Are you ever right! Just a little research can go a long way. Just to reinforce what others have saide, research your fish BEFORE you buy them, do the research for a quality source ( not all websites are a quality source) and balance the advice given with common sense. Again, while websites can be a good source of informaiton some are simply trash and horribly misleading. On the whole books are a far beter source of accurate information.
2007-02-21 04:34:48
answer #1
answered by magicman116 7
I have to agree,however it doesn't stop with bettas. I have read advice here that has shocked me. I have seen selected Best Answers that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Knowledge is the key, experience is the door.
I have also seen some real crap from web pages as well since now ANYONE can have a web page or a FREE space.
As with people, fish don't always get along with each other for no apparant reason. Some have just learned to fight for food, or cover. I have never had a problem with a male betta in a community tank.
You are correct. There are so many myths about bettas and people keep repeating the same crap over and over. Now the newbee fish keepers, instead of researching the fish they have take these myths as fact and keep passing them down the line.
Great question.
2007-02-21 04:30:02
answer #2
answered by danielle Z 7
Males are also aggressive towards females. Male bettas can, basically, be said to be territorial towards any member of their own species of species of fish that could look like a betta (think of the long fins on a guppy).
I would not go so far as to say that they "love sharing food with others" (let's not anthropomorphise in a question about fact searching) but on the whole, you're perfectly correct: bettas make fine additions to community tanks.
The problem with some of the answers people give is that they THINK they know the answer. They don't know they're wrong, they're just going by what some idiot petstore clerk told them.
2007-02-21 03:47:59
answer #3
answered by Zoe 6
I know exactly how you feel. Bettas and goldfish have to be the most mistreated fish in the world, especially by people who use yahoo it seems. All it takes is an internat search and 5-10 minutes of reading to find out the real needs of these fish, but so many people are too lazy, or just don't care. I don't know where people come up with their information.
And what is funny is, when people post a question like this, wanting to know where those people get their information, you never get an answer from them. They choose to ignore the truth and continue spreading their lies.
2007-02-21 05:10:12
answer #4
answered by fish guy 5
that is a common problem when your on a public sight, you get everyone and there uncle bob thinking they know the correct answer, mostly its peoples hear-say or what the lady down the street told them one time about one particular fish. Its just the fate of a public Q & A answer sight. Some Betta males can and will be aggressive and any brightly colored fish, depends on the aggresive level you breed into the males and females.
2 highly territorial parents are going to produce highly territoraly offspring, If your breeding more passive and calmer animals your going to get more passive and calmer babies. Mostly its in the breeding and linage of the particular strain your breeding. Also the size and availability of food, shelter, and plants to hide in is going to make all the diffrence in keeping other fish with bettas. Stress out fish tend to attack one another. I also have sucessfully kept male bettas and female bettas with a bevy of other types of fish, but Chicilds and other aggressive schooling fish are acutally more dangerous to the betta than the betta to them.
2007-02-21 03:55:37
answer #5
answered by I luv Pets 7
I would say with my Bettas, they prefer to be alone or with minimal tankmates. And as for personality, tankmates entirely depend on that. I had one betta that was DEFINATELY only ever meant to live by himself, he was a small innocent looking little guy, who I tried to keep some albino corys with, he would sneak up behind them and take chunks out their fins. He was relocated, and the boy who replaced them just sat back and watched the corys go about their business.
So saying ALL male bettas are community fish isn't necessarily true. It depends entirely on the individual fish. If trying for a community betta, a back up tank should be ready and waiting! All my boys are very active, and don't really care for fish company, they much prefer to come and see me when I walk in the room!
Three of my 4 live in planted, heated and filtered tanks.
And my newest boy is a hardluck case, he was ripped to shreads by paradise fish (DON'T KEEP BETTAS WITH PARADISE FISH!). And is a heated unfiltered tank to heal back up to the beautiful blue crowntail he once was. And to never be bothered by fish tankmates again. I've only had him 2 days, he seems to enjoy doing circuits of his tank and he was building a bubble nest this morning already.
Plakats may well work better in a community setting than long tailed bettas. Even if the Betta is placid towards his tankmates, he can still be outcompeted to food by faster swimming fish. My bettas take several seconds to find their food, they like to "hunt" and then pounce on it, even when i put it in front of their noses, if they were in with tetras that food wouldn't last 1 second and the betta would slowly starve!
2007-02-21 04:03:33
answer #6
answered by catx 7
Im sorry, yet tetras and cories desire a minimum of 20 gallons. And shrimp are in all hazard to be eaten by potential of bettas . All fish require a clear out, all tropical fish, which consists of bettas require a heater. Tanks are generally happy with out an air pump nonetheless. seventy 8 stages is a appropriate temperature for many tropical fish. Bettas like it slightly greater, 80-80 two. yet seventy 8 is great. understand that each and everyone bettas are persons, including tank friends will possibly no longer artwork for all 3 of your bettas. you need to start up slowly, and in case you will possibly be able to desire to , you are able to try the fish with a various betta. a 10 gallon does no longer have a lot of strategies, yet you are able to try, 5 cherry barbs. or a college of five dwarf or micro rasbora, which consists of galaxy rasbora, and harlyquin rasbora. Or 4 kuhli loaches with sand substrate. Or 3 african dwarf frogs.
2016-10-16 04:24:36
answer #7
answered by pereyra 4
Regarding the current, bettas really do prefer still waters. My community tank of live bearers has no betta because it's got a heck of a current, which is great for guppies and mollies, who are tidal fish, but would wear a betta down.
Bettas are one of very few things that can be kept with goldfish without dying from ammonia. They are very stagnation tolerant. (They are good sentinel fish if you want to keep small koi or goldfish- if they die from ammonia, you'll know you need to fix it long before the expensive fish are damaged.)
2007-02-21 03:54:10
answer #8
answered by LabGrrl 7
That's correct...
Although, usually ok to keep in a mixed community tank, try to avoid tank-mates with long/fancy flowing fins.
2007-02-21 03:48:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous