There are a lot of good tips and links to resources regarding bullying
At work:
And At school:
2007-02-21 07:57:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am truly sorry and saddened to read that,please read my blog re: bullying although I don't recommend what I done as it was a long hard road and has to this day left me with emotional scarring .I would suggest trying Buddhism to help but as I am not in possession of the 100% of the facts even that may not help realistically you have two choices either change jobs or if at school then use awareness tactics with avoidance or tackle it head on,better to avoid I'd say as tackling head on may make you worse than the bully's,it did for me but that's only my experience everyone is different.
Wish I could help more.
Best wishes
2007-02-21 16:05:39
answer #2
answered by Zenlife07 6
dont worry i was a victim of bullying right up to 3rd year at secondary and now i am at college it has change slightly differently cause people get on with each other ...... the advice i give to you is never let the bully think he or she is scaring you cause that tells the bully that your there potential target I would speak to a member of your family, teacher or someone you think will understand i know it is a hurtful and depressing thing!!! just try to keep your head high and show your not scared.......... if bullying continues seek advice fast
2007-02-22 10:47:00
answer #3
answered by Andrew D 1
I was bullied terribly at school, I hated it and would often feel physcially sick with fear, it sucks. A bully is just someone who is trying to gain power over you cause they are weak themselves. Stand up to them and they generally back down. I did this to one of the people bullying me and she got scared and then became a friend, funny how things turn out! If that doesn;t work you can always speak to a teacher or your boss if it's at work. Good luck :o)
2007-02-21 17:30:58
answer #4
answered by farleyjackmaster 5
im not sure how old you are, but whatever age, it is not to be accepted!
the first thing you should do, is tell yourself: ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!
bullies are weak people who feel stronger by intimidating other people.
think about the people you trust. is there firstly a friend you can talk to, who will help you speak to an adult about it.
then find an adult that you trust. this could be a family member, a family friend, a friends parent, or a teacher at school.
talk through the problem, and even if you dont want to name names at the start, just talking about it should help you, and should make you realise thats this is not your fault!
good luck x
2007-02-21 17:21:29
answer #5
answered by xhxbananaxx 2
that is a good question i to am being bulled so no how you feel i have been bulled for just over twenty years now in that time have been beaten up many times stabed burnt and i no that if you report it that it only makes things worse as they find out but that is what alot of people say you should do
I was told though that people who bully you have also been bulled before so react in a way of bullinging other people witch is wrong i no if i could help in anyway or you would like to chat i'm here for you i no what you going through
2007-02-21 16:00:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you are being bullied
try to stay calm and look as confident as you can
be firm and clear - look them in the eye and tell them to stop
get away from the situation as quickly as possible and
tell an adult what has happened straight away
If you find it difficult to talk to anyone at school or at home, ring ChildLine freephone on 0800 1111. If you are hard of hearing use our textphone 0800 400 222, you can also write to Freepost 1111, London N1 0BR.
The phone call or letter is free, this is a confidential helpline
After you have been bullied
tell a teacher or another adult in your school
tell your family
if you are scared to tell a teacher or an adult on your own, ask a friend to go with you
keep on speaking until someone listens and does something to stop the bullying
if your school has a peer support service, use it
don't blame yourself for what has happened
If you find it difficult to talk to anyone at school or at home, ring ChildLine freephone on 0800 1111. If you are hard of hearing use our textphone 0800 400 222, you can also write to Freepost 1111, London N1 0BR.
The phone call or letter is free, this is a confidential helpline
When you are talking to an adult about bullying
be clear about:
what has happened to you
how often it has happened
who was involved
who saw what was happening
where it happened
what you have done about it already
If you find it difficult to talk to anyone at school or at home, ring ChildLine freephone on 0800 1111. If you are hard of hearing use our textphone 0800 400 222, you can also write to Freepost 1111, London N1 0BR.
The phone call or letter is free, this is a confidential helpline
If you experience bullying by mobile phone text messages or e mail
when necessary, encourage your parents to report incidents to the police
tell a parent, friend or teacher
be careful who you give your mobile phone number or e mail address to
make a note of exactly when a threatening message was sent
2007-02-21 15:58:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Get it over and done with. Swing your arms like a wild cat and aim for the face!
You might not be the winner and you wont get any points for style, but i can garantee you, it wont be so much fun for that bully to pick on you again and you'll get a bit more respect.
Use weopans (nothing lethal of course. Bits of wood etc) if you have to. Just dig in, aim to draw blood and dont back down.
Bully's only pick on the defensless and those who dont retaliate.
Give 'em hell mate!
The telling teacher method only makes you look more vulnarable.
2007-02-21 16:03:50
answer #8
answered by trickyrick32 4
Tell someone. Your mum, a teacher, an older sibling. Grass that bully up to the school. People always say 'ignore them' but it's hard to ignore someone who's tormenting you. Grass them up. And remember that bullies are idiots and will always be idiots but wont always be able to bully you. You'll go on to better things, they'll be left behind in their idiocy.
2007-02-21 16:02:03
answer #9
answered by Rafaman 2
Well you could possibly tell a teacher, A family member, councler, Well you should really talk it out and I would say stand up to them but I have never been bullied If I could I would kick their *** for you but I probably live to far go talk to someone just dont start the fights..but if it starts fight back no matter what~Ashley
2007-02-21 16:12:44
answer #10
answered by turttle_gurl 2
Hi Tom,sorry to hear that your having problems with some moron that feels he can bully you.But as you can see you are not alone in your problem,as many on this site have had the same done to them.
I myself was bullied at a younger age and its not pleasant,but there are ways to stop this.
You can go to someone in authority and speak to them,tell them you are not going to put up with it any longer.
Get them to tell the bully they won't put up with bullying and will take action if it does'nt stop.
Bullies are people who themselves are insecure and hide this by bullying,so people think that they are tough.
Bullies only pick on easy targets,so make yourself not such the easy target.
Try to take lessons in self defence ie. Karate,Judo,Boxing or Kick Boxing.
I don't mean this as a means of getting your own back,and being physical with the person who is bullying you.
I personally did Judo, and all the above will give you confidence in yourself and your ability to handle yourself.
This in itself is the only weapon you need to combat the bully,you won't be so affraid anymore and he will know it.
He wants an easy target and all of a sudden you have an air of confidence that he won't know how to handle.
Not only that people talk,and it will soon get round what you are doing and that itself becomes a deterant.
I f you have to when he starts again stand your ground its the last thing he expects you to do,show him your not affraid anymore.
Be confident in yourself and stand your ground,it has worked for me time and time again.
I am a normally shy and placid person,but also have the reputation amongst people like family and friends of being extremely aggresive.
I'm not and to be honest have never had to fight anyone,but because i can switch on this aggresive no nonsense persona people don't try to find out.
I never loose my temper and just calmly say to anyone trying it on with me what they can expect, they always back down.
A perfect incident of this was a few years ago,new nieghbours moved in and he had a reputation as a bit of a thug.
One evening my son was heading back in ,and as he got to the steps the neighbour started to have a bit of a go at him.I heard his raised voice and my front door was slightly open i came to the door but he could'nt see me. He threatened to give my son a hammering,so i said "i don't think you will".
He turned and faced me and said"what do you think your going to do about it".
I then very calmly without even raiseing my voice said"you don't need to know what i'm going to do about it". "what you need to know is that you walk back indoors,while you can still walk".
He shut up instantly,and guess what he turned round and went indoors.Two years on and we have had no problems with him at all.
So be confident take lessons,and stand up to the bully if you can and he will soon realies your not the easy target anymore.
2007-02-21 19:29:59
answer #11
answered by Tony 3