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I live in gainesville. I'm turning 13 this year. I want to do alot of things, but I would really like to start acting professionally. I learned from an anime on Adult Swim recently, that my friend encoraged me to watch, a quote: "You can't just wait and beg, if you want something, you have to do it yourself." Although in that case it was some kid jumping off a cliff with a hoverboard... Anyway, that sort of inspired me, because I've just been sort of sitting around, IMAGINING myself this big movie star... And it's not helping. There's that one girl Annasophia Robb, from Bridge to Terrabythia, and she really kicked me into gear. I read her little "about me" thing, and I noticed that she was already rich to begin with, talking about her 'agent'. That pissed me off. I think I can act just as good, if better, than her. I want to go big time! I'm talking LA! I'm not rich though. So can somebody tip me off with an idea here?

2007-02-21 13:50:36 · 2 answers · asked by Whack! 1 in Arts & Humanities Theater & Acting

2 answers

If you are worried about money, or time, or fame, or making it big, for your own peace of mind, don't go into acting. Do ANYTHING else.

Money is a poor yardstick for ability, time is short, fame is fleeting, and making it big is meaningless.

Actors want to work, and the work is on stage, and on set with director and fellow actors. That's where you cut the mustard.

If you want fame, noteriety and money, be a bank robber. Trust me, it's a lot easier than acting.

2007-02-22 04:27:05 · answer #1 · answered by Steve C 2 · 0 0

Sounds like you want to skip over "actress" and go right to "rich and famous". True, many people with the right "look" end up with film careers with very little experience in their craft (Tom Cruise), but most work very hard and juggle lots of jobs to afford to live, take classes, get headshots, etc.
First, you must decide if you want to work that hard for your goal, if not, marry well.

2007-02-25 18:52:45 · answer #2 · answered by whitney g 2 · 0 0

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