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I need it for my social studies fare tomarrow so plz give me any info you have

2007-02-21 14:34:34 · 4 answers · asked by angelofdeath1305 1 in Education & Reference Homework Help

4 answers

Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, on 20 April 1889. The son of a fifty-two-year-old Austrian customs official, Alois Schickelgruber Hitler, and his third wife, a young peasant girl, Klara Poelzl, both from the backwoods of lower Austria, the young Hitler was a resentful, discontented child. Moody, lazy, of unstable temperament, he was deeply hostile towards his strict, authoritarian father and strongly attached to his indulgent, hard-working mother, whose death from cancer in December 1908 was a shattering blow to the adolescent Hitler.
Life in Vienna
After spending four years in the Realschule in Linz, he left school at the age of sixteen with dreams of becoming a painter. In October 1907 the provincial, middle-class boy left home for Vienna, where he was to remain until 1913 leading a bohemian, vagabond existence. Embittered at his rejection by the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts, he was to spend 'five years of misery and woe' in Vienna as he later recalled, adopting a view of life which changed very little in the ensuing years, shaped as it was by a pathological hatred of Jews and Marxists, liberalism and the cosmopolitan Habsburg monarchy.

Existing from hand to mouth on occasional odd jobs and the hawking of sketches in low taverns, the young Hitler compensated for the frustrations of a lonely bachelor's life in miserable male hostels by political harangues in cheap cafes to anyone who would listen and indulging in grandiose dreams of a Greater Germany.

In Vienna he acquired his first education in politics by studying the demagogic techniques of the popular Christian-social Mayor, Karl Lueger, and picked up the stereotyped, obsessive anti-semitism with its brutal, violent sexual connotations and concern with the 'purity of blood' that remained with him to the end of his career. From crackpot racial theorists like the defrocked monk, Lanz von Liebenfels, and the Austrian Pan-German leader, Georg von Schoenerer, the young Hitler learned to discern in the 'Eternal Jew' the symbol and cause of all chaos, corruption and destruction in culture, politics and the economy. The press, prostitution, syphilis, capitalism, Marxism, democracy and pacifism - all were so many means which 'the Jew' exploited in his conspiracy to undermine the German nation and the purity of the creative Aryan race.
World War I
In May 1913 Hitler left Vienna for Munich and, when war broke out in August 1914, he joined the Sixteenth Bavarian Infantry Regiment, serving as a despatch runner. Hitler proved an able, courageous soldier, receiving the Iron Cross (First Class) for bravery, but did not rise above the rank of Lance Corporal. Twice wounded, he was badly gassed four weeks before the end of the war and spent three months recuperating in a hospital in Pomerania. Temporarily blinded and driven to impotent rage by the abortive November 1918 revolution in Germany as well as the military defeat, Hitler, once restored, was convinced that fate had chosen him to rescue a humiliated nation from the shackles of the Versailles Treaty, from Bolsheviks and Jews.
Foundations of the Nazi Party

Assigned by the Reichswehr in the summer of 1919 to 'educational' duties which consisted largely of spying on political parties in the overheated atmosphere of post-revolutionary Munich, Hitler was sent to investigate a small nationalistic group of idealists, the German Workers' Party. On 16 September 1919 he entered the Party (which had approximately forty members), soon changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) and had imposed himself as its Chairman by July 1921.

Hitler discovered a powerful talent for oratory as well as giving the new Party its symbol - the swastika - and its greeting 'Heil!'. His hoarse, grating voice, for all the bombastic, humourless, histrionic content of his speeches, dominated audiences by dint of his tone of impassioned conviction and gift for self-dramatization. By November 1921 Hitler was recognized as Fuhrer of a movement which had 3,000 members, and boosted his personal power by organizing strong- arm squads to keep order at his meetings and break up those of his opponents. Out of these squads grew the storm troopers (SA) organized by Captain Ernst Rohm and Hitler's black-shirted personal bodyguard, the Schutzstaffel (SS).

Hitler focused his propaganda against the Versailles Treaty, the 'November criminals', the Marxists and the visible, internal enemy No. 1, the 'Jew', who was responsible for all Germany's domestic problems. In the twenty-five-point programme of the NSDAP announced on 24 February 1920, the exclusion of the Jews from the Volk community, the myth of Aryan race supremacy and extreme nationalism were combined with 'socialistic' ideas of profit-sharing and nationalization inspired by ideologues like Gottfried Feder. Hitler's first written utterance on political questions dating from this period emphasized that what he called 'the anti-semitism of reason' must lead 'to the systematic combating and elimination of Jewish privileges. Its ultimate goal must implacably be the total removal of the Jews.'
Munich Beer Hall Putsch - 1923

By November 1923 Hitler was convinced that the Weimar Republic was on the verge of collapse and, together with General Ludendorff and local nationalist groups, sought to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich. Bursting into a beer-hall in Munich and firing his pistol into the ceiling, he shouted out that he was heading a new provisional government which would carry through a revolution against 'Red Berlin'. Hitler and Ludendorff then marched through Munich at the head of 3,000 men, only to be met by police fire which left sixteen dead and brought the attempted putsch to an ignominious end. Hitler was arrested and tried on 26 February 1924, succeeding in turning the tables on his accusers with a confident, propagandist speech which ended with the prophecy: 'Pronounce us guilty a thousand times over : the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear to pieces the State Prosecutor's submission and the court's verdict for she acquits us.' Sentenced to five years' imprisonment in Landsberg fortress, Hitler was released after only nine months during which he dictated Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to his loyal follower, Rudolf Hess. Subsequently the 'bible' of the Nazi Party, this crude, half-baked hotchpotch of primitive Social Darwinism, racial myth, anti- semitism and lebensraum fantasy had sold over five million copies by 1939 and been translated into eleven languages.

Building the Nazi Party / 1924 - 1933

The failure of the Beer-Hall putsch and his period of imprisonment transformed Hitler from an incompetent adventurer into a shrewd political tactician, who henceforth decided that he would never again confront the gun barrels of army and police until they were under his command. He concluded that the road to power lay not through force alone but through legal subversion of the Weimar Constitution, the building of a mass movement and the combination of parliamentary strength with extra-parliamentary street terror and intimidation. Helped by Goering and Goebbels he began to reassemble his followers and rebuild the movement which had disintegrated in his absence.

In January 1925 the ban on the Nazi Party was removed and Hitler regained permission to speak in public. Outmanoeuvring the 'socialist' North German wing of the Party under Gregor Strasser, Hitler re-established himself in 1926 as the ultimate arbiter to whom all factions appealed in an ideologically and socially heterogeneous movement. Avoiding rigid, programmatic definitions of National Socialism which would have undermined the charismatic nature of his legitimacy and his claim to absolute leadership, Hitler succeeded in extending his appeal beyond Bavaria and attracting both Right and Left to his movement.

Though the Nazi Party won only twelve seats in the 1928 elections, the onset of the Great Depression with its devastating effects on the middle classes helped Hitler to win over all those strata in German society who felt their economic existence was threatened. In addition to peasants, artisans, craftsmen, traders, small businessmen, ex-officers, students and declasse intellectuals, the Nazis in 1929 began to win over the big industrialists, nationalist conservatives and army circles. With the backing of the press tycoon, Alfred Hugenberg, Hitler received a tremendous nationwide exposure just as the effects of the world economic crisis hit Germany, producing mass unemployment, social dissolution, fear and indignation. With demagogic virtuosity, Hitler played on national resentments, feelings of revolt and the desire for strong leadership using all the most modern techniques of mass persuasion to present himself as Germany's redeemer and messianic saviour.

In the 1930 elections the Nazi vote jumped dramatically from 810,000 to 6,409,000 (18.3 per cent of the total vote) and they received 107 seats in the Reichstag. Prompted by Hjalmar Schacht and Fritz Thyssen, the great industrial magnates began to contribute liberally to the coffers of the NSDAP, reassured by Hitler's performance before the Industrial Club in Dusseldorf on 27 January 1932 that they had nothing to fear from the radicals in the Party. The following month Hitler officially acquired German citizenship and decided to run for the Presidency, receiving 13,418,011 votes in the run-off elections of 10 April 1931 as against 19,359,650 votes for the victorious von Hindenburg , but four times the vote for the communist candidate, Ernst Thaelmann. In the Reichstag elections of July 1932 the Nazis emerged as the largest political party in Germany, obtaining nearly fourteen million votes (37.3 per cent) and 230 seats. Although the NSDAP fell back in November 1932 to eleven million votes (196 seats).

Assumption of Power - Jan. 30th, 1933

Hitler was helped to power by a camarilla of conservative politicians led by Franz von Papen, who persuaded the reluctant von Hindenburg to nominate 'the Bohemian corporal' as Reich Chancellor on 30 January 1933. Once in the saddle, Hitler moved with great speed to outmanoeuvre his rivals, virtually ousting the conservatives from any real participation in government by July 1933, abolishing the free trade unions, eliminating the communists, Social Democrats and Jews from any role in political life and sweeping opponents into concentration camps. The Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933 had provided him with the perfect pretext to begin consolidating the foundations of a totalitarian one-party State, and special 'enabling laws' were ramrodded through the Reichstag to legalize the regime's intimidatory tactics.

With support from the nationalists, Hitler gained a majority at the last 'democratic' elections held in Germany on 5 March 1933 and with cynical skill he used the whole gamut of persuasion, propaganda, terror and intimidation to secure his hold on power. The seductive notions of 'National Awakening' and a 'Legal Revolution' helped paralyse potential opposition and disguise the reality of autocratic power behind a facade of traditional institutions.
Consolidation of Power - Dictatorship

The destruction of the radical SA leadership under Ernst Rohm in the Blood Purge of June 1934 confirmed Hitler as undisputed dictator of the Third Reich and by the beginning of August, when he united the positions of Fuhrer and Chancellor on the death of von Hindenburg, he had all the powers of State in his hands. Avoiding ANY institutionalization of authority and status which could challenge his own undisputed position as supreme arbiter, Hitler allowed subordinates like Himmler, Goering and Goebbels to mark out their own domains of arbitrary power while multiplying and duplicating offices to a bewildering degree.
Prelude to War

During the next four years Hitler enjoyed a dazzling string of domestic and international successes, outwitting rival political leaders abroad just as he had defeated his opposition at home. In 1935 he abandoned the Versailles Treaty and began to build up the army by conscripting five times its permitted number. He persuaded Great Britain to allow an increase in the naval building programme and in March 1936 he occupied the demilitarized Rhineland without meeting opposition. He began building up the Luftwaffe and supplied military aid to Francoist forces in Spain, which brought about the Spanish fascist victory in 1939.

The German rearmament programme led to full employment and an unrestrained expansion of production, which reinforced by his foreign policy successes - the Rome-Berlin pact of 1936, the Anschluss with Austria and the 'liberation' of the Sudeten Germans in 1938 - brought Hitler to the zenith of his popularity. In February 1938 he dismissed sixteen senior generals and took personal command of the armed forces, thus ensuring that he would be able to implement his aggressive designs.

Hitler's sabre-rattling tactics bludgeoned the British and French into the humiliating Munich agreement of 1938 and the eventual dismantlement of the Czechoslovakian State in March 1939. The concentration camps, the Nuremberg racial laws against the Jews, the persecution of the churches and political dissidents were forgotten by many Germans in the euphoria of Hitler's territorial expansion and bloodless victories. The next designated target for Hitler's ambitions was Poland (her independence guaranteed by Britain and France) and, to avoid a two-front war, the Nazi dictator signed a pact of friendship and non- aggression with Soviet Russia.

World War II

On 1 September 1939 German armies invaded Poland and henceforth his main energies were devoted to the conduct of a war he had unleashed to dominate Europe and secure Germany's 'living space'.

The first phase of World War II was dominated by German Blitzkrieg tactics: sudden shock attacks against airfields, communications, military installations, using fast mobile armour and infantry to follow up on the first wave of bomber and fighter aircraft. Poland was overrun in nineteen days, Denmark and Norway in two months, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg and France in six weeks. After the fall of France in June 1940 only Great Britain stood firm.

The Battle of Britain, in which the Royal Air Force prevented the Luftwaffe from securing aerial control over the English Channel, was Hitler's first setback, causing the planned invasion of the British Isles to be postponed. Hitler turned to the Balkans and North Africa where his Italian allies had suffered defeats, his armies rapidly overrunning Greece, Yugoslavia, the island of Crete and driving the British from Cyrenaica.

