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We need to realize how good we have it and how fortunate we are to live in a country that respects freedom of speech.
Check this story out.

You nuts who call Bush an evil dictator have no idea what it REALLY means to have your freedoms taken away.

2007-02-22 03:04:43 · 20 answers · asked by mmilner_24 3 in Politics & Government Politics

trythis... I couldn't agree more

2007-02-22 03:11:54 · update #1

Some of you guys are crazy... We have more freedoms than ANYONE! The link is just one example out of a thousand that show what a truly oppresive government does. My freedoms haven't been diminished AT ALL in the last 7 years, and neither has anyone else's who answered this. Nobody is being investigated in this country unless they have ties to illegal activities, and that has been going on a lot longer than 7 years, I can promise you.
And Kelly.... good lord.... every single thing you said was a misrepresentation of the truth. Please take a look around sometime and be thankful, FOR ONCE!
I do agree with you guys on the immigration stuff. I am very much against Bush on that issue.

2007-02-22 03:26:10 · update #2

20 answers

I see your point, but freedom is a delicate thing and should be continuously protected from any threat. IMHO, the biggest threat to my freedoms is increased taxation.

2007-02-22 03:08:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

I was not concerned at all with any loss of freedom during the Bush years even with the PATRIOT Act and the wiretapping. Most of what you mentioned was due to the government getting access to information that was to be used to protect American lives. I know these Acts do cross a line of freedom but if at anytime, even once, had it been useful in protection of thousands of Americans or our economy, then it would have been a purpose well served. However, today we have an administration that is not stopping at that line, they want to control almost 60% of our daily lives and this number will rise if there are failures with any of the proposed changes they have made so far. Health care, taxes, immigration, Wall Street, businesses and jobs. Unprecedented. Big difference.

2016-05-23 23:01:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sort of like a snake eating its tail, isn't it, when you express displeasure about people who are exercising their right to free expression?

To answer your observation (because it really isn't a question), Americans who complain about loss of freedoms have a reason for concern. Consider some of the main points within the so-called 'Patriot Act,' such as an increase in warrantless wiretaps, secret arrests, and more.

Now, there are those who say, "If you're not a criminal, why should you worry?" And, in some respects, that would be a natural response. However, when the government -- which works FOR the people -- begins to set the standard of what is and isn't criminal behavior, then the government can end up working AGAINST the people.

People you call "nuts," whom you say have no idea what it REALLY means to have freedoms taken away, may be correct. It may be YOU who has no idea its being taken away right in front of you.

Oh, and I don't think Bush is an evil dictator. I think he's an Idiot King who's a mere puppet of that 5-D coward Dick Cheney and that incompetent buffoon Rumsfeld. And it's just too darned bad if you don't like what I think. You'll just have to suck it up.

2007-02-22 03:24:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

True. We have more freedoms than most, but they are being eroded daily. An example would be our inane and convoluted gun laws.....The legislation of safetysuch as we must wear seat belts....mustnt talk on the cell phone. Not these are bad ideas, but we are losing or freedom of choice.....Political Correctness is anothe way of taking our freedoms..if we say something, we can be charged or in Yahoo's case delete your account.

2007-02-22 04:19:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

We take for granted our freedom but it's a fact theNWO is top priority. Now a Rep in Texas is ORDERING parents to get cancer/sex vaccine for 10 yr old daughters. We have no real security when the govt won't secure the borders but there are 1200 terrorist groups in 150 cities w/weapons. They have 'The Project' in Wikipedia a jihad of the West. Are we confident in 'Homeland Sec' when border agents are being thrown in prison.

Thankyou KelB, Hellis - I heard this re Internet also & the UN involvment
What's scary is once we loose our liberty(former Presidents warned about standing military) we may never get it back


2007-02-22 03:14:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

they have been trying to pass a law this year that would make anyone who puts up political content would have to tell who they are and report to congress. the number of hits it is i can't remember and I'm sure someone could easily find it. but it would affect all most anyone, someone who has a my space to big papers. the penalty could result in jail time. george bush sr has gone on record and said he thinks blogs should me controlled cause it could do more harm then good, or some stupid thing like that. we still have some freedom but laws are being passed now that if people don't wake up they my miss what happened. plus some members of congress are trying to pass bills to bring about internet 2, witch is all ready up and running in many universities across this country, and places like china.
so i do agree with you we don't know whats it really like to have are freedom taken away but we might soon enough.

2007-02-22 03:20:19 · answer #6 · answered by hellisawaites 1 · 4 2

You don't lose your freedom in one fell swoop, unless you are in a shooting war. it gets eaten away, one little bit at a time. There is always some rational excuse, if you aren't guilty you won't care, we need to protect ourselves from the enemy (worked well for Germany in WW2), silence protests from dissidents, give the press false information and keep the truth from the people, 'so they aren't frightened'. Its not nuts to want to keep the hard fought for freedoms of our constitution viable. Its the highest form of patriotism to love our freedom and to jealously guard it from those who claim to 'know better'.

2007-02-22 03:16:11 · answer #7 · answered by justa 7 · 6 0

Americans and people that think like that about freedom, it mean that they have never studied, read or even watch TV News, they are lonely people that only react to things that they don't understand. Calling Bush the President of the USA names during a war against terrorists means that they have chosen who they are representing and betting on them on winning the war. That's not freedom of speech, because this right do not give you the right to attack and offend other people, less the President of the USA during a war. That's treason because if you attack your side, automatically you are with the enemy. It's a shame to have people like this, well, in the front of the battle, you shoot them, here in civilian life, what we could do with them???

2007-02-22 03:31:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I agree with you totaly, we live in the greatest country in the world. But that does not mean that we have not been gradualy loosing our freedoms for years. It is not Bush, not one political party, but government in general. The government is ran by men, that gradualy get more and more power hungry and gradualy over the years have been passing more and more laws taking away our freedoms. Anybody that don't see this is blind. Just because we live in the greatest country does not say much considering the shape the world is in. There are to many people in this country that think just because they don't like something and think it is wrong there should be a law against it. People need to realize they live in a free country, if they don't like something they don't have to partake in it. You can not blame the problems in this country on one person, it is our government as a whole and anybody that thinks we could have just left Iraq when we found no WMD is an idiot, plain and simple...We may not have went in for the right reasons but we went in and created a situation that we are obligated to finish. To leave now without finishing the job we started would be a grave mistake. This would create more problems then there were to begin with and would send a very strong message to terrorists and nations that support terrorism that the american people are weak minded and will fold under the pressure of war. OKAY nobody can think of one example of us loosing our freedoms, how about the fact that alot of cities in the U.S. are now passing laws making it ilegal to walk down the street smoking a cigarett. does that not sound like a loss of freedoms. In most cities and towns you can be arrested for standing in your own yard on your property for drinking a beer. Alcohol is leagal in this country but you can't stand in your own yard and drink a beer if you can be seen by the public. my brother was arrested for public intox for drinking in public when he was in his own yard, on his own property. does that not sound like a loss of freedom. wake up people it is going on all around you...

2007-02-22 03:31:57 · answer #9 · answered by rayallen47567 3 · 2 4

So you have no problem with the government being able to read your mail or hack into your computer or tap your phone???/

You have no problem with the fact that President Bush has signed into law, in a private Oval office ceremony on October 17,2006, the power to arrest any citizen---for any reason---for an undeterminate amount of time----with no right to legal representation---with no formal charge---or right to a trial through the 2007 Defense Authorization Act?????

These practices are evil!!!!!

Why would you want them to exist???

It's UN-American!

Regardless what Bush thinks the constitution is more than just a piece of paper!!!

2007-02-22 03:16:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 3

I don't call our president an evil dictator but I do not like what he is doing. Once the WMD were obviously NOT there is was the perfect opportunity to say, WHOOPS, and get the heck out. That war will never end. It's what they do over there. We will eventually leave and it will roil back up into a mass of inconsistencies and continued death and torture..

2007-02-22 03:11:31 · answer #11 · answered by AKA FrogButt 7 · 5 3

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