Wow, that happens to me alot. I think a lot about the past. I know I shouldnt be because then I will feel guilty about stuff. I dont remember any right now, Id rather not think about it. Sometimes I feel bad because I feel like I forgot something, or wish I wouldve kept in touch with people, or been a little bit nicer when I would be angry. I try not to be mad, but, it accidentally happens. But yeah, that stuff happens to me and I dont like it. I try not to think about it =]
2007-02-21 13:06:18
answer #1
answered by EJ 2
I'm Methodist, but I think I was born with that "Jewish Mother' thing. I feel guilty whenever my grown kids mess up and there isn't anything I can do but be there for them and they don't call or want my advice.
2007-02-21 21:01:53
answer #2
answered by kattsmeow 7
Failing college tests. Since that time, i started to study for my tests and now i am getting much better grades
2007-02-21 21:00:29
answer #3
answered by Justin 6
2007-02-21 20:59:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous