-the people
-the culture
-the traditions
-the pride of the country and its people
-the generosity (one of my country's people made invented and overwhelmingly AMAZING thing..something that without it i wouldn't be able to write this message! electricity!!
in general i just love my country and i am truly proud to be Serbian!!!
♥ Love ♥
2007-02-21 13:19:35
answer #1
answered by A Girl 4
I have been all over the world and America Rocks. Everyone wants to come here whether they like us or not. We are the most successful country on Earth and have been for years and years. Yes, we have problems, but overall theire is no their place to live. I feel so lucky to have been born an American and the Star Spangle Banner still brings tears to my eyes and I'm proud of that. I was very proud of the way Ground Zero was handled. I think ther hasn't been a prouder moment on my life, but I was very disappointed with the storm Katrina that hit Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. We didn't come through for them, I sincerely hope the next time it will be better.
2007-02-21 21:24:05
answer #2
answered by kattsmeow 7
I'm so very proud to be an American.
Every summer in my town, during the July 4th parade, the loudest applause is for the veterans carrying our beautiful flag. Everyone stands, and claps for however long it takes them to pass. Some are riding in cars, too frail to walk, way behind the flag, but they get their due respect too.
Many people in my country do not make me proud, but so many more do. Great question.
2007-02-21 21:34:56
answer #3
answered by Jilly 4
Freedom & the governments are not to much of control freaks althought QLDs leader is haha
People are pretty much good & Australia is a beautiful country to boot
we have faults as far as wrecking the land but I love This Sunburnt Country.......
2007-02-21 21:23:59
answer #4
answered by ausblue 7
2007-02-21 21:16:24
answer #5
answered by Justin 6
Filipino here :D
Well, I like the culture (even though some ppl say the Philippines is a bad culture) the people the delicious food, yummy!, some amusement parks, the.....i have noooooo idea for the last one....
Piece out!
2007-02-21 21:34:21
answer #6
answered by ? 3
Seeing the flag. Freedom of speech and to demonstrate. The men and women who wear their uniforms proudly. The fact that you can make it if you are willing to work. Being able to vote. To live where I want to. And singing the National Anthem.
2007-02-21 21:19:55
answer #7
answered by thmsnbrgll 5
My 18 year old nephew who's in the marines. Right now he's over in Iraq.
2007-02-21 21:16:28
answer #8
answered by kim_in_craig 7
we are so more civilized than most other countries, we have freedom, we have justic (for the most part). I've been to other countries and it makes me apppreciate our country so much more. I also think our flag kicks butt!!
2007-02-21 21:17:57
answer #9
answered by Cris 2
The music, the culture and the Kulfi (Indian Ice-cream)
2007-02-21 21:15:58
answer #10
answered by King of Hearts 6