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I don't think that taking a harley out for a (slow) trip to the local pub every other weekend when the weather is good is means to call yourself a "real" biker.

I ride my cagiva river to work and back every day, I ride in all weather conditions, I take the bike to the national parks when I have the time and money to do so. Am I a "real" biker? Are some bikers more "real" than others?

2007-02-22 01:33:29 · 31 answers · asked by theearlof87 4 in Cars & Transportation Motorcycles

31 answers

I know a 'real' biker.He has a '76 Harley that he treats like his baby,he takes road trips all over the country (I'm in the USA.),letting the wind blow in his long gray hair,while listening to the Grateful Dead.Oh...he's part hippie too;)

2007-02-22 01:38:02 · answer #1 · answered by MaryBeth 7 · 4 1

What is a "real" biker? Well lets look at this. I have been on two wheels for over forty years. Does that make me a biker? Not really. I have owned damn near every make and model of motorcycle made. Does that make me a biker? Not really. I have crashed on a motorcycle a couple of times and lived. Does this make me a biker? Not really. So what makes me a "real" biker. Well, I am fiercely independent and will fight to the death for your independence also. I deplore hatred, bigotry and intolerance as do the "real" bikers I know. I help when and where I can and stand up for those who have trouble standing on their own. Freedom and its responsibilities mean everything to me and for me to be free I will fight for "your" freedom as voraciously as my own. For if you lose yours, mine could be next. I am a loyal and true friend because I want you to be my friend. And every minute spent with friends only extends my life. Life is fleeting. You learn this from the saddle of bike when your life is put in jeapordy by someone caring only about their place and importance on the road. Your learn to observe life, and care for it. It makes you a better biker and a better human being. Its not the bike you ride ,or the beer you drink, or the clothes you wear. Madison Avenue would have you believe this. Those things mean little if anything. Every "real biker" I have had the pleasure to have known had one thing in common. It was never "I", it was always "Us". The fact that these people rode a motorcycle, or did not ride, did not matter. They had the "real biker" spirit. Independance, honesty, loyalty and caring. So even if you don't ride, but you are what I just described, welcome "bro". You are a "real biker". I Bid You Peace.

2007-02-22 10:31:49 · answer #2 · answered by scooterdude1340 3 · 12 0

I was told once by someone who has ridden for the past 30 yrs that you aren't a real biker unless you ride like he & his buddies in Vegas, from bar to bar, having 1-2 drinks or shots, for 9-10 hrs. doing this about every couple of hours. Because he did this, I refused to ride with him on the back & he said I'm not a real biker if I don't do this so I agreed with him, told him to take his opinion & stick it where the sun don't shine. I guess that saying is right, opinions are like aholes, everybody has one! As long as you are cool with yourself & who you are, who cares what anybody else says or does!!

2007-02-22 15:26:52 · answer #3 · answered by COblonde 3 · 1 0

A real biker is someone you always see on their bike, rain or shine! A real biker don't care what you ride as long as you ride! A real biker is not always pushing their opinion of what bike is best, or is the "only" kind of bike. You never hear a real biker cutting down another brand of bike. A real biker wants to be on their bike as much as possible. A real biker has a good head on his shoulders and is just an all around good person inside under those ragged,worn leathers. A real biker rides for the freedom and feeling it gives you, not just to be part of a group or look good!

2007-02-22 10:03:18 · answer #4 · answered by Broadgonebiker 3 · 4 1

you are a biker, its the real bit that's harder, can you be with out your bike for a day???do you find your self just going up to bikers & chating?? do you stop & help other bikers when broke down or see if they need owt, the list goes on,

ted some real bikers have computers they need them to keep in touch with other bike clubs & mates around the country & post rally details & let others know where they are going so can meet up, also loby MPs & fight for our rights against daft laws,
bikers have moved up into this century its the way to protect our life style,
have a look at some of the sites on here http://www.teamsobermcc.com also vote for bikes in bus lanes on the 10 downing street site, or go to link on tsmmc forum page

2007-02-22 14:15:10 · answer #5 · answered by quasar 6 · 0 0

Neither does doing the same thing on your Yamaha. That's why I hate rubbies so much. Every HD rider gets classified as one. Yeah, I barhop on my 55 pan chop sometimes. I also ride my garbage wagon 1000 miles in one day sometimes. You wont see me wearing any official HD "Motorclothes" or anything with an HD logo. You will never see me in a Harley dealership unless its for something I can't get anywhere else. As far as I'm concerned its FTF and 20 grand and 20 miles does not make you a biker.

2007-02-22 11:18:18 · answer #6 · answered by jrrysimmons 5 · 1 0

A real "biker" is a special type of person that owns his ride, and uses it as his main means of transportation on an everyday basis. He or she prefers the wind in their hair and the pavement under their feet, the sense of freedom and responsibility of sharing the roads with friends and strangers as apposed to someone in a cage. Has a sense of pride in what ever they ride, and the surroundings of where they ride to. doesn't need an excuse to ride but makes excuses to ride. He or she also has a sense of respect for others of the 2 wheel race and should be with out prejudice but understanding that we all are different but so much alike. They also find them selves leaning into corners, and doing the secret wave when diving their cage. They also have an urgency to help a out of commision rider in distress.

2007-02-22 13:07:05 · answer #7 · answered by tom_walker86 3 · 2 0

To me a real biker is someone who just rides for the love of riding. They love everything about bikes and aren't too bothered what they ride as long as it's well maintained. They don't wear all the brand name clothing and aren't bothered about the image. Also it's someone who knows their bike inside out and does all their own spannering.

There aren't many real bikers left these days.

I ride a sportsbike in all weathers all year round and fix everything myself but wouldn't really call myself a biker, i'm just a bloke that rides a bike. If i had to choose, car or bike for the reast of my life, then it would be a car.

2007-02-22 09:46:52 · answer #8 · answered by SpannerMonkey 4 · 6 2

a biker in my opinion, is anyone who loves and rides bikes. with the exception of mopeds, (not including lambrettas and vespas here) anyone who rides 2 wheels has my respect. im a poor guy, ive had 3 bikes, and im only 20 years old. ive had an RG 125, a GPZ500 and ive just bought a GSX600F. i payed never more than 400 quid for any of them. i dont have a pretty shiny new bike, i dont have expensive one piece leathers, but i do have a bike licence, a bike, and one ******* hell of a passion for riding.
i count myself as a real biker. hell yeah

2007-02-22 11:56:02 · answer #9 · answered by Do0Fu5 1 · 4 0

We have much in common. I ride my hybrid year around in all
weather. Though street legal I like riding into mountain woods
looking for limestone potholes and my rear rack carries pick axe,
shovel, and wood saw for that purpose. Looking down from the
mountain top I see packs of mama's favorite pushing chrome and heavy iron along asphalt behind the pick-up hauling cow manure or soccer mom in her SUV. Are those fair weather feathered, leathered, and tethered really 'bikers' too?

2007-02-22 23:36:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a real biker is anyone who rides and i wished people would top with the im a real biker and your not crap. dont we have enough with the government and non bikers giving us grief with out getting at each other.
as long as you ride then ur a biker in my book and you will always have my friendship and respect.

2007-02-22 15:01:59 · answer #11 · answered by gixer rider 2 · 2 0

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