The best food for Oscars as the base of their diet is high quality cichlid pellet (usually the expensive brand). Feeding them this will ensure they're getting everything they need in balance.
Then you can use frozen, freeze-dried, or live foods as supplements to make their diet more varied and even healthier.
In nature Oscars are not piscavores - they eat very little fish. Feeder fish are not bad for the Oscar (as long as they are healthy) but should just be a treat every now and then. If you choose to feed feeders you should quarantine them for a week or two to make sure they are not sick and too feed them, since they are usually half starved from the fish store and in turn lower in nutritional value.
Oscars are mainly feeders of insects, crustaceans and worms, so these are the best types of supplements for them. Shrimp, prawns, krill, crayfish, black worms, meal worms, earth worms, crickets, insect larvae... all of these are good. For baby Oscars you can use mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, bloodworms, or bits of everything else mentioned.
2007-02-21 23:57:28
answer #1
answered by Ghapy 7
Despite their normal and voracious appetite, Oscars are prone to a variety of problems connected with diet, usually resulting from an uninformed owner. The first is their fussiness: refusal to eat only foods which they have become accustomed. This is easily cured as long as the owner is more resolute then the fish. If the food is ignored then it is removed and the fish is left hungary until the next day. This process of attrition may have to continue for weeks, but invaribly suceeds as long as the owner is steadfast. Far more serious are the results of feeding long term on unsuitable foods,usuallyy pellets. This can result in intestinall disorders, with the fish resting on the bottom sometimes with, but usually without abdominall swelling and refusing to feed. A further problem is these fish are extremelyy messy feeders which waste cloud of particlel via the gills. This can be obviatedd by feeding them their natural food sources, raw fish, crustaceans, insects and the occasional green stuff.
2016-05-23 22:32:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Oscars are carnivorous fish who love nothing more than chasing down fish, small frogs and freshwater shrimp. They also do very well on chopped beef heart and meat. However, they will get spoilt very easily and once that happens, they'll close to starve rather than eat commercially prepared food. DO NOT allow this to happen. Get a good (high protein) commercially prepared cichlid pellet and feed them on this. Once in a while, you can give them some fresh food as treats. Don't have to worry about them growing faster. They grow FAST. They eat non-stop, produce HUGE amounts of waste and generally no matter what size tank and filter system you have, it won't be enough. They're real pigs.. But they are interesting and interact with you because they're real clever. Good luck..
2007-02-22 00:40:17
answer #3
answered by aken 4
If you want your oscar to stay healthy, don't try to force him to grow fast. If you feed him foods that are healthy for him, he'll grow fairly fast on his own. I'd suggest a high quality staple pellet designed for cichlids - Hikari Bio-Gold is really good, and will also bring out his colors. The pellets will have the proper vitamin content as well. Supplement this with frozen and live food (frozen bloodworms, krill, silversides, etc). As he grows, make sure the size of his food grows with him (the pellets come in different sizes, for all his life stages). One note about live food - don't rely on feeder goldfish if you want your oscar to remain healthy and get proper nutrition. Feeder goldfish are notorious for carrying diseases which can be transfered to your oscar, and they also do not offer proper nutrition. Instead, buy cheap smaller community fish, especially livebearers such as guppies, mollies or platies. Live ghost shrimp are also good. These will be healthier than goldfish and be closer to what he would naturally eat in the wild. Also, avoid beefheart - it will make him grow faster, but protien from mammals can cause fish to develop fatty liver disease and other problems. Last but not least, change his water often with clean, dechlorinated water, because oscars are EXTREMELY messy, and consistently clean water actually contributes to healthy fish growth.
2007-02-22 01:49:17
answer #4
answered by devouring_wind 4
First things first you don't ever want to force the growth of any of your animals. That only shortens their life. How would you like if someone forced you to grow up? Ok now onto feeding...Just like any other fish the best thing for them is a varied diet. Cichlid pellets would be fine for them if it was the only thing you fed them but I would highly recommend switching it up with meal worms and the occassional live fish. If you are going to feed live fish smaller oscars can be fed guppies and larger oscars can be fed feeder goldfish. Only catch to this is once fed live fish they probably will refuse to eat anything else. Generally they won't touch flakes so it's pointless to feed that. Also if you are feeding live fish to them make sure you've fully loaded the feeders with food so that your oscars get all the nutrients they need!!
2007-02-21 22:01:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
depends on the size of the oscar.if they are small a pellet called oscar grow is great.cichilid sticks are good.feeder fish should only be givin ocasionaly,not daily because they are often diseased.other alternatives are crickets worms,small crawfish,cooked shrimp,also cooked pees and carrots.i have also had oscars that would eat cooked hamburger meat, wouldnt recomend the hamburger too often though cuz too much fatty meats can harm them.hope this helps.
2007-02-22 11:51:43
answer #6
answered by smithers4201 1
Gold fish, minnows or those freeze dried worms that you put in the tank on the glass. When they eat gold fish they tend to turn more gold, minnows they turn more silver. At least in my experience. They love to habitat with the Pocosomist the sucker fish that eats algae. I love Oscars they have such personalities and they get so big so fast. They are very hardy fish. My sister poured a whole bowl of potato salad in the tank when she was little and they survived. Oscars bo bo alot. So the sucker fish is important item to have to help with your filteration system. They only grow as big as the tank allows. I hope you have a least two. We used to put our hands in the tank and pet them too. . They are big enough to give them a each a name. Good Luck on your new pets.
2007-02-21 21:55:28
answer #7
answered by msprissysmom 3
Live food. Goldfish, guppies or anything like that.
Also, change 50% of the water in their tank every week. Use a hose and drain from the bottom (where the "dirty water" is) and by giving them cleaner water more often, the fish will grow.
2007-02-21 23:10:34
answer #8
answered by papamark1950_1 1
Fish food, and goldfish sounds strange but true. For some reason they love to eat goldfish. They also like normal fish food.
Hope this info helped
2007-02-21 21:55:01
answer #9
answered by Spookwolf 2
use freeze dried makes their color nicer and makes them larger.
2007-02-21 23:06:17
answer #10
answered by FGH 1