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2007-02-22 01:09:07 · 20 answers · asked by Mr Tripod 4 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Our government says it was Arab terrorist, and that we should give up our civil liberties so that they (our gov.) can protect us. The evidence says it was members of our government (the NeoCon Thugs) that attacked us, in an effort to control the oil supply. Who ever controls the worlds energy supply in effect can control the worlds economies and governments.

Most all the evidence that is available to us, show that the WTC buildings were rigged with explosives. Our own government had motive as was well as an opportunity to do this crime. Here is the evidence, presented for your scrutiny.

The official government story is that the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by Al Qaeda, which is lead by Osama bin Laden. The proof our government provided was a video with Osama confessing to the crime. The problem with the video is that the person in the video does not look like Osama bin Laden: See picture.

There are many other factors that do not fit the official story. They include, secondary explosions that were seen, heard, reported, and recorded by firefighters, in and around the WTC buildings.

Here is a video clip showing a trail of explosions just before the destruction wave.

Molten, beyond red hot, "steel" was video recorded coming out of the South Tower just before it collapsed. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to turn steel to liquid. Melted red hot steel was also found in "ground zero" of all three WTC buildings, including WTC7; the one no jet ever hit.

A chemical analysis of the solidified molten iron,conducted by independent firms, yielded an explosive, called Thermite. Also found was a WTC core beam; most probably cut using the demolition cutting charge (Thermate). No core beams were left standing beyond a few feet high, for it to have been cut by an Iron Workers torch.

We also have a video recording, where owner Larry Silverstein, admits to demolishing WTC7.

The New Conservatives (Neo-Cons), started planning the invasion of Iraq, even before Pres. Bush took office. Apparently, the plan would include the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq. Read it from their own PENAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.

Witnesses saw a work crew going into the WTC buildings with rolls of wire, supposedly for internet upgrades. Tenants were moved around while crews "upgraded" the cable systems. The Port Authority cut power to the building for a whole weekend, just prior to the attack; shutting down the entire security systems. Witnesses also heard crews operating heavy hammering equipment that left a gray cement like dust, in the building. This activity took place just weeks before the 911 attack: The Port Authority had released control of the buildings to Larry Silverstein, six weeks prior to the attack: He made upwards of $5 billion off of the attack.
See "9/11 Mysteries" video: Time = 1:03:55 through 1:07:00 and 1:19:55 through 1:24:09


There is also strong evidence to support a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior armed with a missile hit the Pentagon. One thing we can be certain about; it was not a Boeing 757, as our government claims. Listen to this retired General, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole; so what did hit the Pentagon...?"

One might expect to see three holes in the pentagon, one for the main body and two more for each engine. The engine and engine parts were found outside of the building, they never penetrated the building thus no hole was created by them. The deep 18 foot hole was most probably made by an on board missile and not the aircraft itself. A radiation expert claims high-radiation readings near the Pentagon indicates depleted uranium (DU) munitions may have been used.

Witnesses say, the U.S. military secretly had Raytheon Co. refit an A-3 Skywarrior with new jet engines, a missile, and a Global Hawk guidance system, just prior to 9/11. Coincidentally, five key executives of Raytheon Co. went missing on 9/11. The official word is they died in the hijacked planes on 9/11.

The Jet engine(s) found may be key to identifying what type of aircraft hit the Pentagon: At the very least, they help determine a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon. Both the jet engine housing as well as a "front end rotor head" have been identified as belonging to a Pratt & Whitney JT8D jet engine. The P&W JT8D engine has been used on the smaller Boeing 727 as well as a retrofit for the A-3 Skywarior. Two P&W JT8D's do not provide enough thrust to get a Boeing 757 off the ground much less sufficient power to perform the military precision maneuvers the aircraft in question did.

A photograph of a cracked windshield found at the crash site strongly resembles the top canopy glass found on the Skywarrior: No windows of this shape are found on a Boeing 757.

The landing gear is one part found in the crash site that may be linked to a Boeing 757. It could also be a part that was retrofitted on an A-3 Skywarrior, since the wheels would most likely need to be replaced with something still available.

A geometric analysis can show the aircraft that hit the Pentagon is under 85 feet long and therefore too small to be a Boeing 757, which is over 155 feet long. An A-3 Skywarrior is 76 feet 4 inches long. See geometric analysis: also see revision note under comments.

2007-02-22 09:56:41 · answer #1 · answered by Joe_Pardy 5 · 0 0

Strange a lot of people say conspiracy theorists are nutters. I wonder how many of these have actually looked at the Michael Moore film. People can only judge on what they see and hear, therefore, why should we believe the government over anyone else. Perhaps it's because governments never lie to us, oh, hang on a minute, can't use that one so lets try another. Perhaps is because we don't think a government would kill its own people for its own end of maybe money or more power over its people, oh,hang on a minute, don't think we can use that one either. I would suggest that some of these people who call conspiracy theorists nutters should open their minds to the possibility. Now I only have a Michael Moore documentary to go by and would be very happy to hear reasons for things he showed and said in the documentary.
Is it true that the twin towers and the third building that collapsed that day are the only modern buildings in history to have collapsed through fire?, why did people hear what they believed to be, small explosions going off all over the place?, why was the hole in the pentagon wall to small for the plane that was meant to have hit it?, why were there no parts on the pentagon lawn of the plane except a small piece of an engine? why did experts say that the said engine was not of the type of plane that was said to hit the Pentagon? There are lots more things in the documentary that I would like answered. If there was no conspiracy then why don't they show the film on the television and have say Tony Blaire and George bush answer the questions, if they did so then perhaps the conspiracy theories could be quashed. I for one believe in an old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. There are a lot off new laws that have come into effect since 9/11 that would never have got through without it, laws that basically give the government the right to do anything they wish to individuals and put it under the guise of preventing terrorism.

2007-02-22 18:26:09 · answer #2 · answered by StevieD 3 · 0 0

Ok, enough with the lies. Checkk the list of names of victims of 9/11. No Jews went to work that day? Bull****


That's a lie told by those that want to direct the guilt on others. It was a terrorist act unrelated to Israel. Cut the bull, Davay! People also forget that a lot of people also escaped. Long walk over the Brooklyn Bridge. Enough lies.

May have been an inside job, none of will ever know, just speculate. What we do know is that it was a terrorist act, because it DID cause terror.

2007-02-22 12:55:08 · answer #3 · answered by lilacslooklovely 4 · 1 0

I don't know, but there are alot of unanswered questions and suspicious evidence that our Government needs to address concretely to assuage all my doubts. Why did the WTC's do a 9 second freefall instead of "pancake" collapsing? Why was the plane that went down in Shanksville completely disintegrated and no human bodies or even a drop of blood found, yet personal effects and licenses were found completely intact? Why is there only 1 video tape of the Pentagon being hit, and the tape doesn't even show a plane? The Pentagon should be crawling with surveillance! These questions need to be addressed with clear concise answers and not shrugged off, if there is nothing for the Government to hide, they will answer!

2007-02-22 09:43:43 · answer #4 · answered by alessa_sunderland 5 · 1 0

terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

( Covert )Terrorist attacks ...inside job or from the outside, if carried out properly, can so severely fog the perception and judgment of the affected (average civilian), they will seek solace and protection from those they trust, without question.

We need to " fear nothing but "fear" itself", gather "Facts" on our own and calmly look at the big picture. Calm down, put some eye drops in, read, sip your coffee, read some more...keep in mind that the media is the only group that is going to try to terrorize you today, so stay away from the tube, (unless you are watching a banned or little known documentary that you rented), and investigate. Explore with an open mind...." Know thine enemy"

2007-02-22 09:53:04 · answer #5 · answered by twostories 4 · 1 0

It was an inside job, no question about. They expect us to believe that jet fuel melted the steel structures which brought them down. It was controled demoltion. Why is there no evidence of an aircraft hitting the Pentagon, no fusealage, no bodies plus the hole in the side was simply too small for it to be a 767. Why has no conclusive CCTV footage been shown to this day? The Pentagon was most probably hit by a cruise missile. The site in Pensylvania is similarly lacking in evidence. No plane wreckage, no bodies, just a hole in the ground.

2007-02-22 14:05:12 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

INSIDE job. Bin laden family and bush family are business partners ( Michale Moore Fahrenheit 911) all supposed terrorists were trained by America and funded by Saudi Arabia, None of the so called terrorists were Iraqi's, afghan's or Asians mostly Arab origins. on top of this all Jewish employees didn't turn up for work on that day, mosaad Knew what was going to happen on that day, but did they bother to warn their best Friends and allies the USA, no sir. then on top of this the USA gets bitchy over unpaid WMD bills in Iraq and they fallout with their Friend Saddam( whom the USA put in power) Saddam didn't get the second shipment of WMD, the first lot of WMD he used on the Iran and Kurds. so America sends the repo-man to collect oil as payment. The only terrorist is bush, terrorising his inbred country men and the the world, this moronic monster must be stopped. his country is the one that has used chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons on other nations.

2007-02-22 10:52:02 · answer #7 · answered by babaze3 2 · 1 2

Gotta go terrorist attack as much as I would like to see Bush and Cheney front and center in the cockpits.

2007-02-22 09:18:40 · answer #8 · answered by guy o 5 · 0 1

9/11 conspriracy theorists. Personal issues or nut jobs?

2007-02-22 09:14:03 · answer #9 · answered by J S 4 · 3 2

I think the attacks were carried out by little green martians disguised as cockroaches sent to destroy the earth.

2007-02-22 09:12:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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