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Has anyone had a late term abortion? I screwed up my dates and am 20 weeks pregnant. They say it is a two day procedure.I am nervous and scared.

2007-02-22 02:54:28 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

41 answers

There are several ways to perform a late-term abortion.

One of them involves dilating the mother's cervix under general anesthesia, inserting forceps into the womb, crushing the baby's skull with said forceps, and removing the baby's body once the head is compacted enough.

Another method, also called "partial birth abortion", involves (again) dilating the mother's cervix, delivering the baby's legs and torso, then puncturing the baby's skull and suctioning out its brain tissue until the skull collapses, again allowing for easier passage of the head through the birth canal.

There are a couple of other variations. You can do an online search and then decide whether or not the result (not being pregnant/having a baby) justifies this particular method. I personally know at least 4 couples who would love a chance to adopt a baby. I'm sure that, wherever you live, it would be quite easy to find adoptive parents. I hope you will consider this as an option. Good luck.

Edit: I saw your other questions, saying you have two other children. You and I are almost the same age. I wanted to let you know that my youngest child, who is my 6th, well, I was not thrilled at first when I found out I was pg. (Good grief I hope she never reads this!) We had 5 already (by CHOICE) but I was feeling very DONE and was awaiting Dh's appt. for vasectomy. We were actively preventing pg. and yet it happened anyway. Well, I wasn't exactly in your shoes as I didn't ever consider abortion, but I can tell you I was unhappy and wondered whether I would resent the child or be able to look past it and love her as much as my others. I am here to tell you that, even though the timing wasn't right and I wasn't sure I could handle it, that little girl has been a miracle in my life and I can't imagine not having her in it. Our situations may be very different; perhaps having another child won't work out as well for you as it did for me, but please, PLEASE consider adoption at this point. My older brother & his wife, plus many others I know, are praying for a baby like yours to come into their lives. You have the power to make this baby a happy ending for *somebody*, if not for yourself. God Bless.

2007-02-22 03:10:15 · answer #1 · answered by LaundryGirl 4 · 0 0

The abortion you would be having is called a partial birth abortion. They actually deliver the baby, and it is a baby- and then...without details if you are interested in seeing pictures you can google search partial birth abortion images. Did you hear about the baby that was born at 22 weeks and survived. She was only 10 ounces and 91/2 inches long- you can see pictures on CBS.com.
That child you are carrying is alive. his/her heart started beating at 21 days after conception- everything that is there is there already and developing. Please place for adoption if you are not ready to raise your child. Abortion at any stage is wrong, however if you see what they do to the baby at this stage you cannot deny it is murder. I am sorry to be so graphic. I actually care about you very much- this will not only kill your child it will cause many problems for you physically, and emotionally. If you want to talk more, please email me- I can talk more freely then.

2007-02-22 03:51:34 · answer #2 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

omg please do not even think about aborting this baby. He or she is already developed. It has its little fingers and toes and all its organs. If you dont want to keep it give it up for adoption. Think 20 weeks is 5 months. That baby is half way grown to full term. I cant even imagine someone having a abortion this far along. That would be like murder. Give that poor baby that didnt even asked to be conceived a chance at life. Good luck to you and i hope you make the right decesion. I had my son at 26 weeks.

2007-02-22 03:41:30 · answer #3 · answered by Mommy's Angels 2 · 0 0

a million) previous due term abortion ought to under no circumstances be allowed. in case you ever observed movie photos of one, i might wish you will possibly agree. And as for the fetus in simple terms awaiting to stay a little while, medical doctors have been shown incorrect on those predictions maximum of cases I incredibly have lost count kind. provide the youngster a huge gamble. 2) I under no circumstances approve of murdering any abortion medical doctors. The Tiller concern dissatisfied me a great deal because it replaced right into a artwork of a nutcase that many will see as some professional lifer that stereo varieties all human beings professional lifers. And it does not very nearly each professional lifer that i comprehend is in simple terms as dissatisfied at this killer as i'm and needs him prosecuted.

