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MY rad was busted and I replaced it and added coolant. And the other day it wasnt heating up. The engines temp is normal but the heater doesnt give me heat. And today it did for a little bit. Is it air bubbles or thermostat?
WRX 2002

2007-02-21 04:49:25 · 3 answers · asked by Reeses 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

OK. I noticed that If I put the heat on 0, and then wait maybe 3 minutes, and then turn it on, I do getmsome heat for like 15 seconds, and then it blows cold again. But If I turn it off again and then on for a bit, i get some heat for like 15 secs again.

2007-02-23 00:18:30 · update #1

3 answers

Heater blower motor?

2007-02-21 04:57:29 · answer #1 · answered by Jessica 4 · 0 0

It's the thermostat most likely. With subarus, you have to replace everything related to something, even if something else looks like it went bad...

I mean for God's sake, I spent $1,450 on replacing my brakes... I have NEVER had to spend more than $50 before that!

2007-02-21 12:57:33 · answer #2 · answered by MrKnowItAll 6 · 0 0

if the coolent went low then its air in the lines...they should work out soon...it took my truck about a week to work perfect....if it continues your right its the thermostat

2007-02-21 12:53:20 · answer #3 · answered by camden 3 · 0 0

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