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24 answers

No. Contrary to popular opinion, Hitler DID NOT control Germany with terror. He put a good mask on. The innocent German citizens (who did not know the monster that was inside their leader) believed all he said. They were tricked.

His government was highly popular eventhough there was also a number of people who hated him. They even tried to kill him.

See, he promised the German people with lies. He told them everyone will have a car, and he built the first modern highway system, and promised that Germans are great people. So the ordinary people (who were in poverty/debt) believed him.

Soon enough, he had the whole country brainwashed. For example, most Germans did not accept that concentration camps existed...why? BECAUSE Hitler hid it very well from them.

NOTE: Now, the current generation of Germans are innocent people and do not deserve to be called the children of criminals. I hope this global attitude changes soon. The German people were/are/always will be good people.

2007-02-22 02:00:48 · answer #1 · answered by United States 2 · 6 2

Hitler did not control Germany with terror. He was backed by German industry and the unions. The economy was such that the German mark was almost worthless.
As in all poor countries the Rich stood out like sore thumbs and most of them were Jewish.
He gave the German people hope, jobs, a better standard of living, lots of parades, marches and the Hitler youth movement for the children.
He said the Third Reich would last for 1,000 years and would be a pure Arian race.
Hitler was unpopular with German Jews, Catholics, Blacks,Gypsies, and some of the German people.
He was voted in by the German people.

2007-02-22 12:55:45 · answer #2 · answered by st.abbs 5 · 0 0

After World War I everything in Europe was falling apart. The economy was at it's low point, more than 50% of the population was out of a job and people were blaming the government. So in Germany, the people having lost faith in the current democratic party, elected Hitler and the Nazis, who, despite their horrible racist ideas, managed to bring Germany, the loser of World War I, in a much better condition than the winners England, France, etc. So Hitler did not control Germany with terror, and he was quite popular for he managed to turn Germany into the only industrial country in Europe and solving the biggest problems: poverty and unemployment.

2007-02-22 10:14:22 · answer #3 · answered by mollyinlove 2 · 1 0

The German people were fooled by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. There was actually considerable resistance inside Germany against the Nazis, even after they came to power. That resistance was crushed without publicity or fuss - people simply disappeared and were never heard of again.

The Gestapo, the creation of Herman Goering, maintained a tight grip and rounded up any would-be trouble makers.

Germany is made up of a bundle of countries or German regions all joined together. Hitler saw this as his Reich and expanded it to creat the Greater Reich of the German speaking peoples of Europe.

We must always remember that Adolf Hitler was not a 'German' but in fact an 'Austrian'. He saw no difference and classified both nations as 'German' or 'Germanic'.

2007-02-25 03:52:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hitler controlled Germany with terror well yes, but only up to a point. He was very popular with the German people probably even up to the very end.

2007-02-22 17:29:12 · answer #5 · answered by Roaming free 5 · 0 0

The German people were desperate for change at the time Hitler entered politics and he found himself in a very powerful position with a vulnerable nation..it is not that hard to brainwash people and to shield them from the true reality of what he was doing..he was a psychopath and they buy there very nature are deceitful.He did not terrorise Germany ,he simply gave the people what they asked for (food jobs etc)and in the meantime he was doing terrible things.You have to remember there was no TV no Internet , people did not have the ways to find out information we have today..if there leader told them something they had no reason to believe otherwise.
If a politician has too much power he is capable of many terrible things and he did terrible things.......
but we haven't really learnt much from this example have we?

2007-02-22 10:42:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hitler was popular because he appeared a saviour to Germany which was struggling with poverty and debt. Nonetheless, how can you stand aside and let the authorities at the time attack synagogues, stop baby milk supplies for Jews and generally subject Jews to humiliation. Many had old scores to settle, but the everyday person with a conscience must have thought that these actions can't be right. They may not have known about the camps but they stood aside whilt the Jews and others were been humiliated and victimised.

2007-02-22 10:47:41 · answer #7 · answered by Plato 5 · 1 0

I think he was popular to many people, but not popular to all.
First of all it was very dangerous to people to say that they are against it. My grandmother and grandfather didnt like Hitler, because he put the disabled people away. She told me about one incident. She was going through the village and met a guy from the neighbourhood. The guy from her neighbourhood was greeting her with "Heil Hitler". She found this greeting stupid and just said "Guten Morgen" then the guy answered her that she can be lucky that she lives in his neighbourhood otherwise he would have reported her (just because she hasnt greeted him with Heil Hitler!!!). I think this shows a lot that there was a lot of pressure as well and that propably some people said that they like him but actually dont.
But I think even if it had been dangerous to tell you dont like him many many Germans really liked him.
He got work for many people, improved the economy. Free time activitys like Hitler Jugend...
I think it is something that could happen to any country the human has just something like that in him to follow the authorty.
There has been some research to that. Take a look at the Milgram experiment. There lots of normal people just got electroshocks to other people they even got on when the person seemed dead.

Another thing worth to watch:

2007-02-25 10:14:38 · answer #8 · answered by queala 3 · 0 0

The Nazi government was hugely popular in Germany when they reduced unemployment in Germany by building autobahns and starting up their war economy. They were also beloved by the German people when they were winning victory after victory in World War II and before. When the bad energy the Germans put out started to come back to them and they started to lose the war, that's when people turned against them (hence the attempted assassination of Hitler in July 1944).

Still, don't forget that Hitler and the Nazis were democratically elected. They did not seize power in a coup.

2007-02-22 10:02:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

No Hitler was a very popular leader at first, and was elected by popular vote, he was a very persuasive orator and used techniques that spellbound his audience. It wasn't till he had committed the German nation to the war, and people found, after the first couple of years or so, that he wasn't delivering his promises, that people began questioning him, but that was when he had taken absolute power and become a dictator, that was when his enemies started to 'disappear'

2007-02-22 10:42:34 · answer #10 · answered by mike-from-spain 6 · 0 0

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