Well hugo will self destruct sooner or later.
as far as Mexico, if the mexican government didnt take 60% of the profits away from Pemex Petroleum, then they might be able to refine their own oil.
Since Mexico cant even refine its own own oil and has to send it to the USA for that to be done they sorta depend on the USA more than the USA depends on it. as far as oil goes
2007-02-21 08:43:14
answer #1
answered by sociald 7
General Albert Coady Wedemeyer (July 9, 1897 – December 17, 1989) was a United States Army commander who served primarily in Asia during World War II. Albert C. Wedemeyer said, “Finally, the U.S knows which countries should have been fought as their enemy during the war. After the WW2 finished, the Korea War and Vietnam War happened. As Japan thought the Manchuria in China and area of Korea were very important to defend from communist countries. That’s why Japan had controlled them before they defeated. Japan tried to have conference with the U.S president before Japan attacked the Hawaii. However, the U.S president ignored Japanese requested. If the U.S had understood the Japanese strategy at that time, the two of communists’ countries, Russia and China, would not have been become such countries which a hypothetical enemy U.S thinks. Moreover, many American would not have died by the wars.” Before the Second Sino-Japanese War started, western countries had many colonies in the world, and westerners had operated an obscurant policy in the colonies. The Japanese only had been had equal treatment from westerners. Therefore, Japan proposed The Racial Equality in Paris Peace Conference in 1919. However, the U.S and British took strong opposition in the conference, so the proposal did not get the approval. We should know this fact.
2016-05-24 04:05:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We have significant oil interests over there, for the time being.
With regard to Mexico, the new Presdient came out recently speaking about securing their southern border.
That, and the lack of action by our government over illegals tells me the NAU (North American Union) is one step closer to reality.
As for Venezuela, what good does it do to make nice with a Socialst dictator, who has now rigged the political and electoral systems to allow his lifetime rule by decree?
2007-02-21 08:40:28
answer #3
answered by MoltarRocks 7
There only seems to be oil in Venezuela, when it comes to Latin America.
2007-02-21 08:44:58
answer #4
answered by Jackson Leslie 5
Mexico is FAR more dependant on the U.S. than visa versa. Mexico is not and will not be a problem anytime soon.
Venezuela has the same problem of both being dependent on the U.S., and also being a vocal crtic of the U.S. In other words, Venezuela is all bark and no bite.
2007-02-21 08:40:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes there is some problem between america and middle east. but now a days both countries try to solve this problems, and in future all problems be remove. at http://www.alkhaleejtoday.com/ get more knowledge, news about middle east.
2007-02-23 19:57:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Keeping good relations with those countries is like trying to count a barrel of squirrels.
2007-02-21 08:48:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Latin America remains in poverty because of their "relationship" to the USA. The USA propped up and supported all sorts of corrupt, and deadly... dictatorships in the region.
Hugo Chavez, and other great visionaries, are trying to change that. They will succeed too, because the people are tired of endless American interference that holds them down.
2007-02-21 08:38:46
answer #8
answered by Villain 6
the stability of Saudi Arabia is much more crucial to the world economy than Latin America.
2007-02-21 08:39:54
answer #9
answered by Pete Schwetty 5
I wonder that myself. I would think America would be better served to keep its neighborhood in order.
2007-02-21 08:48:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous