I truly am sad...It is a shame what some people go through being a celebrity. You really have to be a strong person to be in the limelight. There are so many normal people who go through the same amount of trials and tribulations as Anna; now they are sitting in front of their TVs judging her! The media is really responsible for killing Anna!
2007-02-21 18:15:33
answer #1
answered by babyface 2
It is very sad that she died so young. More difficult that no one really knows what killed her. But my heart goes out to that baby and how she is practically an orphan. This baby is going to grow up wondering who her mother was and wishing that she had a chance to meet her real mother. It's a difficult situation. But we all must realize that death is a part of life and it something that we all must face. Some face death a whole lot sooner that Anna Nicole. We should focus on the happy times in her life and not her downfalls. That is the only way we can get through the process of grieving. Lastly, we should remember that Anna is now free and she is no longer suffering any more.
2007-02-21 21:47:49
answer #2
answered by rosepoems2006 1
I'm going to he honest. I'm not sad at all that she died,why should I? Everyone knows that we aren't eternal and our lives end. It's human nature. Anna Nicole Smith shouldn't had died,but she's gone now and nobody can do anything to bring her back to life. Of course I do feel sad for her daughter,but life goes on and that's just the way life is.
2007-02-21 21:58:12
answer #3
answered by Manapazza 5
I think that it is very sad that Anna Nicole is dead. She had a beautiful daughter to spend the rest of her life with.
I'm sorry that anyone can be so depressed that she didn't care if she lived or died. We do not know that she killed herself, but we do know that she didn't care if she lived or died.
She was so heartbroken that her 20 year old so died, that she didn't want to live. I personally don't understand when you have just had a beautiful baby girl to spend your life with. But I've never had it happen to me.
Maybe part of the problem was that baby DannieLynn could possibly have one of fathers. That could have been more of the stress.
I wish that her little girl could've grown up knowing her mother. She at least needs to grow up with her real father.
2007-02-22 01:43:47
answer #4
answered by Karen H 5
I think it's a tragedy for the new baby whether you liked her choices in life or not. And I think it will be a shame if her mother gets to bury her in TX instead of next to her son in the Bahamas.
2007-02-21 21:29:08
answer #5
answered by cell_chik 4