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Please could anyone give me a serious reading?

2007-02-22 00:55:41 · 8 answers · asked by Jessica Rabbit 4 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

8 answers

TraditionalScorpio Traits

Determined and forceful
Emotional and intuitive
Powerful and passionate
Exciting and magnetic

On the dark side....

Jealous and resentful
Compulsive and obsessive
Secretive and obstinate

Scorpio THE SCORPION - the sign of Transformation
Still waters run deep and in the case of Scorpio, there is much more going on under the surface than meets the eye. Consider a black hole which swallows up everything that comes within its power and we can only guess what happens next. However, this is the sign of beginnings and endings, birth and death and the certainty that comes with knowing that nothing stays the same forever. What a paradox - constant change!. Scorpio's are intense and have and have an ability to wait a very long time before they take action to put right a wrong. Better to have one as a true, trust and loyal friend than an enemy

Get More from Life
Being brutally honest is a quality which needs a health warning to others.

Ideal Careers
Lawyer, analyst, sex therapist, policeman, spiritualist, surgeon, funeral director, midwife, tax collector, psychologist, chemist, refuse collector.

Advice for Partners & Friends
A good idea - do what you say you are going to do and if you need to let someone in on a secret, make sure its a Scorpio.

Not so useful - thinking you can get away with anything.

We love you at your Best ...
When you are cutting through the cr*p and finding a cause worth fighting for when everyone else has given up. You go to the places that others fear and may have to do the dirty work but what you offer is a gift, enlightenment and the ability to allow others to see through their nightmares and demons and get to the other side. You are a trusted and loyal friend but once you are crossed forgiveness is difficult and you may prefer to move on, rather than put things right.

Powerful feelings and emotions, committed, loyal, imaginative, discerning, subtle, persistent, determined.

.... Difficult to Live With!
Sometimes you simply cannot help being manipulative and your mastery over others can bring a fair amount of anguish. However, you are fiercely protective and will do what it takes to keep what's yours, yours. Jealousy can be your undoing and it's possible that obsessiveness can be scary. Scorpios have the ability to see through lies and are not impressed by blagging and will not suffer fool.

Sun Signs You are most Compatible with
Pisces - absolutely superb,
Taurus - a rewarding relationship,
Aries - long lasting,
Cancer - paradise on earth,
Libra - rather heady stuff,
Leo - a powerful attraction.

Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with
Scorpio - a nuclear explosion,
Gemini - volatile & explosive,
Sagittarius - may be strained,
Aquarius - up and then down.

Your Opposite Sun Sign
is Taurus

Scorpio is the emotional dynamo of the Zodiac. No stranger to the subconscious mind, she reads the hidden motives of others with ease. You may see the Scorpio frowning with a deep hurt inside, or smiling delightedly with some secret knowledge. A keen observer of human nature she fears no enemy, because Scorpio sees all danger and knows the weaknesses of her opponents. To be her friend is to have the bravest ally, the fiercest fighter on your side. To cross her can be dangerous!

Scorpio is in tune with the forces of life and death, sexuality, birth, dramatic changes, danger, catastrophe and the powerful forces of man and nature. Her ruling planet, Pluto, is associated with atomic power and the criminal underworld.

The Scorpio is fascinated with anything that offers complete transcendence - spirituality, the occult, ecstatic or thrilling physical states or a complete renovation of some part of her life. To her, these experiences are like a rebirth. They make her feel alive because they give her the spiritual and emotional regeneration she needs.

Scorpio is passionate and intense with loved ones. She values loyalty and bravery above all. She can be secretive when unsure, but is very open and revealing with her most trusted friends!

Your Scorpio embodies the characteristics of the Ruler of the Underworld... Hades, Pluto - any name you call him by, he's one you don't want to mess with! This is one small, passionate arachnid who packs a whallop.

Now, I know Scorpio gets a bad rap. That's because people need to look beyond the stinger and get to the meat. And the meat is tasty. First of all, without resorting to actually devouring your Scorpio (although she'd love it), take into consideration these enticing Scorpionic traits: Your Scorpio is deeply intuitive, sensual, mysterious, sexy, prosperity conscious, able to make dramatic life changes, a powerful ally, and - yes - deeply spiritual. The key word here is deep....deep as the ocean herself.

