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I refuse to believe that our country will fall to a point where all blacks will go around killing us whites. I personally have Black friends who i certainly could not see doing this to me. Basically i was wondering if you could please give me some deeper insight on what your oppinions are on various issues : such as the ANC -is it a communist party? , Do you think that there is a deeper government plot to turn us into the next Zimbabwe? , What are your overall opionions on White people living in SA.? I was born and raised in SA in our turbulant "80's " and i dont believe that the black people fought so hard for freedom and that now they are willing to sacrifice it just to "get rid of the whites" . What about all the other races of South Africa.? Thank you.

2007-02-21 04:18:03 · 13 answers · asked by TakeNoticeNow 3 in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Alf Garnet - Are you aware that it is not only white people who are suffering from the crime statistics? Black people get robbed, raped , murdered and hijacked just as much as the whites!It is a matter of wealth, people always want what others have!

2007-02-21 09:07:10 · update #1

13 answers

I am black and largely agree with Diezel and Roscoe and many others. I only don't believe that the ANC MPs are waiting for Mandela to die before doing Zimbabwe on South Africa. That's a strange statements as I have access to the ANC meetings and such was never even hinted by one soul at these meetings.

Agreed that the country's response to crime is not good. It's also my wish that we could do better than what we are doing. The good thing is that ordinary people are not afraid to say how they feel about the situation.

But, hey, the fact that the government has had so many judgments against it and went on to implment court decisions says a lot about our maturing democracy.

The one thing that we seem to ignore is that we made an indepth study of every country in Africa and the world. We took what is good and discarded what is bad. Western governments are not holy. There are a lot of bad things that we discarded from them.

There's no talk whatsoever about killing whites in this country. Killers of anybody have no mandate to do so from the governing party. So, fellow white South Africans must never feel threatened simply because they are white. If at any given time the ANC tries to change their policy and want whites to be killed I will be the first to stand up aginst such a decision - even if it meant being killed with those whites; and I know of many other blacks who would not be supportive of tring to push whites out of this counry. All white South Africans belong in this country and will get equal protection.

2007-02-21 21:11:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

I am an Indian. Indians are affected quite a bit by the high crime rate in this country. I know of many Indians who were shot and murdered by Black criminals.

The ANC -is it a communist party? I do not know. That remains to be seen.
Do you think that there is a deeper government plot to turn us into the next Zimbabwe? Maybe not a plot, but where are we headed?
What are your overall opinions on White people living in SA.?People of all races are suffering, not only whites.
What about all the other races of South Africa? We also live in fear and uncertainty sometimes. I am non-white, but I love my country. I was born and brought up here. S A is a beautiful place. It is sad that we have to live such restricted lives after we have gained "freedom".

2007-02-22 00:39:00 · answer #2 · answered by mystery woman 4 · 3 0

hello there...

i definitely dont believe the white south african will be an endangered species anytime, ever. i dont want to lose my gramps (lol). I couldnt give a rats @ss about ANC actually (though i am black- we dont all favour it). i think most of it is made up of bitter people having been part of the struggle and finding it hard to forgive and forget, but then... majorly, a lot of the new generation is falling clear off race and mixing like crazy. i have no issues with any white person who doesnt have an issue with me... my grandad is white, and i love him beyond belief. he's wise and an idol ad he is a neutral man who bears no hate or predjudice for anyone (thus falling for my black gran, back in the day)... (",). We arent going to turn into Zim anytime soon, if anything, history is there to teach us a lesson, we'd be dumb to follow in the steps of Mugabe... i mean now he cant even retire in his own country and has sttled for Namibia coz he's made so many enemies in his own back yard... go figure (stupid man). why would SA whant to hinder its rise as a developing country, become sanctioned and earn unneccessary enemies? by the way, *********... you have no idea about half of the people you mentioned, glynis isnt black... get your story/facts right. you're the only white i can truly say, i have an issue with (read your mail)... not even Alf gets me that agitated. (",) And i do agree, it seems there is so much circulating around black and white... where do the other races fit in? i really dont know, and i do also feel as if they've been side lined. being south african isnt a race thing honestly, its about being originally from here, being born here... Every race is being affected. and moloi, i will be next to you when you stand up for what is right as well... ta.

2007-02-22 23:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 0 0

Hi there.
I am a Black South African.
Firstly, you will hardly get any answers from Blacks who kill Whites, simply because they don't have time for internet apart from killing people, or doing other forms of crime. I'm glad you do realize that NOT all Blacks are criminals as you've just made an example of your Black friends. It's even more difficult to understand apartheid era for a person who was born in the 80's. I don't even know if crime in SA is the results of apartheid era. For now I have big hope that South Africa will not turn into the 2nd Zimbabwe, but I must say that this hope will go as far as Mr Mandela is still alive. After his life time I really don't know what will happen to South Africa. I'm scared. I have a feeling that many MP's are just waiting for him to pass away so that they start turning SA into Zimbabwe. I don't want this to happen. As far as the present crime situation in SA is concerned, I wish Whites do not take it personally since crime affects us Blacks as much as it does to you White people of South Africa. Anyone who looks rich will be the crime victim, it doesn't matter whether you are Black ,White or Asian. I have personally lost my only 2 brothers on the same day as a result of crime. I lost my first car through theft. I can go on and on trying to prove that crime doesn't only affect Whites, but so long as you look richer (even if you are not) you will be the crime victim. I'm actually typing this message from England, but sadly enough crime still hits me and my other Black friends, even if we are here. This gives me a second thought that if you are the minority ethnic group in the country, you are likely to be the crime target of those who form the majority ethnic group. This is just my personal feeling, and the same could be happening in South Africa. I am Black, but still I'm one of the citizens of South Africa who will ONLY be happy when the government has realised that crime in South Africa is a big issue, and start doing something about it.

2007-02-21 05:39:25 · answer #4 · answered by Diezel 3 · 18 1

I also can not see South African whites being murdered. As for us going the way of Zim I think this is highly unlikely. Remember Zim is ruled by a dictator and though South Africa also has a "land reform" program, the govt. is not taking land away from white farmers, they are buying the land from them often at escalated prices. There are of course issues of the govt. forcing farmers to sell, but that’s another basket of snakes.
As for the govt. being communist is wrong. Yes it is true that most of those in power now were trained in Soviet Russia but all you need to do is look at the economic policies in place to see they are far from being communist. Calling the ANC communist is like saying the U.S. or the U.K. is communist for allying them selves with Soviet Russia during World War 2.
And well I think that the "supremist" (both black and white) that Heywood is referring too is a minority in South Africa, well at least at my University.
Also White Supremists keep talking about this down ward spiral that’s occurring (probable to validate their racist claims) but I do not see any evidence for it. How long will it take, 5 years, 10 years, it’s been nearly 14 years since the 1994 elections and nothing disastrous as happened. Our Stock market is booming (unless some one can tell me that the figures are botched by the ANC), the economist magazine predicts a bright future, and the economic trends since apartheid speak for them selves.
Of course South Africa has problems but remember we are a developing country and, though we should, can not be put on the same level as first world countries.
The last link I put on is about the best writing I have seen about South Africa gives a good all round view.
I am, though, a white South African that has lived here my entire life (other than a couple of years living in the U.S. and U.K.). I am working towards my degree in Economics, Anthropology and International Relations at Wits.
I do not practically like the ANC or in fact any political party in South Africa but I think that the ANC will be good once it loses all the old “revolutionary” and let in the new generation, some of there policies are great, others quite bad (I could write an essay on what I think about the ANC).


As for what Alf said about, South Africa and Zim, well it politics and an ineffective International System. I wrote an essay on this and could upload the 3000 word essay with references but I won't, in short Zim is apart of SADC and therefore a ally and somewhat apart of South Africa, too condemn Zim is to say your own country is bad, so they opt. to keep quite. But it must be noted that they do not support Uncle Bobs actions they send aid to the ppl.

And Alf how can you talk about China and Tibet and support Apartheid. And was the NP not a police state which controlled the media and was extremely oppressive. How about the NP, under Verwoerd trying to take control of the govt. by changing voting too only a simple majority so that the NP could easily pass laws, like becoming a republic

2007-02-21 05:30:11 · answer #5 · answered by Roscoe S 2 · 6 4

Hmm, you said I should answer your question, but unfortunately I am not black, so the question wouldn't apply to me, sorry:-/ I am white and I am not trying to get rid of anyone, lol! Take care! ;-)

2007-02-22 18:47:26 · answer #6 · answered by Motti _Shish 6 · 2 0

Your question was specifically addressed to the Black South Africans but we're not getting any response from them, except from Diezel. I also want to hear what they have to say. Innocentia, Glynis18, TsepoM, Thato and Moloi are all Black South Africans but they are awfully quiet. I wonder why. Maybe they know something and they don't want to share it with us? Anyway, If those horrible rumours turn out to be true, how can you just wipe out the entire white South African human race? What have become of HUMAN RIGHTS? I guess they underestimate us. When that day comes and they try to revolt against us, then I think they will be in for a big surprise. They forget to keep in mind that we have a very powerful (white) air force. They can easily destroy a few townships just by pushing the button. Release a few bombs and there will be nothing left of places like Soweto for instance. Anyway, that's just my opinion.

2007-02-21 21:01:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

I'm not a black African but I was born and lived half of my life in Zimbabwe. Honestly, South Africa is likely to go the way most African nations went after independence from the colonialists. Someone will come into power who will not want to leave. He will change the constitution to suit his desire to rule for life and he will become a dictator. Once he is firmly rooted, the country will go down the death spiral. I describe it to people as the 'African' way.

2007-02-21 04:23:35 · answer #8 · answered by Nicnac 4 · 6 6

I don't condone them killing you, even though the (white supremacists) there only ended apartheid, what in 1990, to stop this from happening. However, I will say that there are a lot of jerks from your country who act like they are better than anyone else on the planet. I've seen people, even mechanics and janitors who were white, ripping on anyone and everyone, especially Australians, saying they have no class, etc. for no reason other than their own self supremacist agenda. The general "culture" of supremacy in S.A. seems to need some work because it's out of hand. Good luck, you're probably going to need it.

BTW-- beautiful country, esp. Cape Town, wow! Have a nice day.

2007-02-21 04:30:53 · answer #9 · answered by Heywood J Helpaguy 2 · 4 7

One thing is for sure from your question you are a born and breed English men who love the blacks and still think that the white Afrikaners is all evil

Sorry to break this to you but you are gona be the first to be killed
Stats show that the most murders is the once you know and would never suspected to kill you

Good luck think you gona need it

Remember a lion wont kill a elephant because it is scared of it but it will kill a zebra because it is inferior to the lion

2007-02-21 17:12:57 · answer #10 · answered by SAgirl 5 · 0 9

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