Biologically it is possible but MoMo her bodyguard says otherwise. He says that he asked Anna and she said the dad was Howard and Howard loved her very much.
It's a tragic story and becoming more so with the burial rights thingy. The judge was right to say she should be planted with her sn Daniel. Daniel's death changed everything.
2007-02-23 13:09:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think that he's more of a father that Howard K. Stern will ever be. At least larry wants to prove he's a father. It seems that Howard doesn't want to give DNA. Why is that?
If you knew that you were the father, wouldn't you like to prove it as soon as possible and be done with it.
Either Howard isn't sure, or knows that he is not the father. How stupid is this? I'm the father, I'll be proud to prove it. Howard definitely isn't. What does that tell you?
2007-02-22 01:37:38
answer #2
answered by Karen H 5
Yes, I believe so. If not, it's Howard Marshall's frozen sperm. But definitely not Howard K Stern's kid. She looks nothing like him.
I'd heard somewhere that Stern and Smith tried to pin the pregnancy on some rich old guy in South or North Carolina to extort money. When the guy said that he'd had a vasectomy years before, they realized he couldn't be the father. So Smith just stuck Stern's name on the certificate.
2007-02-21 21:31:01
answer #3
answered by Big Bear 7
It's still rather hard to tell. It seems that everytime we have an idea who the father is of Dannielynn, another one pops up out of the clear blue sky. I would not assume neither Birkhead or Stern at this point. My statement to the judges and lawyers is to "stop talking and start checking". That is the only way we can find out who the real biological father is.
2007-02-21 21:55:57
answer #4
answered by rosepoems2006 1
Yes I think he is. Why would he go through the major legal expenses to fight for his rights if he did not truly beleive he was the father.
2007-02-21 21:29:18
answer #5
answered by techyspice 3
he is willing to give his DNA to just see if the baby is his and howard k. stern wont even give his or danni lynns or anna's, i really think hes hiding something. if howard k. stern was so possitive on the baby being his, he should'nt have a problem taking a dna test, am i right?
2007-02-21 21:39:08
answer #6
answered by xx69. 2
I don't know. I kindof hope not. I wonder if he's had plastic surgery. His face looks fake - like maybe he has had one too many appointments with Michael Jackson's surgeon.
2007-02-21 21:28:12
answer #7
answered by kelly-il 3
Yes I do. I truly hope he is. He seems like the only sane one.
2007-02-22 01:49:34
answer #8
answered by Amber 6