That's cruel, don;t wish that on anyone please.
2007-02-25 10:41:34
answer #1
answered by Sharisse F 4
You know, I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking, she did this (parties, cut her hair, goes into rehab) instead of committing suicide -- for now-- but if that poor child does not get some help, that will be the next step. I feel for sorry for her now. I really do. I really wish she would just go home with her kids to mom and dad, leave the Hollywood life alone forever. She is set for life, financially, and she clearly cannot handle the pressure. But, I really hope God blesses her, because she really needs it right now. At first I thought she was going crazy, but she is seriously lacking spiritually.
2007-02-21 21:33:16
answer #2
answered by Guess Who? 5
I hope not, not because I like her or anything (Christina Aguilera is the best femal vocalist in this generation PERIOD and I love her to death and I am going to see her in concert and she is sooo hot and has HAIR!) but because she is a mother to two boys and they deserve to grow up with a mother. IF not for any other reason then for that reason do I wish Britney Spears rises up from the ashes, gets clean, and realizes how much she means to her sons and how much they need her. Nothing and Nobody will ever replace a mothers love, and I truly believe that she loves her children.
2007-02-21 21:33:42
answer #3
answered by SN 4
Sad but could be true. She's pathetic. Her "people" are pathetic. Her family is pathetic. I just feel so sorry for those two little kids. Hopefully someone with some sense can step in and take care of them.
2007-02-21 21:30:07
answer #4
answered by kelly-il 3
...i certainally hope not...she just checked back into rehab today...maybe she will stay this time...sounds as if she really has a lot of problems and issues she needs help to get worked out...i wish her luck..she is very beautiful and talented, and has children that need their mother...
2007-02-21 21:27:57
answer #5
answered by katytex 3
Shut. your. pie. hole.
Why the f-uk everybody wishes death on someone who clearly in need of good guidance.
Attention is what you call this question...go eat some peanut butter.
2007-02-21 21:26:46
answer #6
answered by NEMESIS 3
Nah .......I prayed for her shes gonna get some help...If you was married to K-Fed you would probably go a litte nuts too
2007-02-21 21:30:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
lOl talk about no life . . .
2007-02-21 21:28:49
answer #8
answered by imissy0u* ♥ 3
I hate her.
2007-02-21 21:28:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No...she will be alright.
2007-02-21 21:26:49
answer #10
answered by Bobbie4u 5