britney cut her hair off so she could not get drug test. come on she has a promble she checks her self in clinic not once but twice.she has a promble i think she has hard time prove her self fit in a custdy case. because look at the news and papers she is in them for her parting. she not a good role model for anyone not evan her own kids
2007-02-21 13:28:45
answer #1
answered by crystal w 3
I feel bad for as well. Her life is in the public eye 24 7. She never gets a break. And about the hair thing. I have shaved all my hair off before, but that was just so I could start fresh, and take extra good care of it. It was really damaged, so I decided to start all over, with a fresh canvas.
2007-02-21 11:42:53
answer #2
answered by Brittany Davis 3
She is so funny, I only understood half of your post but I think I got it. Her shaving her hair is because she is stupid and probably maybe on some drugs that made her think bugs were crawling all over her and she needed to cut it off. I think the girl has gone off her rocker, and states have taken kids for less than this crap maybe california should step in and take those kids from her.
2007-02-21 11:47:40
answer #3
answered by Kenneth W 3
The only thing is that she only buzzed her hair so they can still get a root so she did it all for nothing. Why not just own up to what you have done get some help and take care of your kids. Personally I don't think either of them are able to guide a child through life.
2007-02-21 11:43:14
answer #4
answered by upnorth 2
shaving your head doesn't get rid of the drugs that are found in your DNA. hair strand test. Her hair will grow back day by day and they only need four little pieces about 1/4 inch long to trace her drug use back for like seven years!!. YEp, Kevin nor Brit should fight for custody because of this type of scrutiny being the norm. They need to agree to joint custody, with her as primary and him with standard visitation plus any and all agreeable opportunity access.
2007-02-21 11:42:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What was really difficult to read because of your chatspeak. The vowels never did anything to you... why do you throw them away like that?
So Spears shaved her head and got a tattoo. She's having issues. Why does it matter so much anyway? Why does the world care? I think the world's fascination with celebrity is just insane and shallow. I feel sorry for her too- personally, I think its all finally gotten to her. Either way, its her business.
2007-02-21 11:40:44
answer #6
answered by piratewench 5
well Barbie,
i guess you've said it all.......but i think Britney (you should learn how to spell her name) is going thru some kind of identity crisis.
plus, i think she really wants to get off the drugs but cannot handle the drug withdrawls....and believe me i know how hard it is because i went thru the same thing (rehab) and the drug withdrawls are very painful and it takes a strong person to go thru rehab all the way.......i didn't have a choice, because my therapist said she would alert my employer of my drug problems and i could not risk that because i was working in a PHARMACY
and had been there for 20 years at the time.....and i was trying to support my child and i so i just could not risk the BIG heart feels bad for BRITNEY ..... i know what she is going thru....and i hope she makes it. God be with her and keep her safe.....and her children.
2007-02-21 11:48:43
answer #7
answered by sweetness #1 5
She may have been drunk I don't remember what was said about that but I do remember that she just got a divorce and her life was going kinda down hill so she had a like a emotional breakdown.
2016-05-24 05:16:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I picture Paris saying, 'oh here, try this vitamin, it keeps my skin perfect' (Howard K Sterns style) laced with something highly addictive. The shaving won't save her now. She is exposed, maybe it was artistic instinct to express the obvious.
2007-02-22 13:09:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My personal opinion is that she is having some issues with her sexuality. I had a good friend that was having a hard time dealing with the fact that she was a lesbian. She got all crazy for awhile and was making out with all these different girls then she went all nazi ***** and shaved her head. She has since calmed herself down but I think poor brit is dealing with the fact that she's gay and having a hard time excepting it. Don't believe me?? put britney lesbian into your search engine
2007-02-21 11:43:07
answer #10
answered by hthr_1974 4