it just so happins that violence, murder, and killings are whats selling right now so directors are going to go for the money
2007-02-20 17:20:15
answer #1
answered by badmp35 2
For centuries we have been entertained by violence. At least now its "pretend". The Romans had gladiators, in a way the Colosseum was a kind of pre-movie theater. And if you don't like whats on tv then change the channel and if the movie is to violent then don't watch it. Isn't free will grand?
2007-02-20 18:52:47
answer #2
answered by tootsie 5
"Bad associations spoil useful habits." 1 Corinthians 15:33
Which Movies Will You See?
- Setting Standards
- From Restrictions to Ratings
- What Ratings Cannot Tell You
- “Hate What Is Bad”
- Finding Suitable Entertainment
- The Benefits of a Trained Conscience
- Other Forms of Recreation
Notice what a change is happening within prisoners themselves, with proper education ...
Can Prisoners Be Reformed? :
- Prisons in Crisis
- Is the Solution Part of the Problem?
- Is Real Reform Possible?
- Opening a Window of Hope ...
2007-02-20 17:34:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
American Idol ? America's Next Top Model ? Dancing With The Stars ? Top Chef ? The Amazing Race ? My Name Is Earl ? Men In Trees ? Big Love ? The Simpsons ?
not too much violence in those shows. maybe you should change the channel occasionally.
2007-02-20 17:23:52
answer #4
answered by David 3
Actually, there are many movies and TV shows which have nothing to do with violence, murder or killings. Unfortunatly, they don't make nearly as much noise, and don't get as much attention. Generally, you don't hear about people complaining that there are too many comedies on television relating to family life, so they go silently along and don't get nearly as much publicity. :)
2007-02-20 17:26:31
answer #5
answered by lil' ol' me :) 1
Oh please. In the olden days, people used to watch people get hanged, etc.
We are violent people because we are HUMANS. It has always been like this. I hate it when people try to blame video games... we have ALWAYS watched violence.
2007-02-20 17:24:00
answer #6
answered by bitchitize me cap'n! 1