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was wondering. What is the earliest some of you all got your child out into public, I guess you would call it. Some people have told me not until after 6 weeks then again, I have a good friend that done that and she regreted it.. cause her son kept getting sick everytime she took him out. What is your opinion in the matter? Stay in until 6 weeks old or go out before? I'm not talking like a shopping trip or trip to the zoo or anything. just the store or something..

2007-02-22 01:19:04 · 12 answers · asked by tristan's mommie 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

12 answers

I think you should do what you're comfortable with. I had all vaginal births, so I was up and about pretty quickly afterward and took the babies with me if I needed to go to the store or something. I think if you have a c-section, or even just a long, hard vaginal birth, you probably won't feel much like going anywhere, let alone toting a baby & carseat carrier with you.

My second baby we took on a camping trip when he was 2 weeks old. He spent the entire time tucked into my sling, nursing whenever he was hungry. Hubby did everything and watched our toddler 100%, so it was a nice little vacation of sorts. It was late spring, so the weather was very pleasant.

My 4th baby, my mom was only in town for 2 or 3 days after he was born (we thought he'd come early, so she did, but he waited until his due date, LOL), PLUS my husband was being deployed a few days after that, so we were out and about the whole time between his birth and Mom leaving. It was 90+ degrees in AZ in June, and we went mini-golfing, ate out at restaurants, went shopping for things my mom wanted to take home with her, or buy for the baby. I felt really good after that birth, though. Again, baby stayed in the sling almost the entire time, so I wasn't letting strangers hold him, or even really get a close look at him. No worry about germs that way.

The last two babies, I was pretty wiped after their births. We had plenty of visitors at home afterward for a few weeks, but I wasn't feeling up to outings of any sort so we just stayed home.

With older siblings in the house, we already had plenty of germ exposure that couldn't be avoided, so I didn't worry too much about that, and never had an issue with sick babies. Breastfeeding took care of that; pretty much any germ that mom & baby are exposed to, mom's body starts making antibodies to it in her milk, at even higher levels than in her own bloodstream, so the baby will be pretty well protected, if breastfed.

2007-02-22 02:23:35 · answer #1 · answered by LaundryGirl 4 · 0 0

I think you will go stir crazy if you wait six weeks! Your midwife and health visitor will normally advise you to wait about ten days as you can end up bleeding heavily if you over do it too early. I have four children and I have always gone out by day three. However I will only go somewhere like the corner shop or somewhere in the car and somewhere that I can spend as long as I need sitting down. I would advise that you listen to your own body, you will know when you feel ready. Perhaps take someone with you the first couple of times if you feel nervous. By the way don't be frightened by the bleeding comment I mentioned, it isn't dangerous or anything it would just be your body saying take it easy! With my first baby I went out for quite a long walk with my partner on day three, but it was also up a hill and I definately wasn't ready for that! Soon after I got home I passed a huge blood clot and thought I was dying! My midwife came round and said don't worry dear I see much larger ones than that all the time. I felt really silly. So good luck with the birth and congrats!

2007-02-22 09:32:04 · answer #2 · answered by michelle w 3 · 0 0

To be quite honest ask yourself whats the purpose of waiting. Does he get shots then? No. How much will his immune system really develop in 6 weeks? Not that much. Most pedis will tell you that 6 weeks thing comes from the fact that most women usually go back to work then so the baby has to leave the house. I took my daughter out at 3 weeks. Ofcourse I wouldn't take her to the mall or any place that's crowded but to a family member's house around the corner yes I would. I would just use good judgement. Would you want to take your child into a germ infested mall or anywhere crowded? Even at that how many places are you really going to be going. Not very many at first. I think it helps to slowly introduce your child to germs to build his immune system.

2007-02-22 09:42:51 · answer #3 · answered by Kennedy & Kevin's mommy 2 · 0 0

Even if you don't take your baby out, you and your family can still carry germs in the house. A baby needs to be exposed to germs anyway to help build a strong, healthy immune system. I'm not saying to take him to the mall and have everyone gather 'round and cough on him. Just take the same precautions you'd take yourself. I had to take my newborn to a wedding of all things when he was less than a week old. Couldn't get out of it since it was my brother's wedding. Anyway, babies have several colds during their first year of life. Just the way it is. They don't have any immunities built up yet and they won't until they start catching viruses. The first year of preschool is like that too. Can't be avoided - only delayed. Good luck, honey!

2007-02-22 09:29:15 · answer #4 · answered by pookiemct07 5 · 0 0

I took my first girl out after the first week to give my stitches time to heal. And with my second i waited for the first week and took her everywhere with me. Those things you put the baby in and it stays on the front of you are good if you are not going someplace with a cart. Don't keep your baby in unless there is flu going around and you know it because what your friend went through will happen to you.
good luck with your new edition

2007-02-22 09:28:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd say at least a good month. Babies are gonna get sick if they are gonna get sick. i'm mean i would take them out in the cold, or expose them to someone sick or something like that. But if you need to go grocery shopping or something like that then it's ok. You have to take them out to go to the doctor right? And god knows there's plenty of germs there. Just don't let people put their hands all over him or kiss him or things like that.

2007-02-22 09:47:24 · answer #6 · answered by cinnycinda 4 · 0 0

I went out 2 days after the birth of my first child, shopping in Asda! I felt fine thogh and baby was in a sling, partner was with me too.
I really hate staying indoors it makes me depressed.

2007-02-22 09:49:28 · answer #7 · answered by cigaro19 5 · 0 0

We just carry on with our lives pretty much now.

With the first baby, it was easy enough to stay home or just take it easy. But baby 2 and baby 3 just have to come along for the ride.

2007-02-22 09:25:02 · answer #8 · answered by L A 3 · 0 0

I took my son out the day after i got home from the hospital (It was summer time) it was warmer out so i didn't think anything of it I believe it is personal preference. and if you have to get out and do something then go ahead and do it! good luck

2007-02-22 09:28:07 · answer #9 · answered by D.J.4ever 2 · 1 0

it depends on the parents. my twins weren't allowed to go out becuase they were early. my youngest son went out the next day. it depends on how you feel and as long as they are dressed for winter. one good suggestion if you take him out in the colder or chillier weather is to use a blanket over the car seat or one of those car seat covers with the face opening. GOOD LUCK!

2007-02-22 09:27:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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