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2007-02-20 13:34:04 · 26 answers · asked by silverleaf90210 3 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

After 10 years Arabic will be national language of US. and american citizens will be pushed to status of redindians. you will have a black muslim president of US.

2007-02-20 19:31:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There are two theories, bad and even worse.

The bad - we don't invade with ground troops, we simply bomb what we believe to be their facilities related to the production of nuclear weapons. (Nuclear plants that enrich uranium, etc.) Maybe we get everything, maybe we don't. Our human intelligence in Iran makes our human intelligence in Iraq circa 2003 look great by comparison. Assuming that we do get everything, all we are left with then is a country three times the size of Iraq, with twice the population, who hate us and are screaming for our blood. (This would be a radical departure from the present as the majority of the country is under 30 and very pro-US.) Add to this the fact that we would be international pariahs, far worse than we are now.

The Iranians actually decide to retaliate instead of beginning for forgiveness. They shut down a massive amount of oil production through stopping their own and through terrorism in Saudi Arabia, among other countries. Gas goes up to about...maybe $10 a gallon. They tell Hizbollah to do their worst to Israel. Then they start work on the bomb all over again, doing a better job of concealment.

All of that is just common sense from a educated, informed person, I have no insider info. My four year stint in the USAF was not as an intelligence / global affairs officer and even if it was, I'd by bound by law and honor to keep quiet of course.

Then there is the even worse. Even worse - is the theory offered by Scott Ritter. Ritter is the former US Marine, Gulf War 1 vet, UN weapons inspector and registered Republican. Ritter is convinced that the US will eventually attack Iran and he lays out the following scenario.

We bomb, maybe getting all of their nuclear production sites. They cut off the oil and do the rest of the things I've already mentioned. Ritter then adds a wrinkle or two.

We invade with ground troops, not that many since we don't have that many left, we invade with maybe 40,000 or so. That's nowhere near enough to topple the regime and keep it gone. So we finally go all out and use nukes. Not the big-boy ones we'd use on a superpower like the old USSR, remember that we have troops in the area, not to mention all that oil. We use what used to be called "frogs", tactical nuclear weapons..."useable nukes", they are called today. And at that point, Ritter says, "the nuclear genie is out of the bottle" and he's not going back in until the greater Middle East can detonate a thermal nuclear device in a major American city. Not a rouge terrorist group, but a consensus of the people and the government of the greater Middle East region.

2007-02-20 22:49:33 · answer #2 · answered by Raindog 3 · 2 0

China and Russia are going to get involved... an all-out war is going to start resulting in WW3 then Israel will end it by dropping a nuke on Iran proving to the world that Iran had every reason to want to get nuclear weapons to protect itself.

2007-02-24 21:27:16 · answer #3 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

We will have a another mess. We will have to pull those out of Iraq and Afghanistan because we won't have enough troops to send into Iran. We throw Iran into chaos like we did in Iraq. Then we will still have to fix the Iraq mess and probably need troops there. We won't have enough troops, so we start the draft. We start drafting people to go to Iran and Iraq with absolutely no plan at all. In short we will have one huge mess on our hands with no one to help us.

2007-02-20 22:00:11 · answer #4 · answered by j 4 · 2 0

For the 120th time...we are NOT, nor plan to invade IRAN. I don't care what you heard Pelosi say. She's attempting to make GWB look worse. The White House said it, Tony Snow the press secretary said it...and Bush said it. We're NOT GOING TO IRAN. PERIOD! Bush said we will protect our soldiers, meaning we'll shoot to kill anyone from Iran who is assisting in the insurgency in Iraq. That's the reason for the borders in Iraq being guarded.

Watch is video and get a lesson from 3 former terroist turned tolerant. It's from an AM morning show in New Jersey..CN8


2007-02-20 21:43:41 · answer #5 · answered by chole_24 5 · 1 1

Mark this question for future reference .

I believe we will attack from air and sea . No ground troops, except for special ops . We've had a long time to plan this so get ready for the most awesome display of U.S. Military might . It's necessary to completely wipe-out their offensive missile systems, in order to prevent retaliation to Israel and our troops in Iraq . It's also necessary to send the loudest message ever sent... ..Don't Mess With the U.S.A. Sounds a little dramatic, but that's because it will be, and Intentional too . We are under the most threats to our country in our history . If we don't put a stop to it now, we'll lose eventually .

2007-02-20 22:02:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They won't. The idea is anti-American propaganda. The EU is trying to start a war between the US and Iran to force them into opening the Iranian Oil Bource that will accept euros instead of dollars.

The UN wil pile on sanctions until Iran's back is against the wall. The UN is a virtual arm fo the EU but they spin it so that the US has a say in the actions of the UN.

2007-02-20 21:41:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

We won't invade. We will bomb. A lot of things will get blown up, particularly their nuke & missile facilities. There will be a lot of radioactive contamination from the destruction of the nukes. There will be a lot of angry speeches & a lot of threats. The speeches will contribute to global warming. The threats will be empty.

2007-02-20 21:40:15 · answer #8 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 5 0

We'll add the might of disgruntled Iranians to our Imperial Army. Hope they do better than our Iraqi Lackies.

2007-02-20 21:38:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

With what army? We've basically destroyed the army we had in Iraq. Hitler used to play with imaginary divisions and regiments in the final days of WWII. Yet another similarity between him and Bush. Anyway, it will make a disaster into an even worse disaster. We need to do whatever is necessary to break out of the Chuck Norris movie in GWB's head.

2007-02-20 21:43:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

No one knows- Seriously- all plans are obsolete once fighting starts- anything can happen

2007-02-20 21:42:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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