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how come whenever your not with them they want to be with you but when u say you are gonna give them a chance they back away?????

cuz my daughter's father keeps doing that

2007-02-21 16:50:15 · 11 answers · asked by Heather'smommy 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

11 answers

I think its called the little game of hard to get. Its a challenge with youre not with him thats why he sys he wants to be with you and might even say sweet romantic things, but as soon as you give in its like ok I can still have her. I mean I might be wrong but thats what it seems like.

2007-02-21 16:55:23 · answer #1 · answered by Melissa A 2 · 0 0

Heather, it's because he has no legal commitment to you nor your daughter. What he doesn't realize is that his daughter is going to grow to be a young lady, and he either can be around for her "growing" or get lost and forever be cast the villain in her life. The best advice is for the three of you to get some professional counselling to work out any issues you may have from the past. Then, the three of you go to the courthouse and get a marriage license and then to the Justice of the Peace for a marriage certificate. The purpose of this legal commitment is to improve your self-esteem and respect, to allow him to stabilize and step up to his obligations to the two of you, and for the sake of your daughter's future. Being a single mom is no fun. As a matter of fact, it may be the most difficult job on earth. So, put some normal tradition in your life and give happiness a go!

2007-02-21 17:23:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its human nature, you always want what you can't have. You work hard for it, but as soon as you get it, you don;t want it anymore. But when its right, a person won't give up on it.

I;m going be straight forward with you, it sounds like he wants to keep his options open. If he truly wanted to be with you he wouldn;t keep straying away. Every time he is lonely he comes back because its comfortable.

If you really want him to want you, you need to move on, then he will want you like never before. I think you should keep your options open and make him your back up plan. You deserve better and you know it.

2007-02-21 16:58:38 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. of Situational Psychology 3 · 0 0

It sounds to me like he is playing you . Maybe your good enough when no one else is around but then you give him a chance and by that time he has seen someone else he wants more.
Need to dump this guy

2007-02-21 17:05:57 · answer #4 · answered by Redmac1 2 · 0 0

For some reason people always want what they can't have. Maybe he knows that you still love him and you'll take him back,,,,,,,,,,it's too easy for him........... no challenge. I don't know, I guess that's what guys look for. Someone who will play a game of hard to get or something.

2007-02-21 16:55:31 · answer #5 · answered by Littlemissy 4 · 0 0

your daughters father is confused and don't know what he wants, if you wait for him you will be waisting your time let him know how you feel about this and if he don't change than move on.

2007-02-21 16:55:31 · answer #6 · answered by fallen_angel 4 · 0 0

DEPENDS-WHEN HE SAYS THE STUFF YOU WANNA HEAR DOES HE GET SEX? --or does he get away with something he wouldnt be if he wasn't saying the things you wanna hear? or maybe he does but also likes his freedom ,or hes an *** who likes messing with your feelings

2007-02-21 17:40:36 · answer #7 · answered by tiffanyh2323 3 · 0 0

Stop behaving like you are just doing him a favor. If you show that the benefits of the relationship are mutual you will be appreciated even more snd will need to play "Catch me if you can . . . When you can"

2007-02-21 17:18:35 · answer #8 · answered by Boys' Dad 1 · 0 0

We're idiots

2007-02-21 16:56:15 · answer #9 · answered by woleff 1 · 0 0

They still want their SPACE! Actually, they don't know what they want. It's a man thing!

2007-02-21 17:06:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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