In the seventies, women used to wear mini skirts all the time but that kind of clothing was never really thought to be sexual clothing at the time. It's not like mini skirts have changed, but the perception of them has certainly changed since then. Who's to decide what's too revealing and what is not. People should be allowed to wear what they feel comfortable wearing. There is a huge difference between wanting to look good in what you're wearing and asking for sexual harrassment. Every person regardless of what they wear, deserve to be treated with respect. It's one thing to appreciate what you see, or to give the woman a compliment on how she looks. Objectification or wolf - whistling show no respect at all and crosses the boundary of showing appreciation.
2007-02-21 21:16:12
answer #1
answered by LMS 3
If a woman is even vaguely appealing to men, anything she wears is going to be considered "sexy". I have been wolf-whistled etc wearing denim dungarees and a striped tee shirt - and I'm only average-looking. Another "provocative" outfit was a long skirt with a sleeveless top. Another was a spotted cotton sun dress with sandals.
It would mean that if a woman was at the beach in a swimsuit, or wearing shorts for jogging, she could be harassed.
One of the fetishes in pornography is women wearing traditional Arabic clothing where you can't even see their faces, let alone their bodies.
Come on, own up - guys are turned on by EVERYTHING we wear! Get real!
2007-02-22 16:32:08
answer #2
answered by Girl Machine 7
There are many reasons that a woman might claim sexual harassment even if she was not dressed sexy. Sexual harassment has to do with problems created by another party of unwanted attention. This unwanted attention that is being received must be told to the person who is doing this to stop. If nothing else is said or done after this point it is not sexual harassment. If it continues after that then this becomes sexual harassment. So obviously you must be harassing someone or being harassed. I really enjoy looking at a sexy dressed woman and there is no need for me to harass her. Perhaps one might say something as I can't help but notice how sexy or beautiful you look today. It is alright to stare just not all day how would you like it?
2007-02-22 07:43:17
answer #3
answered by dandls_99 4
Of course they should. A woman has the right to choose her clothing without expecting obnoxious behavior from men. I like to dress up to go out to bars with my friends - it doesn't mean that I expect to be groped or harrassed. I don't mind an occasional look, but there is a DEFINITE line. I'm not dressing up for creepy old men. I'm dressing up because I like the way it makes me feel.
There is a huge difference between flirting and harrassment. If you can't understand that, you're already over the line.
2007-02-22 03:40:27
answer #4
answered by stormsinger1 5
To a certain extent, no. A one time complimen/comment from the men isn't grounds. But if it goes too far, like the men even do it when she is wearing less revealing outfits, or they actually start touching her, or when they continue after she has asked them to stop, yes she has every right to "cry" sexual harassment.
2007-02-21 23:57:12
answer #5
answered by littlevivi 5
Yes, they should have the right to cry sexual harrasment because many of those women are expecting men to control themselves, which they rightfully should expect. Some women really just like wearing the clothes because it's hot, or they want to feel comfortable.
However, some women say they don't want attention, when in all actuality, they don't want sexual attention from you, they instead want it from the guy over there who looks like a rockstar.
And some women actually like you, but are playing hard to get, and it's up to you to figure out if she really likes you, or if your just hoping she does.
In the end, with all the women out there who flaunt their sexuality, the women who wear revealing clothes just to relax should be mature to realize that men are going to hit on them. And they shouldn't get mad because the men are hitting on them because they think their the kind of girl who really wants the sexual attention like many other girls do. If they don't want the attention, they should cover up, because not all men know which girls want to be flirted on, versus the ones who don't, if both girls are dressed like their at a dance club.
2007-02-21 20:47:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What she wears is her choice. She might be wearing it to look good for her husband, boyfriend, for a female partner, or for the hell of it.Oogling is one thing, but it definitely does not give anybody any right to whistle, grope, touch, or molest her.
By your reasoning, all women who wear bikinis want to be objectified.
2007-02-23 08:33:23
answer #7
answered by jimbell 6
Women wear revealing clothing because they feel sexy and like the attention they receive. But sometimes that attention crosses the line and, while women should have the right to dress any way they want, they have to know and accept the risks that go along with showing a bit too much. That's todays impersonal and, oftentimes, dangerous world and those potential dangers can't be ignored in favour of "I have the right....."
2007-02-21 20:53:03
answer #8
answered by STEVE 3
I completely agree. If it's not for sale, don't put it in the window.
I don't consider staring or even whistling to be sexual harassment...though I would agree that it's annoying.
I don't get why women dress like sluts then wonder why guys are coming on to them. Men are turned on by visual things. It's their nature. Women need to realize that when they dress like streetwalkers they're inciting lust.
2007-02-22 05:20:24
answer #9
answered by ? 6
I hate questions like this. These are the type of defence that rapists and molesters give.
For god's sake, it's YOUR FAULT if you decide to rape a woman that is wearing something revealing. If you don't do anything and dont' molest her, then there's nothing wrong!
IT'S YOUR RIGHT TO OGLE HER all you want, it just reflects on yourself and make everyone disgusted with you. No one said you can't ogle, only the matured men don't ogle and know when to stop staring.
And believe it, women only want HOT MEN to ogle them, it's a fact. So expect dirty stares if the women do not want to you ogle them because they probably don't think you're hot.
If you are thinking of sexually harrassing a woman, think twice because you are the only one that is going to get thrown in jail. If you want to get less dirty stares from women you are ogling, you can
1. Not ogle and just glance; practise some self-restrain, after all there's internet porn you can ogle all you want
2. Have better grooming habits, perhaps you look unattractive so they don't want you looking at them.
If you still want to rape a woman, then go to some middle-eastern country, the women there are always blamed for being rape, never the men. Hope you have fun there and don't get yourself blown up.
2007-02-21 21:56:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous