Great Question! Ignore those people that try and prove you wrong by calling you an idiot. Thats proof that they have no argument or the mental capacity to actually make an alternative viewpoint.
I think FEAR drives republican AND democratic ideology. It is a very smart tactic that has been used with great effectiveness. Some examples in recent US history of FEAR being used to drum up support for a certain cause:
Oppression of Blacks (White supremacy reduced)
Jailing drug users (War on Drugs)
Japanese Internment Camps (WW2)
Rise of Communism (Vietnam, Cold War)
Raids on Muslim Homes* (War on Terror)
These are just a few examples where FEAR has been used to harbor contempt for a certain minority so that the US can then take certain steps to help quell that minority. Often the FEAR has nothing to do with the real reason why the events took place.
2007-02-21 05:13:17
answer #1
answered by Michael K 2
I agree. It's not left or right wing agenda. They all use it. War today is 90% mental, and 10% physical. They use terror attacks, fear, making us choose loss of liberties for security, etc, etc...
Wonder why immigrants are supposedly stealing jobs. They have wide open borders, Bank of America is giving credit cards and bank accounts to illegals. They say it helps them better their cause. Wow, so now real terrorists can do the same with no back ground check. And we get stuck by government trying to pass the national ID card into service. Luckily 36states are now against it. Then comes the RFID chip, then we should be in the brand spanking new North American Union(which was signed secretly in Canada last year in Sept).
2007-02-21 07:06:06
answer #2
answered by Ted S 4
Look at the dumb way you phrased your question! And you call republicans cynical? There is your way of seeing it and then there is reality. Fear driven: Cautious, aware, prepared. Cynical: Aware, not naive, thinks of the end result. Just because it sounds good and right doesn't mean it is. There will always be different types of people who are driven by different things. Some people are okay with being average. Some people are okay with having everyone do everything for them short of wiping their own butt. Then there are people who want to be successful. People who want a better future for their children and so on. Conservative people aren't close minded, they just don't accept everything and everyone so they don't hurt someones feelings. There is nothing wrong with that. It just means that they have a different idea of what's right & wrong and they stand by it firmly.
2016-05-24 02:51:38
answer #3
answered by Nedra 4
No more or less than it drives the Democrat agenda. Examples:
The earth is getting so hot that Florida will be under 20 feet of water.
Republicans want to take Social Security away from you (as if it won't collapse on it's own).
Republicans want to take your (black people's) right to vote away from you.
Republicans hate brown people so they want to close the borders.
If you don't have Universal Health Care you will die (you'll still die even if you have it most of the time more quickly).
Republicans want to take away women's right to vote.
The Patriot Act will create a police state (ostensibly run by Republicans. Apparently left-wing police states are ok).
9/11 was an inside job, the government wants to kill you.
I'm sure I've left out a lot. Yes, Neo Conservatives do feed on fear but they are largely former "liberals" that switched ideologies and brought their fear with them. True "paleo-cons" have a generally optimistic view of the world. Unfortunately, our party was hikacked.
2007-02-21 04:56:11
answer #4
answered by Crusader1189 5
So, you're saying that all the leftist hysteria and fear over:
- Bush stealing Constitutional rights
- Bush "cutting" medicare
- How Bush is making the US hated around the world
- Evil Corporations, especially the really, really evil oil corporations
- evil homophobic right-wing
- evil rich right wing
are not attempts to scare people into voting for them?
At least the right has the benefit of their concerns being REALITY-BASED, rather than the complete fabrications of the left.
2007-02-21 04:55:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ask the people in New York who work in high rise buildings. I bet if they even see an aircraft they get the urge to run down a long flight of stairs.
Ask the people in the UK when they get on a bus with a person who even looks Islamic with a back pack. Hmmm.......I wonder if they can use that as an excuse for being late and taking the next bus....hmmmmm.
Ask the people boarding a train in Spain (sorry, did not mean to make the hyme) with someone who looks Islamic. I wonder if they could use the same excuse.
It's not fear that makes us do these things it's experience and history of the people involved.
Additional: To "I'm Joining" they need you in the Airforce son, they need a few duds to drop as test bombs.
2007-02-21 04:47:09
answer #6
answered by bamafannfl 3
That's the Pot calling the Kettle BLACK!! LOL
Should we forget "Republicans Hate Old People, they don't care if you DIE!!"
Unfortunately, FEAR is a major player in ALL politics now, from the left and the right. It's the easiest emotion to reach with simple communications.
2007-02-21 04:45:57
answer #7
answered by Amer-I-Can 4
Its not fear driven. Look around the world at all the conflicts that involve radical Islam. Europe, Russia, the Phillipines, Indonesia, Australia, Spain, France...... Radical Islam wants to take over the world because we are all infidels and need to be killed. My religion teaches me to "turn the other cheek" or "love thy neighbor as thyself". The Quran just says kill everyone who is a non believer. Great bunch of guys huh? I would say we better be prepared to defend ourselves no? Dont confuse the mistakes that this administration has made with whether we should be fighting in the Middle East or not. Unfortunately it is going to take another 9/11 for us to regain our resolve here in America.
Immigration is another issue. Illegal immegration should be stopped cold at the border and we can do it if we want to. Its our country and Mexico can go pound salt if they think they can use the opportunities here in America to bolster their economy. They have great tourist attraction and great people in Mexico. Surely they can harness that and create a country that can compete on the world stage. Right now Mexico exports Mexicans as a means of funding their failed programs at home. Thats like me buying lottery tickets as a method of funding my retirement.
America has just as much of a right to control our borders as Mexico does to their south. Mexico is brutal to illegals to their south.
2007-02-21 04:52:17
answer #8
answered by Devdude 5
We support this war because we do not fear - liberals do not support this war because they fear - fear of having to sacrifice someone they love for the greater good of this country. Poll the military - (active not reserves) almost all are Republicans - why because they stand up for what moral & are not afraid to sacrifices for their country. Have you ever served this country with honor & pride?
2007-02-21 04:50:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm a conservative and I'm not sure about Iraq. We sure didn't plan the aftermath of the invasion very well.
But, we can't pull out now. That would be a disaster.
If you really want to read up about the lack of assimilation by Muslims in Western Countries, I suggest the book "Londonistan".
Very eye opening, indeed.
2007-02-21 04:44:50
answer #10
answered by MoltarRocks 7