So why wouldn't you want to mess with someone who sounds so alluring? Why should you think twice about badmouthing or - dare I say - leaving such a one? Because everything runs deep with Scorpio. All the good, and all the bad. Feelings are strong, and last forever! When you are aligned with his wishes, you are his champion, his partner, his war-buddy. When you cross the line, you might as well hide out for a year until her venom wears off. Just think of your Scorpio as the Godfather (as in the movie.) You get the picture.... you know what happens to traitors... Don't go there!

So, now that you know that you must be nice, what is it that your Scorpio needs from you?

First of all, let her know she is sexy, desirable, alluring and powerful. Tell him that the world is putty in his hands and that he is the ultimate sex-god. Venture into the unknown with your Scorpio. Discover dark hidden realms and uncover secrets.... be a spy with her. Or better yet, hide out so he can have the pleasure of finding you. Be available to satisfy your Scorpio's sudden urges, and believe in her never-ending quest for self-discovery and the ultimate in spiritual fulfilment. Easy enough?

Don't forget to dance and have fun with your Scorpio... they do know how to have a good time... But always, always approach with caution. You will be rewarded with plenty of powerful and moving experiences, devotion, true friendship and a loyal friend - for life.

Personal Traits
Scorpions are known for their intense and powerful natures. They are wilful, proud and calm with an electrifying undercurrent of seething intensity. Purposeful and animated with force, they project a magnetic personality.Scorpio does nothing in half measures. An all or nothing attitude permeates their entire life. When fixed on something or someone, the scorpion perseveres. Scorpio never settles. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest or not at all. Scorpio will rarely be found in the centre of activity, but will always know just what is going on of concern to him.

Their tenacity and willpower are enviable, their depth of character and passionate conviction admirable, but it is their deep sensitivity that makes them the best and most loyal friend. This same quality makes them the most treacherous of enemies.

When they harness their abundant energy constructively, their self-confidence tempered with shrewdness, and their ambition coupled with generosity toward others, they excel at whatever they undertake. Scorpios are demanding of others, but never ask someone to do what they would not do themselves. They can be fanatically focused and work till they drop.

Positive Traits

Scorpio imagination and intuition are excellent. They possess refined critical perception and strong analytical ability. In addition, they seem to demonstrate a natural healing power. These abundant gifts allow Scorpions to penetrate the most profound subjects. They are serious folk, but quite charming to people they like, and when social events call for it. On the positive side, they are hard workers and are willing to help others as long as they are willing to help themselves.

Main positive traits: Motivated, passionate, resourceful, investigative, penetrating, aware

Negative Traits

Their sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt, quick to feel insult or injury, even when none is intended, and easily roused to heights of anger. An angry Scorpio is a sight to see. Scorpio seethes, and doesn't give it up. Their tragic flaw is their immense pride. Once wronged, once Scorpio's pride has been diminished, the game of courtesy is over. Many Scorpios possess a suspicious outlook, and need to know the reasons behind everything.

Main negative traits: Intolerant, violent, jealous, resentful, distrusting, secretive, temperamental.

Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold restraint and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist and the heroism of the soldier. Any profession in which analysis, investigation, research or dealing with the solving of mysteries are present appeals to Scorpio. Their secretive natures make them natural detectives.Police ,espionage, the law, physics or psychology are attractive professions to the Scorpio.

As writers and orators they excel. The Scorpio character is the one you see up on the podium delivering fiery speeches. They succeed because they communicate the power of their convictions.

Advice for the Scorpios

Your worst fault is you are too adaptable to the people with whom you come into contact.Having an ambition is the only thing that can save the Scorpios. As a rule they go through a great deal of trouble and often privation in their early years. Heart is their weakest organ and they should take care that it is not overstrained in work or exercise.

2007-02-25 08:25:19 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 1 0

I guess I can say some words about the Scorpio from my personal observation as I have some Scorpio friends.

I am a Taurus, the opposite sign of the Scorpio, some sites claim it is a difficult friendship between us, but it izn't so difficult really :P

Alright, you said the word serious so let me be serious here about my personal observations concerning the Scorpio nature.

The Scorpio people are very intelligent, loyal, honest and deep into their emotions. They do not confess their feelings and that make the strong. They are true friends as long as you play a fare game. Their dark side is the revengeful nature and also they do not forget if they have been hurt. They know how to deal with the person who caused them to suffer to pay 10 times back. So liar, cheaters, intriguers and rude people do not have place into the Scorpio surrounding. What I have seen and even experienced is the Scorpio harsh comments, when they are irritated they are not tactful and they just can say exactly what they think in a way that may sound too sharp sometimes. Then I frown because I do not mean to irritate them, so they understand I didn't mean it and start to behave polite, kind, helpful in a meaning of they noticed that have been too sharp. After some helpful advices and fun together I love my Scorpio friends again. When they are sure I am alright, they bite again with a stinging comments, as if joking sometimes, othertimes just because they are moody but I am sure they accept me with my faults, one of which stubbornness and I accept them with their good and bad sides as well because the friends are for that, to close eyes for the mistakes of the people they do care!

What I admire in the Scorpio is that they are respectful to different opinions, open minded but serious at the same time and they know how to cope with difficult situations. They never lie and they are very good at keeping a secret. They can pretend everything is alright, when nothing is alright, they can hide the pain and they can think wisely how to react. While me, as I mentioned because I am an opposite sign, I always show I am hurt, I can't hold my tears when something is wrong and I come up with the most inflexible and emotionally blur decision after all. What my Scorpio friends teach me is to be cool, what I try to suggest them is to make them forget and forgive.

The Scorpio people are also mysterious and they see the things beneath the surface, they explore all possible angles of a situation and they do not see only what is obvious but also the other plans of everything. They analyze and they do not need much time to understand a person in front of them, they can make a quick profile of that person and most of the cases they are right. Of course they are wrong sometimes but their intuition almost never fail to show the right way.

Last thing, cuz I guess I wrote a little bit more than usual, so the Scorpio people are compatible for friends with Capricorn, Taurus, could be Libra and Aries. Talking about relationship between a boy and a girl is much different, the most compatible signs for a Scorpio in a relationship are Pisces and Cancers.

Hope I gave some useful information, I am sorry if it izn't applicable to you but probably it is because it's just from my personal observation.

2007-02-25 12:18:54 · answer #2 · answered by Natalie 4 · 0 0

Romance might not start off on a great note, but it will get better. A minor aspect from the moon in Taurus is likely to lead to some misunderstandings or some miscommunications, but by five- o-clock this evening that obstructive aspect will shift, so try not to react to anything until then!

2007-02-22 04:47:58 · answer #3 · answered by P!NK 5 · 0 0

Take control and steer your life in the direction you want to go. Use your charm.

Loyalty is always a big concern with you. You know exactly what you'd do for a loved one, but suddenly you're not sure about their agenda. Hmm. Could it be that you're making a mountain out of a molehill?

2007-02-22 01:49:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To get a serious astrological reading, an astrologer needs an exact time, date ( spelled out, not numbers) and PLACE of birth.

Anything else is total nonsense.

2007-02-22 01:58:12 · answer #5 · answered by limey_not_lime 5 · 0 0

Yes if you want to know about your horoscope of scorpio, its much easy, just go any astrology' website ( http://www.sarnam.com/ ) and you can easily find your horoscope details.

2007-02-24 19:02:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to http://www.astro.com. The give really good readings. Right on target. You can check out other signs and get readings on romantic relationships.

2007-02-22 01:07:43 · answer #7 · answered by caligyrl_1 1 · 1 0

Confronting a situation will only result in indignation and misunderstandings. Try to include the one you love in your plans this week. Financial difficulties may be worrying you. Focus on your own domestic problems.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

2007-02-22 03:41:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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