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Cause some of my friends and myself were talking and some said they wanted to wait till they were married and etc. Some said they wanted them young. (I was part of the young group but I wasnt sure) Is there anything wrong with that?

2007-02-22 01:57:49 · 36 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

36 answers

Thee's nothing wrong with wanting it as long as you can truly handle the responsibility. I got pregnant when I was 20, and let me just say there were a lot of things that happened that no one ever told me about- things that I would have liked to know beforehand. The kicker was that I wasn't really planning on it, and my fiancee and I were not in a good place to be as responsible as we would have liked to be, and now it's even more of a struggle to establish ourselves financially. I love my daughter more than anytghing in the world, but I know that I would have been a lot better off to wait a while. Establish yourself, and enjoy a few years of marriage as just a couple if you can- children's love lasts a lifetime, there's no reason to rush.

2007-02-22 02:10:49 · answer #1 · answered by Robin J. Sky 4 · 2 0

It is wrong if you are too young to 100% support you and the baby and it is selfish not to have a stable mother/father - husband/wife relationship. Supporting yourselves and the baby costs A LOT OF MONEY and should not include using your parents or the baby's fathers parents to live off of. Being a good and responsible parent means finishing school, no GED's, finishing college and earning enough money to support the family unit without going on WIC, Welfare, Medicaid or any other give me free stuff program. Baby formula and diapers cost over $500 a month, plus rent, food for yourself, medical care, clothing for the baby and family, a car, car insurance, car care, gasoline, and all the thousand other things a baby and child needs on a daily basis. So if you can answer yes I can do all of this, go for it young. BUT, look and read at all the 40 year old people that still have a hard time of things, that means having a baby just isn't as easy as most teenagers perceive it to be. WAIT until you have your own life squared away before you bring a baby into the picture. Once you have one, you can't turn back.

2007-02-22 03:39:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone has his own definition of "young". There's nothing bad if someone wants to have a baby in the age of 19-20. Well, of course id this person is sure there won't be any problems with money etc. However it is bad if a 13 year-old girl who's still a kid herself is pregnant from her 14 year-old boyfriend. There are several reasons: First, economical one. Legally teens can't earn enough money to satisfy all the needs of their children. Generally - they can't economically exist without their parents.
Usually they do not get good education, etc. Second, psychological aspect. A kid who is growing another kid, does not live kid's life any more. That's a huge trauma for most of them. Third, biological. Normally a person must not get pregnant and mustn't even have sex until her organism is developed enough. Most of the doctors agreed that sexual experience is tolerable only after age of 16. 60% of the girls who had underage pregnancy have some serious diseases afterward. Well, this is what is wrong with that.

2007-02-22 03:16:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, alot of people got hrough this stage from 13- 16 ..

i always wanted kids young..

and im glad now that i didnt

kids are beautiful gifts that need to have a loving family, having a child when you are young theres a huge chance that the relationship wont last and the baby will be raised alone by a sinlge teenage mother.

this will cause depression and difficulty for not only the mother, but the child also

I now realise this and am going to wait until i am married to have children , and i probably wont have children til im at least 28 because i want to do so many things

2007-02-22 02:24:42 · answer #4 · answered by LostMyMind 3 · 1 0

Well there is nothing wrong with wanting children at a young age. But at least waiting til you are out of school and possibly college would be the best bet. I am sure you do not want to have to rely on your parents or the government to get you thru!! You should at least have a steady job with insurance, a boyfriend or husband that will be there to support you and the baby during the whole pregnancy. You will need alot of emotional support as well. Babies are not cheap and they will rely on you all the time. You can not just leave them. Look at how you are being taking care of. Do your parents work alot, you have alot of responsibilities? When you need clothes, food and other necessities.. how do you get them? Someone is always having to look out for you.. it will be the same way with your children. They will need attention, clothes, formula, diapers, doctor visits, and caring 100% of the time. It costs over 200 or more dollars a month to take care of a child and as the child grows older the more money you will have to put out. I am 33 and about to have my 2nd child and it is going to be very tough on us financially. So before you think about having a child.. think about saving alot of money for the babies future.. Look up the prices on baby furniture and strollers and clothes. Doctor visits are not cheap as well and they will need to see the doctor often. Good luck and hope you plan well for your future!!

2007-02-22 02:24:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Theres nothing wrong with wanting it but its something you really shouldnt act on.

You really should wait until you are in a very steady relationship. By steady i mean you have no doubts what so ever about him cheating on you and lieing to you. being faithful and honest are very important in a relationship. Just because right now you think you will be together for ever doesnt mean you will be. The percentage of people staying together with someone they were with when they were 16 is very low.

you are not ready for a child until you have a job, car, graduated from high school and maybe even college. Living on your own. Not dependant on your parents in anyway. Paying your own bills.

Trust me everything will be better if you wait longer to start having kids. Im 16 years old and im 37 weeks pregnant..due march 13th. my aunt ownd the house me and my mom were living in and kicked us out when i was 20weeks pregnant so her nephew could live there. So now im 16 living at my other aunts house (a small 3bedroom appartment with 5 people total and a baby who will be here in 3 weeks) the babys father started being rude a few months after i got pregnant so we arnt really together anymore when we thought we would be together forever. He has a job but doesnt make too much. So we will be having a bit of a hard time trying to get by. Myself, im still kind of in shock that im pregnant because we used protection everytime but no protection is 100% effective.

sorry its long i just have a lot of insite.

2007-02-22 07:12:26 · answer #6 · answered by Jenn 3 · 0 0

No, as long as you're nice and mature and responsible and ready to handle a baby. I was 19 and not married when I had my first, and I was happy. Its up to you! Don't have too many too young, I waited 5 years then had another, then another 4 years before i had my next one. Personaly, I hate it when the mom is like 50 and she has a 10 yr old! My mom is 47 and has a 13 year old grand kid!

2007-02-22 02:43:58 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Ava ♥ 3 · 0 0

it isnt wrong to want kids young but having children is a huge decision one that needs to be made with your head as well as your heart there is nothing in this world that makes me feel more complete then seeing my 4 sons happy and watching my oldest parent his own children but the road to this time in my life was hard and at times i felt like i was never going to get here i had my first child at 17 and my last at 27 i am now 41 and i look back and think the time flew by but when i was in the moment of 3 in diapers on bottles and my youngest being born to early and with many health problems i felt pretty overwhelmed.my life as a mom has been wonderful and i wouldnt change a thing but i was lucky to have alot of support form my husband who was also young and my sisters and mom.giving a child love is the easy part giving them roots to know where they come from and wings to get where they are going thats the hard part.

2007-02-22 02:37:51 · answer #8 · answered by patbgone 3 · 0 0

Not necessarily, BUT -

You'd better be an awfully mature young person. Kids are much harder work than you realize, no matter what age you are. I have a cousin who married at 16 and had then two kids before she was out of high school. She's done well, but she's an exception more than the rule.

2007-02-22 02:19:07 · answer #9 · answered by Amanda M 4 · 1 0

Young at 18 or 19 no but younger then that yes there are many that think that is what they want but than the baby comes out suffering the most of mistreat abuse and sometimes even death because the mother is not mature enough. For a baby you need time, money, mature ness, strength for what ever comes, and sometimes is very stressful.

2007-02-22 02:07:23 · answer #10 · answered by bskylue 2 · 0 0

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