I have been working at the same job for 12 years and want to take two to three months off to relax till i find another job, but would like a newer car than a 7 year old Kia. i have enough savings to pay the monthly payment while i am on vacation and enough till i find another job, about six months worth, it is a risk, i may not find a job quickly enough, what do you think? Should i just keep the crappy car, but risk not getting financed with a new job? Thanks for your help, especially if you have been in the same situation.
9 answers
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Business & Finance
➔ Personal Finance
1st take your vacation . 2nd contemplate a new job after you come back. 3rd find that job and then think about that new car, providing you feel secure financially in your new position. 4th what in the heck is wrong with having a kia? or for that matter a car already paid for? Car payments are a thorn in your side. try puting aside money now as if you where making payments on a new one and maybe you will have enough for a different if not new car.
2007-02-21 14:34:22
answer #1
answered by wahini on shore 3
Wait, a new bright shiney object isnt good enough to risk your credit and fianancial future on. Take your car and get a 200 dollar paint job on it, or buy it some seat covers, get it detailed, make your self feel better about it. Do the over due maintence on it. Drive it to the ground if it is paid for. Bright shiney objects are expensive. Not in what they cost, but in what you give up. Invest the car payment. When it isnt a stretch to buy a newer car buy a newer car, but not a new car. Be smarter than the average person.
Good Luck
2007-02-21 15:37:07
answer #2
answered by batwanda 4
as long as you have a job and decent credit you will get the financing after being at the new job for a month or two. Unless you are in a field that is in high demand i would wait to purchase a car.
2007-02-21 14:27:04
answer #3
answered by sheets0681 2
You know your finances better than anyone. If it was me, I wouldn't take the chance if my old car was still running okay. As long as you stay in the same type of job when you resume working, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting financed after just a few months.
2007-02-21 14:24:33
answer #4
answered by Brian G 6
First---- you're making the money so which you will possibly be able to desire to regulate it! He will no longer be able to spend funds in the back of your lower back in case you have spread out your individual seperate checking account and positioned your paycheck in it. Pay the fees, provide him an allowance till he can behave like an person, and if he pouts and throws a in great condition, tell him to get off his BUTT and get a job himself! SECONDLY- If he can rigidity, he can artwork. there is not any excuse for no longer likely to interviews if he's in a position. No excuses! If he's have been given a job lined up and all he has to do is take place, then verify he does. If he loses this pastime through fact he refuses to flow to artwork, i might heavily evaluate leaving him till he can get his act mutually. As for his mom, that may no longer some thing you need to be in touch in. Why is he giving his soreness medicine to her for funds?! He must be taking that! i does no longer supply a lot sympathy to him in that concern. in fact, in case you have a reliable courting along with his mom, or if she's in any respect life like, this is recommended to talk to her and ask her to provide up giving your husband earnings replace for the soreness meds. If he will no longer be able to get funds from her, and he's blowing the money you allocate to him, then he will in simple terms ought to arise and artwork won't he? the two way, it appears that evidently such as you're married to an exceptionally immature, lazy guy. i might heavily get some counseling for him or evaluate leaving him if he does not advance. You deserve an considerable different! no longer a leech.
2016-10-16 05:23:22
answer #5
answered by lipton 4
The fact that you posted this question tells me that deep down you know it is a bad decision. You never know what the future holds. Why dont you take a vacation before you quit? Use up some of your vacation time if you have any. You might end up feeling differently about your job....
2007-02-21 14:31:32
answer #6
answered by lisa b 2
Absolutely. Regardless of your financial situation, not having an income will likely have a negative impact on your financing options.
2007-02-21 15:04:09
answer #7
answered by Rob D 5
I would wait until you get the new job. What if it takes longer than you thought?
2007-02-21 14:22:23
answer #8
answered by fcas80 7
I suggest you to buy a 6 year old Kia WITH YOUR OWN CASH.
2007-02-21 17:37:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous