They are jealous. I'm black, italian and indian and I have lighter skin. I get the same responses sometimes, and it used to bother me but now I know those girls are insecure when they should be proud to have beautiful dark skin.
2007-02-21 05:10:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Just be proud of who you are. You might have experience this all ready in Brazil. In the U.S. most of it comes from slavery, slave mentality, and Willie Lynch syndrome. It called colorism. With colorism, usually lighter skin tones are preferred, and darker skin is considered less desirable. Colorism can be found found in the America, the Caribbean, India, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. There could a million reasons why these girls might not like you. It could be the way you carry yourself. Do you walk around and think you are better than America black women? We as black people Brazilian black or whatever need to get back to the basic and treat each other with respect. Because when most white people see us, they see ni**ers. They don't care if you are light skinned with green eyes and curly hair. You are a *****r to them nothing else.
2007-02-21 05:33:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Light Skinned dark skinned thing is not a form of Black Racism but rather the effect of White Racism on Black People.
The "Light skinned" Black and the "Dark skinned" Black are not at fault. This started in Slavery when the light skinned slave was a "house slave" (usually the slave masters child) and the dark skinned slave was regulated to the field. The house is no better then the field because a slave is a slave but the slave master taught all of the slaves that it was better to be light skinned. In my youth, I could remember the elders (black elders) saying to the light children that they had "good hair" and they are so pretty. The Dark skinned girl, on the other hand, got no compliments so she was left to assume that she was not so pretty and had "bad or Nappy hair". They are both Black and they are both beautiful but our conditioning in America have put these too against each other. In Brazil I am sure it is worse because most light skinned Brazilians don't consider themselves Black.
2007-02-21 08:38:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Funny, I' am light skin black girl and look almost the same way and NEVER had any darker skin girls hate on me or hurt me mentally and physically. Maybe it is not your skin tone but your personality, you sound a bit conceited and cocky.
2016-05-24 02:57:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry you went through this, but the dark skinned women who said these things to was probably not jealous, but hurt and angry. And I realize that doesn't make it OK by far. You mentioned 2 names that you have been called for being light, so what? I have about 100000 that I have been called for being dark. Dark skinned women are not just mean, but when you have light skinned folks (family included) treat you like your not as good or as pretty as others because your dark, it creates scars so deep that being called one name can never compare. I'm dark, beautiful, and wouldn't change it for the world! Before you judge someone for what they say, think about why they said it.
2007-02-22 09:55:52
answer #5
answered by Lish 2
I am a light skinned black man and I can tell you this, when I was younger I would only date light skinned girls. I thought they were prettier, so did all my friends. They got all the attention. Some of my dark skinned female friends told me they noticed it and did'nt like it. Thats where I believe the jealousy comes from , although a lot won't admit it. I'm not saying dark skinned girls are'nt pretty, cause they are. That was just my thinking when I was a teenager.
2007-02-21 05:28:02
answer #6
answered by Dane Cruz 5
Ask the ladies who have done this, and maybe you could be the one with the messed up attitude and they don't like you for it... I am just saying that because I had a friend once who swore that people were hating on her because she was light skined and had long hair- when in fact the truth is that her attitude is really all messed up she was nasty to people yet she seemed to forget about all of that when another girl would do/say something to her negative.
2007-02-21 06:08:58
answer #7
answered by micheleh29 6
not so much you watch the Tyra banks show....
that topic was on the show... those girls are probably use to girls that looks similar to you...boosting about how all the guys like you b/c your mixed....or light-skinned...and are just assuming you're stuck up...I've run into many like that....I have a friend..that would say guys like her b/c she's light....+ mixed
just ignore the girls who are harrassing you....or maybe prove them them you're a nice person...make them feel bad for the hurtful things they say
2007-02-21 17:29:47
answer #8
answered by 1 5
well u dont know the history here in the u.s. do you. back 25, 30 years ago light skined and mixed black women were the closest thing to white, black men couldnt have access to white women so they went for the next best thing. black women who were dark were called all kinds of things by their own men, they were opressed and disrciminated against by whites, but then to have your own men do it too, so in return it made them bitter, nasty, and jealous.
but i dont know about nowadays, i mean times have changed and dark isnt seen as bad anymore, so it depends on where u are at.
not all black women are like this, i am light skinned myself, i am black but look mixed, watch the movie jungle fever and u will understand
2007-02-21 05:19:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's unfortunate, really. I believe there is a new type of racism that wasn't there or didn't dare raise it's ugly head while Dr. King was alive.
It is being led by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and their predjudices are against those who "aren't black enough"
It's BS, and those for buy into that garbage ought to be ashamed of themselves.
2007-02-21 05:19:05
answer #10
answered by Rosebee 4