I've never bought or sold Indian Shares. However, I'll assume that the stock market in India works the same as the markets here in the U.S.
There is no guarantee that any stock is going to return any set percentage rate. That's for starters. Secondly, 100 -150% return in 6 months is almost unheard of so your chances of finding that magic stock are almost going to be more just sheer luck than anything else. I'm not saying it's impossible. Just highly unlikely.
In my personal opinion, if someone guarantees you that a stock is going to increase 300%, you should run as fast as you can. The most likely thing you'll do is lose all your money. I've seen a lot of those recommendations showing up in my email telling me some stock that's selling for a dollar is going to increase 300%. Just for fun a couple years ago, I tracked about 4 of them. 3 of the companies were out of business within the year. The 4th was selling for pennies. There was no 300% increase.
I think I'm a pretty decent investor and do a good job of picking stocks but I never buy a stock with the expectation that I'm going to get huge returns quickly. I've gotten lucky a few times and managed to get into a stock just before it had a huge increase. My overall return last year in the stock market was about 18%. Most people would consider that pretty good.
And by the way, I still own every single share now that I owned last year. I'm not really a trader. I'm an investor. I buy and hold long term.
The secret to making money in the stock market is education. You need to learn what makes a good stock. Good companies make good stocks so learn how to read financial statements. Learn about cash flow, earnings, all of that stuff. If you don't get a good education on the market first, chances are you're going to lose a lot of money investing in get rich quick schemes.
2007-02-22 06:35:49
answer #1
answered by Faye H 6