The crucial decision of his career, the invasion of Soviet Russia on 22 June 1941, was rationalized by the idea that its destruction would prevent Great Britain from continuing the war with any prospect of success. He was convinced that once he kicked the door in, as he told Jodl (q.v.), 'the whole rotten edifice [of communist rule] will come tumbling down' and the campaign would be over in six weeks. The war against Russia was to be an anti-Bolshivek crusade, a war of annihilation in which the fate of European Jewry would finally be sealed. At the end of January 1939 Hitler had prophesied that 'if the international financial Jewry within and outside Europe should succeed once more in dragging the nations into a war, the result will be, not the Bolshevization of the world and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe'.

As the war widened - the United States by the end of 1941 had entered the struggle against the Axis powers - Hitler identified the totality of Germany's enemies with 'international Jewry', who supposedly stood behind the British-American-Soviet alliance. The policy of forced emigration had manifestly failed to remove the Jews from Germany's expanded lebensraum, increasing their numbers under German rule as the Wehrmacht moved East.

The widening of the conflict into a world war by the end of 1941, the refusal of the British to accept Germany's right to continental European hegemony (which Hitler attributed to 'Jewish' influence) and to agree to his 'peace' terms, the racial-ideological nature of the assault on Soviet Russia, finally drove Hitler to implement the 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question' which had been under consideration since 1939. The measures already taken in those regions of Poland annexed to the Reich against Jews (and Poles) indicated the genocidal implications of Nazi-style 'Germanization' policies. The invasion of Soviet Russia was to set the seal on Hitler's notion of territorial conquest in the East, which was inextricably linked with annihilating the 'biological roots of Bolshevism' and hence with the liquidation of all Jews under German rule.

At first the German armies carried all before them, overrunning vast territories, overwhelming the Red Army, encircling Leningrad and reaching within striking distance of Moscow. Within a few months of the invasion Hitler's armies had extended the Third Reich from the Atlantic to the Caucasus, from the Baltic to the Black Sea. But the Soviet Union did not collapse as expected and Hitler, instead of concentrating his attack on Moscow, ordered a pincer movement around Kiev to seize the Ukraine, increasingly procrastinating and changing his mind about objectives. Underestimating the depth of military reserves on which the Russians could call, the calibre of their generals and the resilient, fighting spirit of the Russian people (whom he dismissed as inferior peasants), Hitler prematurely proclaimed in October 1941 that the Soviet Union had been 'struck down and would never rise again'. In reality he had overlooked the pitiless Russian winter to which his own troops were now condemned and which forced the Wehrmacht to abandon the highly mobile warfare which had previously brought such spectacular successes.

The disaster before Moscow in December 1941 led him to dismiss his Commander-in-Chief von Brauchitsch, and many other key commanders who sought permission for tactical withdrawals, including Guderian, Bock , Hoepner, von Rundstedt and Leeb, found themselves cashiered. Hitler now assumed personal control of all military operations, refusing to listen to advice, disregarding unpalatable facts and rejecting everything that did not fit into his preconceived picture of reality. His neglect of the Mediterranean theatre and the Middle East, the failure of the Italians, the entry of the United States into the war, and above all the stubborn determination of the Russians, pushed Hitler on to the defensive. From the winter of 1941 the writing was on the wall but Hitler refused to countenance military defeat, believing that implacable will and the rigid refusal to abandon positions could make up for inferior resources and the lack of a sound overall strategy.

Convinced that his own General Staff was weak and indecisive, if not openly treacherous, Hitler became more prone to outbursts of blind, hysterical fury towards his generals, when he did not retreat into bouts of misanthropic brooding. His health, too, deteriorated under the impact of the drugs prescribed by his quack physician, Dr Theodor Morell. Hitler's personal decline, symbolized by his increasingly rare public appearances and his self-enforced isolation in the 'Wolf's Lair', his headquarters buried deep in the East Prussian forests, coincided with the visible signs of the coming German defeat which became apparent in mid-1942.

Rommel's defeat at El Alamein and the subsequent loss of North Africa to the Anglo-American forces were overshadowed by the disaster at Stalingrad where General von Paulus's Sixth Army was cut off and surrendered to the Russians in January 1943. In July 1943 the Allies captured Sicily and Mussolini's regime collapsed in Italy. In September the Italians signed an armistice and the Allies landed at Salerno, reaching Naples on 1 October and taking Rome on 4 June 1944. The Allied invasion of Normandy followed on 6 June 1944 and soon a million Allied troops were driving the German armies eastwards, while from the opposite direction the Soviet forces advanced relentlessly on the Reich. The total mobilization of the German war economy under Albert Speer and the energetic propaganda efforts of Joseph Goebbels to rouse the fighting spirit of the German people were impotent to change the fact that the Third Reich lacked the resources equal to a struggle against the world alliance which Hitler himself had provoked.

