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this movie was a joke, basically a 2 hour long PSA with nothing going for it. sure it was well made, but it did NOT deserve Best Picture of 2005.

and don't tell me i didn't understand it, what's not to understand when the message it's trying to convey is used to beat me into a salivating stupor??

here's the entire movie in 3 words: Racism is bad.


2007-02-21 13:49:01 · 8 answers · asked by adam3b58 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

8 answers

yes the overlaying plot was simple. but the story was well written, the parts well acted, and it didn't have gay cowboys.

2007-02-21 13:57:39 · answer #1 · answered by Jake S 5 · 0 0

i'd have to disagree that the message was that "racism is bad. duh"

The movie was looking at the fact that racism has a lot of effects in regards to politics, law enforcement, the entertainment industry, etc - Facets of our lives that are so important yet we just blindly believe that they are free of any wrongdoing.

In other words, it's not, no pun intended, just a matter of black or white. Just because everybody is allowed the vote or able to sit anywhere they want on the bus, it doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist.

In fact, it DOES exist in a very real but subtle way.

I think the movie was looking at the ways that racism exist is this particular subtle way. How we can try to be a good person and do the right things sometimes but in the end it comes down to these judgements that are based purely on skin color.

Just think about this as an example: What do you think about when you see a middle eastern person on an airplane these days? Why do you think that? Is it a deserving judgement? What does it say about you and your ideas about race? sure nobody's going to come outright and accuse this guy of having a bomb strapped to him but i guarentee you that if he started making a fuss and running to the back of the plane you'd freak out instead of realizing that he just had some bad plane food.

2007-02-21 14:49:59 · answer #2 · answered by goodcanadian 2 · 0 1

Because there was nothing new or innovative about that stupid movie! You could put five different story lines from five different racially-related movies, edit them together and get the same dumb movie. Yeah, as you can see I totally hated that movie too! A very self-righteous attempt at tackling a complex subject that has already been done...and done better. I'll tell you what I thought should have won BP....either Good Night and Good Luck or Brokeback Mountain. At least I learned something with one and saw a totally different kind of love story with another. I'm just glad my husband and I aren't the ONLY ones who hated Crash!!

2007-02-21 14:30:38 · answer #3 · answered by emrobs 5 · 0 0

I observed Crash and Brokeback Mountain. i theory Brokeback had plenty greater suitable character progression, and an unusual tale. i theory Crash replaced right into a splash too preachy and predictable, and there have been too many characters and stipulations. To me it felt greater like a television episode. i comprehend the gay attitude is debatable - yet as a action picture i theory Brokeback replaced into plenty greater suitable. you will desire to settle for it via itself words. howdy, you do no longer would desire to approve of slavery to take excitement in long previous With The Wind. i'm no longer asserting Brokeback is interior the comparable type, despite the fact that it gives you a window on a life few individuals comprehend plenty approximately.

2017-01-03 04:05:15 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'd say in order to argue that it didn't deserve Best Picture, you'd have to come up with one or more movies that did.

So, to make this argument, determine on what basis Brokeback Mountain or another nominee or any other picture from that year deserved it more.

2007-02-21 14:24:11 · answer #5 · answered by Doc Occam 7 · 0 0

I will agree that it was a thoroughly disappointing film. The editing was muddled. The acting was mundane. The cinemamatography was overly dark and rough. And the story had no true climax. In short, it was not an enjoyable film.

2007-02-24 23:21:15 · answer #6 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 0 0

It's sad that you were only able to see the surface of this movie. Is it about racism? Sure, but racism at so many levels that it dares its audience to look within him- or herself. Racism takes on many forms both subtle and obvious.

2007-02-24 21:35:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hadn't even heared of it until the Oscars. ; )

2007-02-21 14:07:37 · answer #8 · answered by Surf and Peace 3 · 0 0

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