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I have to write my opinion of the theme of "Glory", but I don't know how to word my opinion. Can I have some examples of opinions of the theme?

The theme is that it took the sacrifice and brotherhood of a group of black and white soldiers to fight this battle, and even though they lost it was a worthy cause.

2007-02-21 12:24:01 · 4 answers · asked by <3 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

I'm putting this in an essay and please tell me if this is okay.

My opinion of the theme is that people can overcome any hindrance by their gallantry and alliances. The commitment and bravery of the black and white soldiers in the regiment has overcame any obstacle they faced, for example, an obstacle they faced was that the black soldiers only got ten dollars for their pay instead of the regular salary of thirteen dollars and created an uprising to not accept their pay. Colonel Robert Gould Shaw decided to band with the black soldiers and not accept his pay, too.

2007-02-21 12:54:06 · update #1

4 answers

The movie is about the purpose of the civil war..It carefully takes you into the life of a black union soldier..not only did they have to fight the war and want to fightfor their freedom.but they also had to fight with their own army..we fight a common enemy,shed common blood but dont even wear the same shoes...it had more of a social undertone than the comrade angle that you are depicting

2007-02-21 20:20:55 · answer #1 · answered by doughdzm 2 · 0 0

The north calls it the Civil War, the South refers to it as the war of northern aggression. Take your pick. More American lives were lost in that war than any the US has ever been involved in. I disagree with the title "Glory" no glory ever came out of that war. There was good, but a lot more bad in my opinion. A lot of people lost there lives over a problem that should have been solved on a table not a battle field.

2007-02-21 20:43:18 · answer #2 · answered by john 1 · 1 0

The soliders in "Glory" created a brotherhood through a common bond, amonst black and white soliders during their experiences with each other and both sacrificed themselves for a free country.

that was probably a run-on sentence, so you might have to break it down but that's what I would put.

2007-02-21 20:34:49 · answer #3 · answered by Wham 3 · 0 0

Amen to John!

2007-02-22 02:34:48 · answer #4 · answered by david p 4 · 0 0

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