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24 answers

Go mess around with his brother.

2007-02-22 03:05:49 · answer #1 · answered by jacksfullhouse 5 · 0 2

Have you heard the song, She let herself go.? Show him you can live without him and be happy. Surprise him by doing things you never could with him in your life. Go out to single's clubs, spend the day with girlfriends, plan a vacation that will mean a lot to you with out him there. Your question suggests that he took your self esteem when he left, but that isnt true. You still have your self esteem, you just need to find it again. Do some thinking about who you are, and what you want out of life. Then, go and get it all!

2007-02-22 11:18:22 · answer #2 · answered by justme 3 · 0 0

This man is a coward that left you. I would feel thankful that he is gone. Move on. Stay strong and be positive. You did nothing wrong. Yes, it hurts, but your self esteem should still be intact. Go out there and greet the world. Hold your head up high. You can finally live your life the way you want to. No weak men to hold you back. Go on girl. You can do it. Have fun and relax. You will be fine, promise! Good luck in your future!

2007-02-22 11:12:58 · answer #3 · answered by looloo1122 5 · 0 0

Ms. Lana,I know how hard that can be, but you must realize that maybe you and your husband is not meant to be. To turn to another woman and not think of the years that you gave him,it shows you that maybe,only maybe he only used you and finally realize that its time for him to change, It does hurt, I know but you can't let this bothers you, just think that one day your stupid husband will realize that he made a mistakes, and its not you that lost someone but him,cause he will not find another woman that can put up with him like the way you did.
Find something to do or hang around with your friends. But the finale will be the divorce,............get what you can so it will serve some for your own life.......please dont let this take your self esteem,.your more worth it, than that woman......good luck and bless you!!!

2007-02-22 11:11:39 · answer #4 · answered by islandgirl06 5 · 0 0

First of all recognize that your husband is a jerk to do this to you. He has lied, cheated and disrespected you. You don't deserve it. Any man (or woman) who cheats is a coward. Too afraid to leave but too weak to deal with the issues in the marriage.
I'm sure he has messed with your self-esteem. But please don't let the way he has treated you determine how you feel about yourself. He's the one who destroyed what you had, not you.
Take time to grieve, but start working on yourself. Find things that make you happy such as hobbies, or exercise. The longer you're away from this jerk, the better you will feel. Just be sure not to hook up with someone out of desperation. It's kinda cool to learn about yourself and learn to like your own company. It won't happen overnight but surely you will realize that he was the one that f*** up. Good luck to you. You've got your whole life ahead of you, now do something good and worthwhile with it.

2007-02-22 11:12:04 · answer #5 · answered by katydid 7 · 0 0

Marriage is one of the hardest jobs anyone ever gets. Keeping it is even harder. Your husband choose to go the easy way, instead of working to keep your marriage interesting, happy, alive, he decided to jump ship and take the easy route. I always believe that what goes around comes around (so one day she will leave him and he'll be all alone). If you are happy with yourself you couldn't have done anything differently. If you feel you could improve yourself, then sit down and write down some personality areas you want to work on in any other relationships you have (family, children, another romantic inivolvement). Being positive, patient and kind are good personality traits to work on and come more naturally to some than others. Join some groups to get yourself out and involved with other people. Volunteer at the local hospital or animal shelter, when you help others less fortunate than you you won't feel so bad. Good luck and God Bless.

2007-02-22 11:09:00 · answer #6 · answered by tersey562 6 · 0 0

I am sorry to hear that, I know right now everything seems black and painful to you.. and it might take some time before you can actually think steight and put yourself back together.
First fo all you need to forgive not only your husband, but you!!! once you forgive yourslef, you''ll start seeing differences in your life..My advice for you is this.. why don't you.. make some time for yourself, do something for you to make you feel better.. go shopping, go to the gym whataver that makes you feel you are spoiling yourself.. Dont forget life is too short to be unhappy and now it is time for you to believe you can be as special as you were before!! Remember to pray and it is ok to cry, dont hold any tear, crying always helps!! Also, go to church if you have a religion, Find yourself again.. OK? I wish you LUCK and God bless you!! You''l recover soon, remember it is just a matter of time.. sincerely moon light!

2007-02-22 11:52:31 · answer #7 · answered by moon light 3 · 0 0

First of all, deal with the pain in your heart by choosing to forgive him instead of holding a grudge. You will NOT be able to move on until you do this. Secondly, find something that you're interested in, and pursue it. A hobby, volunteer work, something you've always wanted to do but haven't been able to. Finally, there may be little comfort in this, but chances are high that if he left you for another woman, he won't remain faithful to HER for long either. It's HIS problem, and if you hold a grudge, you are only hurting yourself, because he obviously doesn't care how you feel. You are in my prayers.

2007-02-22 11:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by Romans 8:28 5 · 0 0

First of all His Loss can be another man's gain. Remove all pictures in your home that remind you of him, Second go shopping with a friend and get your hair and nails done (its time to do somethings for yourself). When you are at home, play some good Upbeat music that makes you want to sing with it. When I went through a Divorce after 27 years of marriage, I Met a Lady who insisted I get out and do things with her, Shopping, yard sales, lining me up with Blind dates (eye roll) in other words STAY BUSY. Do not allow yourself time to think about the "Jerk" the best payback in the world for him is to go out into the World and be happy!!! P.S I did meet a Good man 5 years ago, and we are still together and happy. Just not sure about saying "I DO" again, Maybe some day..

2007-02-22 11:20:10 · answer #9 · answered by donna_honeycutt47 6 · 0 0

Don't take him back when he tires of her or you'll feel like a doormat. Realize that you are better off without him and nasty diseases or mental abuse he can give you. Keep it business-like with him if kids are involved, and don't bad-mouth him to the kids. Get a new haircut and make-over, buy some new clothes or treat yourself to some small gift once a week. Try a new exercise like dancing. Forget he exists and be glad for the time to feel good again. Realize that it was his loss, not yours.

2007-02-22 11:23:20 · answer #10 · answered by healing wings 5 · 0 0

It's happened to so many of use.Every relationship i've had in my life has ended this way.I can't answer your question because i stay home and if i go somewhere i can't even look at women because i know i must be a freak.If this is your first time i wouldn't let it bother me.I went thru 4 wives that had to leave me for other men.So,pick your head up and go out and find you a man and have a good time!

2007-02-22 11:18:58 · answer #11 · answered by mikey 3 · 0 0

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