There are 4 movies- The original Crow, City of Angels, Salvation and Wicked Prayer. City of Angels was ok, Sarah's in it- she's all grown up. It was ok to see once. Don't waste your time or money on Wicked Prayer- bad acting, bad story, bad everything.
I personally like Salvation- it has Eric Mabius from Ugly Betty and Kirsten Dunst in it. By far the better of the sequels, the story was pretty similar to the original crow with Brandon Lee- which is my absolute favorite of the series.
2007-02-21 13:32:00
answer #1
answered by delight0211 5
The only other Crow film I like is City of Angels. Salvation wasn't very good and I thought Wicked Prayer was horrible.
2007-02-21 13:28:49
answer #2
answered by tanie_kitty 6
The first crow is the only good one in my opinion. I recently saw a straight-to-tv Crow movie that had the kid that played John Connor from Terminator as the Crow, and Terra Reid as a evil person or something.......scary stuff
2007-02-21 13:28:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The second film wasn't too bad, but I found the last one "Wicked Prayer" to be, well, kind of lame. The second one had good martial arts, a decent budget, an interesting story. Wicked Prayer looked like a reject from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Which is probably because it had the same director and male star. If you want to watch City of Angels then I reccomend it, if you want to watch Wicked Prayer, watch it because not watching it will torment you, not because you want to see a good movie.
2007-02-21 13:17:05
answer #4
answered by misha0 2
Heven't seen the 3rd. The 2nd was OK up to the last 10 minutes. Then it was awful. The best part of the movie is the original Yellow Ranger doing her own stunts.
The 1st is the best comic book adaptation of all time.
2007-02-21 14:00:58
answer #5
answered by travis_a_duncan 4
I think they were good but not as good as the first one so you will have to use your own judgement as to buy them or not.
2007-02-21 13:16:40
answer #6
answered by lexingtonwoman44 2
are the other two films ARE ARE ARE..not IS.
come on now young fellow young should really try being more productive with your time,.have young ever thought about exploring the great world that is fine wines????
2007-02-21 13:16:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
None of em were any good in my opinion.
2007-02-21 13:14:50
answer #8
answered by Fletcher 4