2016-10-16 06:05:28 · answer #4 · answered by dudik 4 · 0 0

hey LU J how you doing ,i just read your question and i would like to give u some support and some answers if i can . here it goes ur 20 weeks pregnant and you want to have an abortion its totaly normal it wont hurt at all in fact i was 20 weeks pregnant and i had an abortion and its just the same is other abortions but just takes a teeny weeny little time thats all so dont worry darling there is nothing to be afraid about and soo it will be over and you will be back to normal in no time if u like more support email me at puss462005@yahoo.co.uk i will be able to answer any questions you have ok hun take care of yourself and try and use a condom next time you want to get intimate with anyone .

2007-02-22 04:30:11 · answer #5 · answered by suzie2005 1 · 0 1

Just for your info.... A late term abortion consist the Dr. inserting a tool into your Vagina and into the uterus this tool is then used to cut the back of the babies head open, then another tool is inserted to suck out the babies brain KILLING IT, as if having your head cut open isn't enough... The only reason they can do this and get away with it is because the baby is still in your uterus.. How can somebody be charged with murderer if they cause a woman to miscarry by driving drunk and having an accident and these doctors can get away with straight up murder!!!! Trust me honey this is to something you want to put your child through or yourself you will live with this decision for the rest of your life.... This baby could possibly survive if you gave birth right now, it has all fingers and toes, you can tell the sex of this child, it's basically a mini newborn at this stage in pregnancy... PLEASE rethink what you are doing if anything at least pray to GOD to give you peace about giving birth....

2007-02-22 03:16:33 · answer #6 · answered by B-E-B 3 · 2 1

I am not against abortion but in your case I honestly believe that you have waited to long. Now there is a real baby inside you. Please consider having the baby and giving it to a family that would love it as it's own. There are many couples out there that would do anything for that almost 5 month old child. Just a thought...do whatever your heart tells you.

2007-02-22 03:16:54 · answer #7 · answered by shorty 6 · 0 0

As someone else here noted, a baby was recently born at 21 weeks and survived:

Yes, an abortion at this stage is a two day "procedure" technically called a "D&E" (dilation and extraction). First, they insert laminaria (sticks of seaweed) into your cervix and leave them in overnight. This partially dilates the cervix, but does NOT kill the baby. Women have changed their minds after the laminaria were inserted and had them removed with no ill effects for them or their babies. (Of course, it is infinitely better not to have them inserted in the first place.) The next day, the abortionist forcibly dilates your cervix further, reaches in with a pliars-like instrument, and grabs whatever part of your baby happens to be closest, usually an arm or a leg. He grabs it, twists, and tears it off. The baby, fully conscious, is torn apart piece by piece. Abortionist have testified that babies remain alive throughout most of this procedure. Finally, the baby's skull is crushed and pulled out of the womb. For more information on D&E abortions, see:

Your baby is very capable of feeling pain at this point and will be no doubt be crying as he or she is torn apart, although you will not be able to hear him or her. Are you really the type of woman who can do this to her own child? It is the ultimate in child abuse, the ultimate in cruelty. I know this is not what you want to hear, but it is the truth. You need to get your mind off yourself and on your child. He or she deserves your love and protection. Don't do it.

2007-02-22 11:08:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That baby could still survive outside the wome...look at that baby that is 21 weeks old...why would you abort a full size baby?? Jsut wait, and give it up for adoption. I am a firm believer in the fact that its a woman's body and her right to chose what she does with it, but you are 5 months pregnant. They have to kill that baby inside of you first, then suck it out piece by piece...its too late in your pregnancy to do it now.

2007-02-22 03:32:36 · answer #9 · answered by mommy_2_liam 7 · 0 0

Honey, god bless your heart. I have had 2 abortions previously, and i strongly believe in a womans choice. But 20 weeks? that baby is fully formed, and has a heartbeat, fingers, toes, even fingerprints. Of course the decision is yours and you need to make whatever decision is right for you. But I really think that you need to continue this pregnancy and either give the baby up for adoption, or yes keep him. I am 14 weeks pregnant now, and at first i didnt want the baby, but NOW, i couldnt kill my baby, now that i know how developed he is.. good luck in whatever decision you make. follow your heart.

2007-02-22 03:10:10 · answer #10 · answered by misskaykai 2 · 4 0

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