Allied bombing began to have a telling effect on German industrial production and to undermine the morale of the population. The generals, frustrated by Hitler's total refusal to trust them in the field and recognizing the inevitability of defeat, planned, together with the small anti-Nazi Resistance inside the Reich, to assassinate the Fuhrer on 20 July 1944, hoping to pave the way for a negotiated peace with the Allies that would save Germany from destruction. The plot failed and Hitler took implacable vengeance on the conspirators, watching with satisfaction a film of the grisly executions carried out on his orders.

As disaster came closer, Hitler buried himself in the unreal world of the Fuhrerbunker in Berlin, clutching at fantastic hopes that his 'secret weapons', the V-1 and V-2 rockets, would yet turn the tide of war. He gestured wildly over maps, planned and directed attacks with non-existent armies and indulged in endless, night- long monologues which reflected his growing senility, misanthropy and contempt for the 'cowardly failure' of the German people.

As the Red Army approached Berlin and the Anglo-Americans reached the Elbe, on 19 March 1945 Hitler ordered the destruction of what remained of German industry, communications and transport systems. He was resolved that, if he did not survive, Germany too should be destroyed. The same ruthless nihilism and passion for destruction which had led to the extermination of six million Jews in death camps, to the biological 'cleansing' of the sub-human Slavs and other subject peoples in the New Order, was finally turned on his own people.

On 29 April 1945 he married his mistress Eva Braun and dictated his final political testament, concluding with the same monotonous, obsessive fixation that had guided his career from the beginning: 'Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race and to merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry.'

The following day Hitler committed suicide, shooting himself through the mouth with a pistol. His body was carried into the garden of the Reich Chancellery by aides, covered with petrol and burned along with that of Eva Braun. This final, macabre act of self-destruction appropriately symbolized the career of a political leader whose main legacy to Europe was the ruin of its civilization and the senseless sacrifice of human life for the sake of power and his own commitment to the bestial nonsense of National Socialist race mythology. With his death nothing was left of the 'Greater Germanic Reich', of the tyrannical power structure and ideological system which had devastated Europe during the twelve years of his totalitarian

2007-02-21 14:38:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Adolf Hitler was a very bad man. The end.

Seriously, just read up on the fiery Fuher on Wikipedia.

2007-02-21 22:43:22 · answer #2 · answered by Satellite_K 2 · 0 0

wikipedia is the best place you can find your Adolf Hitler's biography. and please pay attention when you write. is not biograohy,tomarrow or thanx ok?.

2007-02-21 22:52:18 · answer #3 · answered by parangaracutirimicuaro 1 · 0 0

April 20: Adolf Hitler born in Braunau-am-Inn (Upper Austria), son of the customs officer Alois Hitler (Schicklgruber until 1877) and his wife Clara (née Pölzel). Hitler attended the secondary school in Steyr.

Death of his father.

Hitler leaves the secondary school without graduation. Firstly not forced to get a gainful employment, he reads folkish scripts. At that time, he was highly affected by the Pangermanismus of Georg von Schönerer (1842-1921).

After the death of his mother, he moved to Vienna. There he applied to the Academy of Arts, twice, but in vain. After having lived from his inheritance for some time, he eked out a living without having a fixed abode in a shelter for the homeless and took occasional jobs. The experiences he made in the capital of a multi-national state, and the reading of anti-Semitic magazines and books determined Hitler´s view of life and formed his racist hate against Jews and his radical enmity against Marxism and Liberalism.

May 24: Not least to avoid to do military service in the Austrian-Hungarian army, Hitler emigrated to Munich.

August 16: Hitler joined the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 16 (later List Regiment).
December: Awarded Iron Cross 2nd Class.

October: Received severe injury of leg - at the West Front.

March 5: Recovered again, he returned to his unit in the army.

August: Awarded Iron Cross First Class
October 15: Due to a gas attack, Hitler suffered a severe toxication and went blind temporarily.This formative and for Hitler´s career central experience was also decisive for his intention to become a politician.
End of November: After his stay in the military hospital of Pasewalk until the end of the war, he returned to the Infantry Regiment 2 to Munich and acts as ´Verbindungsmann´ (Contact Man) and ´Aufklärungsredner´ (Intelligence Speaker) for the Reichswehr.

