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I don't have problem with you voicing your unhappiness about the wrongs in the country. Whether you feel that crime is out of control, whether as a white person you feel discriminated at or whether you just hate the ANC. You have that right. But what's unending negativity about the country. Will that remove the "terrorist" Mandela from the face of the earth?

Aren't you feeding the stereotypes that say most white S/Africans feel out of place because they yearn for apartheid? How will your being so negative help solve real and perceived problems in the country? You are being irritated by others blaming "everyhting" on apartheid, but in the same breath your postings are sheer racism which you are quick to denounce by claiming that you are not a racist. We can argue with the many "if you are nots". But how would that make every S/African feel at home?

To me, and many other blacks, this country needs all its people, black and white. We all belong here!

2007-02-22 00:54:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

14 answers

After I spit venomous hatred, I feel like brushing my teeth.

2007-02-22 01:02:03 · answer #1 · answered by Meg M 5 · 4 0

I couldn't agree more with your last sentence.
Personally I have a problem with anyone thinking they are better than others or deserve more than others because of their skin colour. That's ******** and that's the reason why the ANC is destroying the fragile potential for a non-racial South Africa where ability, honesty and hard work is the merit and not colour.
How you look at the postings here is all wordsplay. Some would call it complaining, some would call it a public rhetoric against crime. Either way, saying something is also doing something. It's part of the many things we can do and if enough people voice their dissactisfaction it DOES make a difference. Crime and racial discrimination is in its smallest form wrong. If one has the highest violent crime rate in the world and if we swing back to the very thing (racist policies) that caused so much damage in South Africans' lives in the past, then it becomes every citizen's task to do the right thing by speaking up. That doesn't mean those who speak up against wrongs on this forum doesn't also DO something else to help.
How can I tell my friend who's father has been killed and daughter has been raped, he has to be quiet when Charles NGakula says those who are unhappyn about the crime should leave the country (implying it's ok that the criminals stay)? Isn't that fuelling the fires of hatred even further?
Also much of what is said here is reaction to ignorance. People who make racist claims without making sure of the facts or their history. Neither white nor black has any more or less claim to the land of SA. It all belonged to the Koi and the San. According to our knowledge both black and white arrived at what is now the current borders of SA in the mid 1600's. Blacks frome the north, whites from the south. In some parts the vhites settled first (Western Cape, Namaqualand, Karoo, some parts of the Free State and Northern Cape) and in other parts blacks settled first. In the latter areas the Voortrekker leaders purchased land from the relevant kings by mutual agreement. It's time to stop making ignorant claims, thereby further stoking the fire. SA belongs to ALL her people.
Very few people on this forum hates South Africa. Many, however, hates the current government. It's very important to see that distinction.
As long as I have a voice to speak or fingers to type, I will speak out against murder, rape, assault, racial discrimination, ignorance and a pathetic government who allows this to happen.
That's not hatred, my friend. Thats LOVE for my country. My home.

2007-02-22 14:12:15 · answer #2 · answered by Vango 5 · 3 0

I think you are confusing "Venomous hatred for this country and it's people" with "Love for this country and it's people but venomous hatred for the incompetence of those in power." The unending negativity is simply a mirror of the unending incompetence and lack of political will to start living for a future where everyone has their place and that place has been attained through hard work and commitment rather than some racist policy.

It may very well be that we are feeding the stereotype, but it's only because those who perceive the stereotype don't want to take the trouble to see what is the underlying cause of the stereotype. One could also argue that savages who commit atrocities like pouring boiling water over their victims as a form of torture is feeding the stereotype that all blacks are mindless barbarians. We don't see anybody from government trying to build a culture where things such as that are morally wrong, all we see is government turning a blind eye to those events and thereby giving consent because they are not acting against it.

