I think we need to have the silver standard and after I explain I think you will agree with me. First off, we have to remember than when the world was created there came with it a finite amount of silver. The same amount that was in the beginning, is now, and will remain atleast until the end of the eon (or age). Therefore, knowing there is the same amount all throughout this age we can objectively determine that it is worth the same as it was then as it is now -even though its SUBJECTIVE price of silver on the maket will flucuate- it is still the same worth OBJECTIVELY from the viewpoint of the eon. Therefore, a universal base bride price (UBBD) could be established regardless of country of origin or currency AND you would not have to deal with inflation over time. Therefore, if a bride bought 20 years ago for the UBBD her daughter could be bought with the same UBBD value and no jealousy could incur wheras if currency were used, inflation would make the daughter worth more.
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