June: His unit proposed Hitler to take part in a speakers´ training for selected Propaganda People at the University of Munich and Hitler turned out to be an excellent speaker.
August: Within his first written political notes he pointed out that his ultimate aim was the elimination of all Jewish people.
September 12: Hitler attends a meeting of the German Workers´ Party (Deutsche Arbeiter Partei = DAP) and few days later he joined that party. His membership number: 555. The party started counting beginning with 500, in order to pretend a larger membership.
October 16: Hitler delivers his first political speech to members of the DAP.

February: Preparation of programme of the German Workers´ Party that is re-named in National Socialist German Workers´ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei = NSDAP) now.
March 31: Hitler left the Reichswehr and from then on gave his full attention to working for the NSDAP.

July 29: As agitator, he meanwhile became indispensable, was well-known also outside of Munich and - at the occasion of an Extraordinary Party Members´ Meeting of the NSDAP - he became Party Chairman with dictatorial powers.

November 9: The Hitler-Putsch in Munich was defeated when police opened fire. Interdiction of the NSDAP the following day. Hitler escaped but was arrested two days later in Uffing (Bavaria).

February 26: Trial of Hitler - and other Putsch leaders: Ernst Röhm, General Erich Ludendorff etc. - for high treason begins in Munich. Hitler was finally sentenced to five years imprisonment. Hitler used this trial as forum for his anti-republican agitation.
December 20: Earlier than the stipulated date, Hitler was released from his imprisonment in Landsberg where he finished the first volume of his script: "Mein Kampf".

February 27: Refoundation of the NSDAP.
April 30: On his application, Hitler was denationalized in Austria and was stateless from then on.
Hitler banned from speaking by the Bavarian Government and the Prussian Provincial Government.

March 9: First public speech of Hitler in Bavaria following lifting of ban.

November 16: Public speech of Hitler in Berlin (Berliner Sportpalast) following lifting of speaking ban in state of Prussia.

October 10: Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg meets Hitler for the first time to talk things out.
October 11: Rally of the ´National Opposition´ (NSDAP, Deutschnationale Volkspartei = DNVP, Alldeutscher Verband, Stahlhelm) in Bad Harzburg, though serious divisions prevail within ´Harzburger Front´.

January 27: Hitler speaks to the Industrie-Club in Dusseldorf.
February 26: Acquires German citizenship
March 13: Hitler gains about 30 per cent of all votes in the Reich presidential election.
April 10: Second presidential election, Hitler´s vote rises to about 37 per cent, but Hindenburg is re-elected.
August 13: After Reichstag (parliament) election on July 31, the NSDAP became the largest party in the Reichstag but Hitler´s demand to be appointed Reich Chancellor was rejected by Hindenburg.
November 6: Despite considerable losses - about two millions of votes - the NSDAP remains the strongest faction in the Reichstag (parliament).
December 8: Discord about a possible participation in governance with Gregor Strasser who thereupon resigns all his offices in the Nazi Party and retires from politics.

January 4: Agreement between Hitler and Franz von Papen regarding co-operation in government at meeting in the house of a banker in Cologne.
January 30: Hitler appointed Reich Chancellor, only two other Nazis besides Hitler in the ´national-conservative government´: Hermann Göring and Wilhelm Frick.
March 5: Reichstag election. The Nazi Party gains 43,9 per cent of the votes and falls far behind the expectations to gain the majority.
March 21: Reich Chancellor Hitler visits - together with Reich President Hindenburg - the "Day of Potsdam". The reputation of the Hitler government shall be upgradet by connecting the "Old with the New".
March 24: All parties - excepted the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Communistic Party of Germany (KPD, that de facto had been forbidden meanwhile) - voted to accept an Enabling Act, giving the Hitler government comprehensive legislative powers.

June 30: Röhm Putsch. Hitler took action against the leaders of the SA (who wanted a second revolution). Ernst Röhm and several political opponents were executed.
July 20: Hitler became directly responsible for the SS now (that was outsourced of the party system).
August 2: Death of Reich President von Hindenburg. Hitler amalgamated the offices of President and Chancellor and became ´Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor´. The Reichswehr (that became the Wehrmacht in 1935) swears a personal oath of allegiance to Hitler.

September 15: Nuremberg Rally: Promulgation of the ´Nuremberg Laws´ by the Reichstag.