It's not really a negative attitude we have you just perceive it as such. It's really getting quite positive and it will help because highlighting the problems, sending the newspaper articles to everyone we know here and abroad puts pressure on those in power. It touches the place where they hurt. Money. Because we non-blacks have no real voice in this democracy where we are outnumbered about 40 million to 3.5, this is our only real option. Unless we want to go the way of "the struggle" and start planting bombs in Wimpy's (can you imagine the outcry when we have our first radical suicide bomber) to terrorize people into submission. I for one think that is a totally unacceptable way to resolve a problem because South Africa is a good example of what happens after a strategy like that bears fruit. I can still remember Madiba in a speech before the first election telling the country that "We needed to make the country unmanageable," the only problem was that they never thought of how to make it manageable after their terror campaign of crime and violence.

The ANC government made sure that the "Us and them" feelings will always remain just under the surface with their racist policies. They had a chance to show they do not wish to continue as the previous government did and messed it up. Until racism and it's policies are abandoned at the highest level racism will NEVER die in this country. People follow their leaders and at the moments those examples are the Zuma's, Manto's and Vusi Mahlangu's who blame whites for their failures every chance they get making sure their followers will always follow the victimhood forced upon them.

I agree that we are all in this country and that those of us who are here are here for the long haul that is why we should all have our place. So if you are serious about this vote for another political party. One that does not propose the same racist policies that the ANC uses to keep themselves in power. The ANC has served it's purpose it was a revolutionary movement but to move into the future we need administrators not revolutionaries.

2007-02-23 00:41:57 · answer #3 · answered by Rabble Rouser 4 · 4 2

So here's the thing, do you think that you are alone in your thinking or are there other like minded South Africans where you are, and if there are, why are you not telling everyone you meet that same story, South Africans of every color, belief and political orientation need each other.

The more folk who are out there voicing that thought and at the same time saying loudly that crime and killing is not acceptable to anyone the sooner South Africa's pendulum can swing back to center and come to rest.

Then we can all (and I mean all) of us can live and work together and really, really enjoy the beautiful country that is South Africa.

2007-02-23 11:00:11 · answer #4 · answered by london.oval 5 · 0 0

There is "Us" and "Them" , but every now and then we lose focus of who the "Us" is and who the "them" is.
"Them" are the criminals, murderers, rapists and thieving politicians.
"Us" are the "whingers", the ones who are fed up with crime.

It doesn´t have to be a black against white thing. Let`s not lose focus of the real issue - crime and bad politics - both have been well documented.

Be thankful for the "whingers",
they proved the earth was not flat and the sun does not revolve around the earth, they "whinged" against slavery and segregation and even apartheid. They shed light on shady doings, light that is so desperately needed in South Africa.

The ANC was full of "whingers".

It is not unpatriotic to "whinge" against your own government it is a democratic right and only an un-democratic government will say otherwise.

This culture of crime is a cancer that will sicken the whole society, black and white.
Now is the time for the Africans to join in and "whinge", demand the truth Now while you still have a chance. Demand justice and a humane society and don´t settle for anything less.
But we are running out of time, Zimbabwe was in the same situation in the early 90s as we are now.
Wake up Mama Afrika, the Africans are being conned by their own government just as badly as the whites, and it sickens me when I see politicians steeling millions that can be used for poor.

The whites leave South Africa not because of the Africans, but because of crime, bad politics, and an unsecure future for their children. And when they leave, they leave reluctantly, because to leave your home changes one forever.

Blessings to all the people of South Africa.

2007-02-22 10:40:37 · answer #5 · answered by turniton5 3 · 6 1

The points you raise are a breath of fresh air coming from a black mans keyboard, however the overwhelming majority of black South African have a deep and passionate hatred for us white South Africans as displayed by the ANC governments policies towards us, the torture and rape of our woman and children in the most hideous of manners by black criminals who deliberately target and demean us as human beings, the one dimensional pattern of thinking in sports administration, IE the national soccer team can be 100% black and that's acceptable but rugby which is predominantly a white favoured sport must have 70% black players in the team.
How do you think it feels to go to work for a boss who has not one tenth your experience or educational qualifications and demeans and insults you for being white?
I dont think you have the slightest idea how often we are told to emigrate or be killed when Nelson Mandela dies.
This whole idea of reconciliation is merely an illusion and was murdered years ago by the majority of racist black South Africans.

2007-02-22 09:10:54 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 2 2

Moloi - i understand and agree...but some people are just intentionally trying to start riots that arent necessary...
Raging Bull - i hear you, but live in a township, and hear about the number of women/girls having been rape... every single women/race is in danger of being raped... rapists dont choose to rape according to skin color... they are sick perverts who are only after one thing and from the opposite sex.
Vango - glad you love SA, also against BEE...that allows inexperienced and incapabel people to sit at high positions earnignwhat the well educated, hard working individual should be earning is too disgustingly unfair...
Mars attack- Lol!!! my Hero!!! so Alfie's found his match? your mental picture of him was almost the same thing i had in mind... i have got info on him that will make sense to you, thats why i bother him no more...will mail it to you though... soon, mwah!

2007-02-23 08:21:55 · answer #7 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 2 0

It refreshing to see someone think as rationally as you just did. People will bitchand whine until they are blue in the face (like most liberals do) yet they do nothing about it? How does whining about anything stop the current situation. Fact of the matter remains, they are hypocrites who point out everyone elses problems and misgivings but their own.

2007-02-22 09:04:38 · answer #8 · answered by Murfdigidy 4 · 3 3

First of all you need to take your statement to the ANC and their elite cronies and tell them how you feel. Secondly you have a duty towards citizens of other Countries not to lure them into South Africa on the pretext that it is safe and a normal society only for them to murdered,raped and robbed at your prime Tourist sites. Your Tourist Industry and Government is totally immoral in this regard as are some of the answerers from that Industry who masquerade as schoolboys etc on this site. Fourthly if White South Africans "feel out of place" that has everything to do with the racist Policies employed by the ANC e.g. BEE,Employment Equity and the obliteration of the Afrikaaner culture. Nothing to do with the answers on this site which serves as a point of expression. Lastly you play the ANC 's last card when they have no other answer " Racism." As I recall a survey in your Sunday Times a few months back found Blacks to be the biggest racists in South Africa.If you chose to believe the ANC Hollywood version of History then that is your problem.There is not one of them who is not a greedy Communist scumbag and they dont give a damn about you or any other South African other than their cronies. You have had numerous examples of it to the North of you for many ,many years and you ignore the war torn strife and starvation that is a feature of these Dictators. Still you do not learn and return the ANC at the ballot box with an even bigger majority. At the opening of your Parliament in response to the telling of the old woman who had emigrated to Australia because of crime that 3rd World turd Lekota had the gall to accuse the Australians of being racist. Now it is Macazoma blaming "Afrikaaners" for the crime petitions in an effort to remain on the gravy train that he has ridden for so long.
Catch a wake up Mister. The ANC stole the Country and now they are robbing its citizens blind. Does it have to become Zimbabwe 2 before you catch on? And lastly in Western Democracies debate and disagreement are part of the way of life and are what makes them Democracies. Suppression is Communism.

Marrs Attack- Communist Strategy - When you have no answer or explanation then attack the individual. How many times have you posted that pish about me? You are seriously intellectually deficit and I am sure you must be a fire risk loping down the street with all that bling on your fingers. Do you often dream or have visions about men? Would you like me to e-mail you a photograph of me to calm your anxiety or would that make it worse? There is a separate section for bum bandits you know.

2007-02-22 09:35:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 7

I empathize with you. The very best of luck, because, unfortunately, the brain drain, corruption, mismanagement and violence have to be taking their toll. No easy solution for sure

2007-02-22 13:19:02 · answer #10 · answered by ElOsoBravo 6 · 1 1

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