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21 answers

I do it frequently. But am I really really reading their thoughts - or am I just more sensitive than most? Or might it be some type of "psychic phenomena" although not actual mind reading?

Who knows? All I know is that sometimes words or whole sentences will pop into my head. Where they come from, I don't know.

2007-02-21 09:58:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

its possible :I've been married for 7 years and I no my husbands thoughts before he does or me and him will be thinking the same thing but be no where near each other.Either at work or I'm upstairs and I'll be thinking something an he'll say what thought i actually had . But I would love to have that Cops powers on hero's and that Wifi Chic's powers .

2007-02-21 09:59:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is a new technology that was just brought forth today as a matter of fact. It is an ex-ray type machine that can pick up and decipher your thought patterns. They are all ready trying to determine where and when they should us it. Not a joke!

2007-02-21 09:57:41 · answer #3 · answered by Rocko Barbella 4 · 1 0

Yes, I believe it's possible, like when you call a friend you haven't talked to for a while but they call you first. Like that. Or maybe 1% or the rest of the time. But usually not.



2007-02-21 09:59:24 · answer #4 · answered by Freesumpin 7 · 1 0


2007-02-21 09:58:26 · answer #5 · answered by Cori 3 · 1 0

I read my husband's thoughts everyday. It's not that hard, he is pretty transparent.

2007-02-21 09:59:08 · answer #6 · answered by KT 4 · 1 0

Yes..especially in P&S..very simple..

2007-02-21 09:56:40 · answer #7 · answered by metoo 7 · 1 0


2007-02-21 10:21:36 · answer #8 · answered by rosey 7 · 0 0

Mine would be a pretty quick read.

2007-02-21 10:11:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, yeah, when they have one of those thought bubbles hanging over their head! lol

2007-02-21 09:56:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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