I think this is a great idea. A man needs to know what "he is getting" when he takes a new wife. Just like a wise man would carefully examine a car before purchase from the inside and out, so a wise man must have his fiance examined from the inside and out. Having these tests performed on her will let him know if she has any uncurable diseases as well as if she has proof of her virginity or not. If a woman does not have her proof of virginity that needs to be an automatic discount on the dowry for her. If she is not, he needs to seek verible witnesses concerning how many men she has slept with and then divide number into the regular bride price to determine her worth. For example, if the bride price is 50 ounces of silver and she has been with 5 men (50/5) she is worth 10 ounces. (Analogous to a used car price with high mileage). Also, discounts on her dowry need to be made for the permanent health conditions previously mentioned but not for curable diseases and common viruses.
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