I have to write my opinion of the theme of "Glory", but I don't know how to word my opinion. Can I have some examples of opinions of the theme?
The theme is that it took the sacrifice and brotherhood of a group of black and white soldiers to fight this battle, and even though they lost it was a worthy cause.
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Entertainment & Music
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I'm putting this in an essay and please tell me if this is okay.
My opinion of the theme is that people can overcome any hindrance by their gallantry and alliances. The commitment and bravery of the black and white soldiers in the regiment has overcame any obstacle they faced, for example, an obstacle they faced was that the black soldiers only got ten dollars for their pay instead of the regular salary of thirteen dollars and created an uprising to not accept their pay. Colonel Robert Gould Shaw decided to band with the black soldiers and not accept his pay, too.
12:54:06 ·
update #1