful as this may seem, your body will never be the same. Your hips change, your fat distribution changes, stretch marks, flabby skin, heavier boobs, low muscle tone, etc. can all happen. So, even though I lost the weight easily, I am still working on getting my body back to its strong, nubile self.

Definitly breastfeed if you are that worried about it. It burns an extra 500 calories a day and helps eliminate the kind of fat you put on when your pregnant. Besides, it is SOOOO good for you and the baby!!! I'm still losing weight because I am breastfeeding and eating right.
I would say, give yourself the same amount of time it took you to get heavier.... so 9 months of pregnancy... 9 months to get back.

2007-02-22 11:19:12 · answer #3 · answered by teagansmummy 4 · 0 0

It isn't the weight...you can lose that...
I gained 8 pounds during my entire pregnancy, but gained 50 pounds during the last month due to pre-eclampsia. I have permanent stretch marks on my feet.

I was so pround of never gaining much weight during the pregnancy, and having a perfectly healthy fetus, but that last month was a shocker.

I am 5'3", and the thing that I am having a terrible time with is my waist! I have always had a small waist, and it is gone.

My baby weighed 8 pounds, and was so big that she really got up high into my lungs, under my ribs....my ribs expanded. Also, my skin stretched out in my upper abdomen (over my ribs), and I have stretch marks up high.

My body looks very distorted. My breasts sag down and my waist is wider, so I look like a big block.

I hate it, but I love my baby more than any of that. I would even be happy if my head fell off and ceased to exist, if it meant bringing this lovely child into the world.

I am 1 year post partum.

One more piece of advice, if you are still pregnant, beware that being smaller in stature is sometimes a contributing factor for pre-eclampsia. Keep an eye on your Blood pressure.

2007-02-22 11:18:05 · answer #4 · answered by gg 7 · 0 0

I am 5'2' and weighed 115 before I got pregnant. I lost every pound of my baby weight before my six week checkup. I ate very healthy during my pregnancy and put on 28 pounds. After I had my daughter I continued to eat healthy and was very active. Lots of women expect to be waited on having a baby, but I did a lot for myself. Don't over do it, when you start to feel tired take a break. Ignore the people who say you can eat whatever you want when you're pregnant, you will pay for it later. You should eat more than you usually would, but eat healthy food that will provide you and your baby with the vitamins you need.

2007-02-22 11:23:07 · answer #5 · answered by abc 2 · 0 0

I was a size 5 before I got pregnant with my son, gained 28 lbs while pregnant, and was able to wear my clothes when he was 3 weeks old. The bottoms at first and then gradually the tops. I breastfed and my boobs where out of control. When I went to my 6 week checkup i was back down to the prepregnancy weight. So breastfeed! Especially if you want to loose the weight quickly. It also helps shrink your uterus back down quicker. I am 7 weeks pregnant again now and am 5 lbs lighter than when I was first pregnant with my son.

2007-02-22 11:20:59 · answer #6 · answered by Jamie S 3 · 0 0

I have gained 30 lbs since I got pregnant and I am still wearing my pre pregnancy clothes. But that is just the way I am built. I am due in 2 days and I wish I could tell you how long but if you walk alot and take care of yourself and breastfeed it sheds quicker...or so I have heard.

2007-02-22 11:15:59 · answer #7 · answered by MyOpinionMatters 4 · 1 0

Being pregnant is a "license" to eat lots more GOOD things, not just anything.

The best thing you can do for your body (also nice for your baby!) is to breastfeed.

Breast feeding naturally contracts the uterus back to i's normal size and contours, and the uterus (esp. in non-fat people) is the biggest thing that stays bulged-out (sometimes for years, sometimes forever!) and changes your shape.

Breast feed for your baby's sake, but the best side benefit is regaining your shape!

2007-02-22 11:20:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hated when people would say don't worry about the weight, but as long as you are not eating horribly (like McDonald's everyday)you probobly will not have to worry. I was 101 lbs. before I was preggers and am 104lbs after preggers. (Note I also did not breastfeed after pregnancy) and I am 5'1 so I am tiny like you. You should be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-22 11:27:28 · answer #9 · answered by sedusa71 5 · 0 0

well i cant seem to add on the weight, i have only gained 9lbs my whole pregnancy, and its all in the belly (babies) wish i could say it was good, ut i really dont think it is...i know you have to wait 6 weeks after having baby to even think about exerising, but you can take stroller runs, walks in park, lots of things to get back in shape

2007-02-22 11:44:55 · answer #10 · answered by ruspecialenuf 3 · 0 0

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