July 20: Hitler announces to support the Anti-Republican troops of General Francicso Franco in the Spanish Civil War via German Air Force (July 16, 1936 until March 28, 1939).

March 7: Invasion of German troops into the demilitarised Rhineland.
October 25: Anti-Comintern pact between Germany and Japan, Italy lateron joins this pact.

October 25: Hitler welcomed Benito Mussolini in Berlin and develops his external alliance system by announcing the ´Berlin-Rome-Axis´.
November 5: Hitler informs the leaders of the armed forces about his military and external aims and demands readiness for a war of aggression within the next two years.

February 4: Hitler discharged military leaders and took over the supreme command over the Wehrmacht. Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath was substituted by Joachim von Ribbentrop who from now on favors a strict National Socialist course in foreign policy.
March 15: After the invasion of German troops into Austria, Hitler announces - before an enthusiastic crowd on the Wiener Heldenplatz - the annexation of Austria to the German Reich.
May 30: Hitler gives secret instruction to destroy Czechoslovakia.
September 29: Munich Conference determines that the Sudetenland belongs to Germany. Afterwards Hitler declares to have nor more territorial claims in Europe.
October 21: Hitler gives directive to prepare for the destruction of the remainder of the Czechoslovakian state.
November 9: Hitler and Goebbels initiate the Reichskristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). Pogroms result in destruction of numerous synagogues and Jewish shops and in the incarceration and murder of Jews.

January 30: In a speech to the Reichstag Hitler predicts the ´Annihilation of the Jewish Race´ in Europe, in case of another world war.
March 15: German troops (the Wehrmacht) occupy Czechoslovakia.
March 21: Hitler demands the return of Danzig (Gdansk) and the construction of an ex-territorial freeway through the Corridor.
May 23: Hitler explains to the Generals of the Wehrmacht (armed forces) his plans how to attack and claims ´Living Space in the East´.
August 23: Conclusion of the ´Hitler-Stalin-Pact´ with a secret clause regarding the spheres of interest in Eastern Europe.
September 1: Germany attacks Poland. Start of the Second World War.
October 9: Hitler´s instruction to attack in The West.
November 8: Assassination attempt (in the Munich Bürgerbräukeller) by joiner Johann Georg Elser on Hitler´s life failed.

July 31: Hitler notifies the "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW)" = military leaders - of his decision to attack the Soviet Union.
December 18: Hitler directive (Führerweisung) No. 21: "Operation Barbarossa" (attack of Soviet Union) signed.

March 30: Before his military leaders Hitler expressively talks about a ´War of Annihilation´ in the East.
June 6: In his Kommissarbefehl (Commissar Order) Hitler gives instructions for the liquidation of Soviet Political Commissars of the ´Red Army´.
June 22: Attack of Soviet Union. Beginning of systematic murder by troops of the SS and the SD (Sicherheitsdienst = Security Department) in the USSR.
December 19: Disempowerment of military command. Hitler takes over the Supreme Command of the ´Wehrmacht´ (army).
December: Hitler ordered the Systematic Assassination of European Jews.

January 20: Wannsee-Conference to coordinate measures for the ´Final Solution of the Jewish Question´.
April 26: Hitler obtains approval from Reichstag for supreme judicial powers to avoid application of formal law if necessary.
August 25: Hitler´s command for the coastal troops to build up the Atlantic Wall.

January 31: Capitulation of the ´closed in´ German Sixth Army in Stalingrad who - according Hitler´s command - had to hold their positions until the end.

July 20: Assassination attempt by Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg against Hitler failed.
September 25: Hitler ordered that all German men between sixteen and sixty years old had to do military service in the ´Volkssturm´ (German territorial army) and had to defend the borders of the Reich.

January 30: Last broadcast announcement by Hitler. He called up for fanatic resistence against the advancing Allied troops and attested the ´Ultimate Victory´.
March: His ´Nero-Order´ (instructing to completely desolate the German areas before retraction) expressed his contempt against the German People who turned out to be too weak for the enforcement of his aims.
April 29: Marriage of Hitler with Eva Braun (his long-time girlfriend).
April 30: Together with Eva Braun, Hitler committed suicide in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin.

Source: German Historical Museum, Berlin

2007-02-21 22:42:22 · answer #4 · answered by Silly Girl 5 · 0 0

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