I saw a tree yesterday and told my friend that it was a gorgeous tree but it looked lonely, he is into all the wild life stuff and knows a lot about it, said that they'd probably cut it down too because there used to be heaps of trees along that stretch of road.
They aren't in the way of anything or doing anyone any harm, so i asked him why people cut them down. He said most people will say "they are ONLY trees"
Do you agree with the statement that they are only trees or do you see them as more? They are living!!!
10 answers
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Society & Culture
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no my friend didn't say they're only trees.. he was saying that most people would say that!
08:43:50 ·
update #1
Trees have no sense of consiousness because they don't have brains. they are living only by scientific definition. They are JUST 'trees'..sorry.
2007-02-21 08:36:20
answer #1
answered by Poo 3
I agree with you that 'trees' are not 'just trees' but are 'creatures' that have as much 'right to life' as people or animals. If the tree you saw yesterday was 'ill' and it has some 'tree disease' that is 'catching to other trees' then maybe it should be 'cut down' but if it's just a 'beautiful old tree' that has 'good life' left in it, then I would let it stay ... even if that meant I couldn't 'build' the kind of house I wanted on that lot, or put a road 'straight through' ... but I'm 'different' and 'weird' and I actually really LIKE trees ... especially the old and 'gnarly' ones. And I'm 56 ... so you can't say that I'm a 'young pup who just doesn't know any better.'
2007-02-21 08:47:05
answer #2
answered by Kris L 7
Trees are the guardians of the world. If we cut down all the trees in the world, there would be no oxygen for us to breathe. People have forgotten the botany as well as the beauty of trees. How many people even look at the sky anymore to see the clouds, sun and colors. Ask a bunch of your friends tonight if anyone can tell you how the sky looked today. Ask your friend who said they are only trees, if he/she has any idea what photosynthesis is and where this world will be if the process stops. Not only are trees living but they are giving us life and they cannot defend themselves against the axe.
2007-02-21 08:37:19
answer #3
answered by juncogirl3 6
Ancient texts of Hinduism say that the souls in the
trees are similar to ours. It is because of bad Karma of
past life, they are born as trees. Some accounts
describe that rarely some persons have the gift to
understand what a tree is talking about.
A part of it is verified in modern times. The Russians
have conducted many scientific experiments to this
effect. They have attached electronic sensors to a tree
to see if it has some emotions. When a person, who has
hit the tree before, enters the room the electronic
instruments which are monitoring the out coming signals
showed very violent variations. However, when the
person who gives fertilizer and water to them enters
the room they have shown a more than steady and
harmonious signals.
2007-02-22 00:05:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead.
2016-05-24 04:03:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I once wondered how do they know to grow so far. Why not to the Heavens. Yes, trees are great. I just am amazed by the Redwoods. I love the wood and the spell they expel. Trees are great shade during a hot summer to. Lots of fun to climb. You find allot of God's creation in a tree. Just Love them!
2007-02-21 08:45:45
answer #6
answered by ? 5
this may sound strange.
I hate trees... They creep me out.. especially disiduous ones in the winter.. they are scary. and I used to imagine that they held evil spirits.
We once lived in the central valley of California in the middle of 100 acres of grapes. The vines are over 100 years old and in the winter, they are bare and so gnarled... omg.. scared me to death.
I hate trees.. I'm glad you like them... and of course there is a place for them... just not in my yard.. I have one big one left.. lol but it will cost over $700 to cut it down, so it is still there.
2007-02-21 08:39:03
answer #7
answered by ? 3
I believe that trees are just trees, but they do have a purpose that's vital to the environment.
2007-02-21 08:50:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well... I think that all living creatures are important. But still, they're just trees. You won't catch ME huggin' one. ;-)
2007-02-21 08:35:18
answer #9
answered by yumyum 6
they are ears for Mother earth
be kind to trees
Mother earth would not like it if your mean to trees
good luck
2007-02-21 12:36:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous