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I typed the word suicide and looked into the results. Wat i saw was RUBBISH! people saying 'oh ppl will miss u' , 'you will go to hell' , 'i am here for you (even though the person has no clue who the hell u are)' , blah blah blah .. BULLSHI%! I jus want to say that everyone is out for themselves! and this whole everyone loves u is crap! Cause your alone buddy! the world is a shitty place and “nice folks” act that way so they can feel good about themselves cause they 'saved somebody' or gave to charity oooo I feel so good! But most jus dont care. And im tired of u happy tree huggers acting like everythings okay and will be okay cause it wont and shrinks and drugs make things worse! Go buy drugs get Dependant and giv money to pharm CEOs! Oh sry not to mention the shrinks! Its all about money and so all this love and help is to keep u alive to support the economy cuz u no good dead buddy! oh and to make "nice" ppl feel like they did something so they can feel high (oh sorry i meant good)

2007-02-21 19:00:07 · 2 answers · asked by 300ZX TT 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Nomad- Everything you said is correct,
and i was very emotional.

Its just people dont try to understand the persons pain and help his life.
They jus try to do is stop you from commiting suicide and thats it! ...

And some say ridiculous things like your going to hell! wat is that? if your life wasnt already hell you wouldnt be doing this. YES i understand hell is infinity times worse! but try to understand why the person is suicidal!

i guess what im trying to say is a hug is not important or even a person to talk to or someone to say i love u (yes all help). What is important is how to resolve the issue, and if it cannot be resolved how to cope with it ... thats all .. cause the hugs n love will help but then what? after 10 minutes your back to hell ... That is my beef!

Depressed ppl get drugs but has anyone tried resolving their crisis? not everyone can afford shrinks! yes some are mentally ill and need it but many ppl with probs jus need help to change their lives.

2007-02-22 16:48:03 · update #1

2 answers

Well, since you feel that way, I could of sent you $2.00 so you could buy some rope at Wal-mart. You were upset because they said they cared, but you would of been upset if someone told you to go ahead and commit suicide. When your in that state of mind, no matter what anybody said you would of been upset. If your looking for people to make your life better, make you happier or what ever it is, well you are right about one thing...they can't make your life better!!! Only you can make it better!!! I don't like the way life is either, but I'm going to make the best of it.

2007-02-22 15:11:27 · answer #1 · answered by WV_Nomad 6 · 0 0


2017-02-20 01:09:49 · answer #2 · answered by christopher 4 · 0 0

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