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I've though about this alot. U always hear people say men should not hit women or a "real man" (whatever that means) never hits a woman. I agree whole heartedly that men shouldn't hit women but I don't think that they should hit men either. By the same token I don't think that women should hit men ("real women" don't hit men) or hit other women. Basically no one should hit anyone else. It's equally offensive. There comes a point when self defense become the only option. In this case I feel that sex goes out of the window: men or women can hit whom ever they need to. My logic is that for any person to hit another person they must have already gone over the fact that the person who they are attacking may possibly hit back. If they are driven enough to hit the person after thinking of this then they have brought any physical damage that they take in the name of self defense upon themselves. That mean women have no special standing in my opinion. Everyone is equal. What do u all think?

2007-02-20 15:40:59 · 22 answers · asked by Vince R 5 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

22 answers

You know, I hate to say this, but I agree with you.

I have seen one woman I know, beat, pull her husbands hair, kick him in the groin..and everything else. And...just about the time he'd had enough, he'd reach out and slap her. Well, you'd thought the world had come crashing down around her. How dare he hit her....she'd whine.

I finally told her one day.."Your man enough to dish it out, you need to be man enough to take it!, What else do you expect, you'd racked him, pulled his hair...it would piss me off too. Honestly, you ought to think yourself lucky that he didn't literally beat the hell out of you, just slapped ya to make ya quit!"

I was sick of hearing her howl about how mistreated she was, when I saw the marks on her husband days later.

I'd have hit her too....

2007-02-20 15:46:53 · answer #1 · answered by Stephanie 3 · 3 1

Hit the Buddha three times and he will get angry (paraphrased)

Men are to an extent expected to be Buddhas in the face of gunfire these days. Sorry, but that's not rational or fair.

To me, I'd agree - violence, be it physical mental or emotional is not productive. If action is meant to be destructive rather than productive, its wrong, regardless of what the means. Its all about motive.

I can understand and am not offended in the slightest when a woman punches me in the arm while she says "you jerk" in a surprised, yet kidding way. That is her using a sexist yet classical 'man' weapon (physical) in a playful way. Sure, she might hit a nerve (literally) but that wasn't her intent - her intent is what is important.

I can also understand a man throwing a logical, yet joking comment into a conversation on the same date. That is him using a sexist yet classical 'woman' weapon (words) in a playful way. Sure, he might hit a nerve (figuratively) but that wasn't his intent - his intent is what is important.

When it comes to self defense, let me give an example. I train and have trained for many years in the martial arts. An important rule from day one that has been told to me repeatedly - despite my old school, chivalrous upbringing, is that on the mat, there is no gender. If someone (man or woman) doesn't evade a punch, hit them - its the only way whoever it is will learn to see their own openings and vulnerabilities. Its very difficult to commit to hitting someone you see as a friend regardless of the fact that the training would be useless without that - without an actual commitment to hurt your partner, your partner can't learn. Its the whole "what I'm about to do to you is going to hurt me more than it does you" argument.

Sure, after class, when its time to go grab some food or a beer, I'll open a door for the same ladies - that's just good manners. On the other hand, I may have also, a few minutes earlier, come down on her arm with a bokken giving her a huge bruise. She may have also done the exact same thing to the arm I'm using to open the door.

Either way, the important thing is that we both decided to step on the same mat so we have no option but to accept the same consequences and risks.

I'll adjust intensity on an individual level just like everyone else does, but that individuality has nothing to do with gender - believe me, my dojo is run by a married couple, the wife in said couple would kick my a$$ if I showed her chivalry on the mat - it simply has no place in a fight - be it training or real world. I respect her as my Sensei yes, but that has nothing to do with the fact she is a female - it has everything to do with the fact she is my Sensei.

If you are going to use words in a fight, better consider if you have the verbal chops to win with words. If you are going to use fists in a fight, better consider if you have the physical chops to win with fists.

Phrase I head one time that is somewhat relevant, if extreme:

"There is no such thing as political correctness in a foxhole"

2007-02-20 16:16:46 · answer #2 · answered by Justin 5 · 0 0

Agreed. This should also include parents and children. If hitting is wrong, then why isn't in the case of so-called "discipline"? Because people hate to part with tradition. Because when people are faced with being wrong they often hold more tightly to that which has been taught them. Men, women, and children should not hit children, women, and men. It's an assault charge for everyone else in the world except a parent. Sad state of affairs. Physical punishment is wrong in all cases and should be illegal.

The fact is that people most often hit those who are defenseless against them so as to free themselves from any real retaliation. They are cowards.

2007-02-20 15:53:13 · answer #3 · answered by Me, Thrice-Baked 5 · 1 0

The subject of men hitting women is quite simple. Men have the ability to do more harm? It easy for a man to subdue a lady that is getting physical with him. Women have little protection from a stronger man.

While you are right men or women should not hit each other. I do wonder why a woman would open the door to physical violence from a man? Women sometime think they have a right to hit men because she is the weaker sex.

As a woman I would not want to open this can of worm with an angry man that can do more bodily harms if I was thinking straight. Domestic violence is a problem and women are the bigger losers in this struggle.

2007-02-20 15:58:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My way of looking at it is this.

No man should hit a woman unless it CANNOT under ANY other circumstance be handled another way. As a female, I've been knocked around a by men a few times. Once was my stepfather who was all around abusive. Another time, I punched my boyfriend first and he retaliated by punching me back, but I excused it because I attacked him first, he was drunk and it only happened that once. Another time, a male friend slapped me and I excuse it completely because I was falling into alcoholism and no other tactic had worked. He only slapped me once and I thank him every day for it because it opened my eyes. And the last time, my husband shoved me. This, I will not excuse despite the fact that I hit him first. He was warned (I have a high chance of being abusive because I was abused. But, I don't want to be abusive because I am bigger than my stepdad, so I warn anyone I want to hit "Look, I'm seriously wanting to punch you right now. You need to shut the hell up and get away from me right now, or I might not be able to help what I'll end up doing" Everyone who knows me understands that this is not an idle threat and only say it when I MEAN it) but refused to get away from me. As I said, no man should hit a woman unless there is a REAL need to.

As for you women, the same goes for you. Only hit a man if there is NO OTHER CHOICE. And if you do put yourself in a man's shoes, do NOT expect him to be a "gentlemen" If you put yourself in a man's shoes long enough to hit him, you better be in his shoes long enough to get yourself hit back. I never hit a man without expecting him to hit me back. And I AM woman enough to take a deserved asswhippin'! I know that if I hit him first, that whippin' is deserved.

2007-02-20 16:50:07 · answer #5 · answered by Shel K 3 · 1 2

Real men? Real women? Ok... everyone is real so everyone is equal. Who in the h... wants to hit their significant other? We all get mad but yell it out or get away from each other. Most of the time the people that hit are the drinkers and/or addicts, bums, etc. If you have already gotten hit by the person you're with then you are not still with that person if you don't enjoy getting slapped around. If you do enjoy getting slapped around then stay w/ the lunatic that likes to hit you because it will never end and it only gets worse or better...if you like it. I do believe if a woman decides to hit a man first then she better grip her toes in the ground because everyone deserves the right to defend themselves. I am a female, but it makes me sick to see a woman slapping around on a guy. He makes me even more sick for staying w/ her because he's just a big "sissy". Can't we all just get along????????

2007-02-20 15:59:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I love this question. If the truth of all abuse cases were known totally from start to finish. I think one would find that Women initiate the physical attacks more often than men do. Men just don't go running to the cops about the physical abuse they sustain from thier crazed female partners.
I've experienced this in a relationship. My wife (now ex) buried 6" of an 8" butcher knife in my shoulder.
I couldn't believe it at first but then, I snapped and beat her down and once she was down i tromped her really good. Minutes later she got up ran out the door and went to the police and filed assault charges.
The cops finally found me at the emergency room of the local hospital having 437 stiches put in to close the wound.
She beat me to the cops, she got 90 days suspended jail sentence I got 120 days in jail. 4 months later while in counseling session she got angry jumped up and grabbed a table lamp and smashed me in the head with it. causing another gash requiring 203 stiches.
I beat her butt down again right in front of the marriage counselor.

These were unprovoked attacks. Luckily i had a witness the second time, in court the same judge reversed my earlier conviction and then turned and sentenced my wife to 5 years in prison. While she was in prison i divorced her.

Women are evil creatures and while i don't believe anyone should hit anyone for any reason except self defense. Society needs to wake up and realize that women need harsh punishment everytime they step out of line with physical attacks on the men in their lives.

2007-02-20 23:05:36 · answer #7 · answered by michael_trussell 4 · 1 1

Your right women shouldnt hit men , same as men shouldnt hit women, its one thing if their goofing around, hitting.. as id think a man should be able to take that kind of punch in the arm from a girl if its not actually out of anger.. but if she wants to bow up to a guy like a man, hit like a man, then she has every right to be knocked out like a man.. again, im not talking self defense, im talking about certain women who think that they can hit a guy as hard as they'd like, out of anger and he should just sit there and take it..

2007-02-20 15:46:01 · answer #8 · answered by brwneyedgrl 7 · 1 0

I used to take mixed martial arts lessons when I was younger. During our sparring segment, I used to get paired with a cute, petite, and vicious girl regularly. After she broke my wrist once, and the supporting bones on my thumb a second time, and managed to cover me in bruises and scrapes and sprains, I learned one thing. If they hit you hard enough to hurt you, you'd better hit them back hard enough to hurt them. 'Nuff said.

Mind you, as far as real, out-in-the-world violence goes, no, it's definitely not acceptable for a woman to hit a man, man to hit a woman, man to hit a man, woman to hit a woman, or 'other' to hit all of the above. Violence isn't something that should be condoned under normal circumstances in a civilized society like our own.

2007-02-20 15:55:16 · answer #9 · answered by JDB 2 · 1 0

I've seen a few women who deserved a beating. But then again I've seen some men that deserve it just as well.
But the bottom line is men are allot stronger then most women I imagine a women slugging a man wouldn't be as bad a blow as a man slugging a women...well except for the women on STEROIDS but that's a whole other ball game. I understand what your saying and I agree.

2007-02-20 15:47:55 · answer #10 · answered by SecretFriend 3 · 0 1

If you hit a person expect to get hit back. That's all I'm saying. Eveyone needs to keep their hands to themselves. Respect one another. If you get too upset to where u want to hit someone you should walk away or take a drive. Plus if you are in a heated arguement and someone is trying to leave, let them leave. That may cause worse problems.

2007-02-20 15:49:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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