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2007-02-20 12:54:21 · 5 answers · asked by Sonderval 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

5 answers

There are 23 letters in the Latin alphabet

W = 23rd letter of the alphabet
It's symbol is 2 points down, 3 up.

W, the only letter in the English language to be renounced polysyllabically, is 23rd in line. Note also that it is a double(2)-u and that t has three(3) syllables.

WWW = 23+23+23 = 69

69/3 = 23 -> 6+9+3 = 18 = 23-5 (2+3=5)

2 / 3 = .666

23 is the first prime number in which both digits are prime numbers and add up to another prime number.

Two (2), three (3), and five(5) are the first three prime numbers in our counting system. (1 is not prime, it's an identity).

Square root(s) of 2,3, and 5 are used in respect to tetrahedral hyperdimensional physics and perfect form in design. Square root(s)of 2, 3, and 5 supposedly relative to D&M Pyramid on Mars and other similar relationships. Also these square roots were quite common in early architecture and considered the most aesthetically pleasing in design.

23 written in base 3 is 212 (2+1+2=5)
23 written in base 4 is 113 (1+1+3=5)
23 written in base 7 is 32 (3+2=5)

23 Axioms in Euclid's Geometry.

Pentagram: the angle between the rays of a symmetrical-pointed star is 72 degrees. Also, the angle between legs of a pentagon is 108 degrees (the complementary angle of 108 is 72(108+72= 180)).(2^3)*(3^2)=2*3*2*3*2= 72. (Note that5(2^2)*(3^3)=3*2*3*2*3=58. Numbers are 2*3*2*3*5=180 multiplied in each equation.)

Two-thirds of numbers which are divisible by 2 are not multiples of 3.

In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the 23rd path is associated with the Hanged Man Tarot Card. Aleister Crowley also states that this card represents the concept that the only way OUT is WITHIN!

The human biorhythm cycle is generally 23 days. One measures a circle beginning anywhere.

It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body.

An average menstrual cycle is 28 (23+5) days.

The human body has 46 chromosomes, which are paired, in somatic cells. Generative cells have half this number, 23, which is the number of chromosomes each parents gives to human deoxyribonucleic acid.

The number of joints in the human arm is 23.

63 years, the average lifespan of a human being on the planet Earth, is roughly 23,000 days.

23 days in the male sex cycle (according to Tantrists).

69 (23*3) is one of the many loved sexual positions of humans. The Zodiac sign for Cancer looks like a sideways 69. Cancers are born between June 21 and July 21 and 21+2 (the number of characters in 69)=23

On average every 23rd wave crashing to shore is twice as large as the average wave.

The name of the Uranium isotope used in bombs is U235.

The symbol for the 23rd element (Vanadium) is V (roman numeral 5).

The number of atoms of an element in one mole (cf. Atomic Weight) is 6.21x10²³

First landing on the Moon was in the Sea of Tranquility, 23.63 degrees East. Second landing was in the Ocean of Storms, 23.42 degrees West. Notice the names of the picked sights and how they contrast. Note: First two landings were Apollo 11 & 12 (11+12= 23!). Just exactly what does NASA know?

The days on which the signs of the Zodiac begin and end are the 22nd and 23rd of most months.

Johannes Kepler was born at 2:30pm in 1571. In astrology, this gives him an Ascendant degree of 23 degrees. He was born at 2:30pm on Dec. 27, 1571 His astrological rising sign was at 23' of the sign Gemini, meaning that the constellation of Gemini was rising in the east when he was born.

The axis of the Earth (which currently points vaguely at Polaris) describes a circle in the heavens (switching off 'pole stars' and sometimes going without) over a period of 23,000 years. Precision, as this motion is called, also accounts for talk of our entering the Age of Aquarius (we entered the age of Pisces around the era of the birth of the historical Jesus). The Sun will 'be in' each of the '12' Zodiac at Spring Solstice (each being an 'age') during this 23,000 year cycle.

Asteroid researchers measuring the rotation periods of asteroids reported that none were found with periods of less than 2.3 hours. A rotation period of less than 2.3 hours would cause them to be torn apart.

The comet Hale Bopp was at her closest point to Earth, 123 million miles.

July 23, 1996 - "Mysterious Eyes" of comet Hale-Bopp first sighted.

On the evening of March 23, 1997 in the US, not only was the comet Hale-Bopp clearly visible, but there was also a lunar eclipse. Mars was also at its closest distance to Earth.

Sirius A has a luminosity of 23.5.

The "Dog Days" of summer begin on July 23rd when the star Sirius, in the Constellation of Orion, first rises from behind the sun.

The axis of the planet Earth is 23.5 degrees.

The distance from the center of the planet Mars to the center of it's farthest moon is 23,500 kilometers.

Average Lunar Cycle is 28 (23+5) days.

December 23, 2012 - A huge cycle ends in the Mayan calendar. Terence McKenna thinks the Eschaton will Immanetize. Other theories suggest the ice caps, having become wobbly from the gravitational pull exerted by the alignment offive planets directly opposing the Spaceship Earth on 5-5-2005, will cause the crust of the Earth to slip over the soggy innards, causing the ice caps to melt, and new ones to form. Of course, this will cause massive flooding, earthquakes, general mayhem and undoubtedly affect the quarterly earnings of Nike. All because the earth is slightly tilted, averaging about 23.5 degrees! (Refer to Graham Hancock'sFingerprints of the Gods for more background on this phenomenon. It ties in the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations, Atlantis, Osiris, star-charts, geological evidence, and hard physical evidence of the remnants of a lost, technologically superior pre-historic race.)

December 23, 2012 - The date the Mayans believed the world will end. Hence why they werereally obsessed with time and it's observance.

The harmonic convergence occurs every 23,000 years.

July 23rd is both the Sumerian and Egyptian New Years.

On March 14, 1997, NASA representative states that MIR 23 space station is having problems resulting from the February 23, 1997 fire and has used 23 of their oxygen-generating canisters. It is the 23rd day aboard for the Russian crew. Progress 233 supply vehicle has problems of its own and cannot redock with MIR.

Saturn V (2+3=5) rockets were used to launch the Apollo missions to the moon.

The longitudinal coordinates of the Apollo 11 moon landing were 23.63 degrees. (2+3= 5while6+3=9=3²)

23+23+2+3 = 51 (Area 51)

23 Annunaki, the number of the original advance team of "aliens" who aided in the seeding of life on this planet.

April 23; More reported UFO sightings on this day than any other day of the year. This is the flapday of the year.

The date of the 'weather balloon' crash at Roswell, New Mexico was July 3, 1947. 7+3+1+9+4+7=32. The reverse of 23.

Regarding UFOs, the myth-inspiring Hangar 18 is yet another alien parts store. (23-5=18)

Numbers 32:23 - Be sure your sin will find you out

In Aleister Crowley's Cabalistic Dictionary, he defines the number 23 as the number of "parting, removal, separation, joy, a thread, and life..."

Refer to Chapter 69 of Aleister Crowley's Book of Lies. 69/3=23. 6+9+3=18. 18=23-5. We could go off all day...

Revelations of The New Testament has 22 sections the 22nd having 21 lines; implying a progression to 23

The most frequent numbers in the Book of Revelations are 4 (the powerful beasts), 7 (seven seals, seven churches, etc.), and 12 (12 apostles, etc.). 4+7+12=23!

There is no known 23rd Chapter to Revelations.

I Corinthians 15:56, Paul said "The sting of death [23] is sin and the strength of sin [13] is the law [10]."

Daniel 8:14 "And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."

Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want..."

7.32 is the Holy Number of the First Church of Zypgx, which gives all of its members a number between 7.32 and 8. (7 being the number of luck, 32 being 23 backwards and 8 being approximately the symbol for infinity. 3.1415 is of course, the mathematical enigma which is pi. Multiply these two numbers and you get almost exactly 23. The followers of the First Church of Zypgx also believe that when pi is found to the last decimal place, the number of their Savior timesexact pi will be precisely 23. And you thought the Heaven's Gate people were a bit kooky?

Church of the Process; Famed church, espoused by Skinny Puppy and Psychic TV, which regards 23 as a special number of great significance.

There are 23 chapters of the Cult Awareness Network. Incidentally, the over-zealous law firm which for years has represented the "Church" of Scientology, a more successful joke religion than even Discordianism, purchased the logo and license agreement of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN). The Heaven's Gate Away Team nerds were really happy about this according to some of their USENET posts.

L. Ron Hubbard; His Axiom 23: All thought is concerned with motion.

December 23, 1805; Birth date of Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or as the better marketing name goes, Mormons).

December 23, 679; The date that Dagobert II, a Merovingian King was murdered. Speculation, derived from the research of the highly controversial book entitledHoly Blood, Holy Grail, leads one to conclude this assassination was performed in connivance with the Catholic Church. The church leaders, unhappy with Dagobert's apparent policy of religious tolerance in his kingdom, located in the south of France, allegedly got him out of the way to best serve their own interests. A predecessor of Dagobert, Clovis, had an alliance with the Catholic church, so it is possible that church leaders saw Dagobert's actions as a betrayal of what was considered a long standing policy of pro-Catholic reforms.

Two-thirds of the angels decided to stick it out in Heaven with God after Lucifer and the other third fell.

The address of the Freemasons lodge in Stafford, England is 23 Jaol Rd. In New York it is on 23rd street.

Henry Price is buried in the cemetery of Townsend, Massachusetts. His monument is an obelisk that measures 69" tall (69 / 3 = 23). On the side of the monument facing west it says:Henry Price "Founder of Duly Constituted Masonry in America." On the east face it says:Born in London about 1697, removed to Boston about 1723, appointed Provincial Grand Master of New England in 1733. The monument is carved on 2 faces, made of 3 pieces - base, block, and cap stone.

The Templars had only 23 Grandmasters. Jacques de Molay was the 23rd and last of the Templar Grandmasters. "Jacques de Molay, thou art unhinged!"

October 13 (10+13=23) is the month and day that the Knight Templars were arrested in France... hence Friday the 13th being considered a day of bad luck. Amazing how it all starts to fit together, isn't it?

Level of ONE; The newest front society of the Illuminated, the 23rd level of the ONE is reported to be the last level attainable (achieving departure from Earth). Remind you of something else?

According to Bishop Usher in hisAnnales Veteris Testament (Annals of the Old Testament), the supposed date of God's creation of the world is October 23, 4004 BC.

September 23; Yom Kippur.

Tarot; 2 is the number of balance, 3 is the number of synergy and 5 is the number of strife in the Tarot deck. Presumably, therefore, if things always changed, or if things never changed we would be all right, but when both happen, we experience troubling times.
The trump cards, or the Major Arcana of the Tarot represent a cycle, or wheel. The cards are 22 in number, "beginning" with the fool and "ending" with the universe. But, as the standard musical scale of western music is an octave (seven notes (ABCDEFG) with the first repeated as the last (ABCDEFGA) to represent the progressive cycle of the musical scale), the 22 trumps, when arranged with the fool at the "beginning and end", actually form a cycle of 23.
There is no 23rd card in the Major Arcana.

The I Ching Hexagram 23 means "Break Apart". Telegrapher's use 23 as the code for 'break the line'.

230 people died on TWA Flight 800.
The two recovered seats from TWA Flight 800 with shrapnel damage were Seats 23J and 23K. The explosion is theorized to have occurred at this location.

April 19th; As in 4-19... 4 + 19 = 23. April 19 is the date the Battle of Lexington, Waco, and the Oklahoma City Bombing... (4+19=23).

August 23, 1305; The day William Wallace, whose life is fictionalized in the movieBraveheart, was executed for treason to the crown by leading a Scottish revolt. Interestingly, this was the pre-cursor to the underground Knights Templar refugees' involvement with Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn.

Over 50% of the national media is owned by 23 major corporations, as reported by Noam Chomsky. To recapitulate... more than half of the information thrust upon the American people is controlled by only 23 corporations.

Bill Clinton's numerical initials are B=2 C=3.

The number of letters in William Jefferson Clinton is 23.

John Dillinger robbed 26 banks, but only 23 for money. Now that's a statement.
2323 Clark St. Chicago, IL: this is the theater where John Dillinger was allegedly shot while leaving after the flick Manhattan Melodrama ended. Also, have you noticed that in most movies hotel room numbers are based on five, with many of them being 23, or some variation that breaks down to 5?

Arthur Flengenheimer (a.k.a. Dutch Schultz) died in a New York hospital on October 23, 1934 and uttered: "A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim... French Canadian bean soup... The bears are in trouble and the sidewalks are in trouble..."

Hiroshima was bombed on August 6, 1945 (8+6+4+5=23).

Adolf Hitler organized the National Socialist Congress on January 23. On November 23 he tried to seize power.

On January 23, 1968 the USS Pueblo was hijacked off of North Korea. The crew was held exactly 11 months until December 23, 1968 when they were released after being beaten by soviets to give back an intercepted USSR message stating plans to start a nuclear war with Red China.

There are exactly 23 plainly visible characters (letters & numbers) on the front of U.S. Coins.

The Articles of Impeachment meant for Richard Nixon were under Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution. In the sweetest irony, Our Beloved First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was one of the young lawyers who helped research the constitutionality of impeaching a reigning President. Nice of her to do all the groundwork for us...

The USA performed 23 tests of atomic detonations at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific.

October 23, 1956; The day the Hungarian revolution began against the Russians. Not to be confused with any of the many previous Hungarian revolutions.

Parliamentary Procedure; 23 votes are required to rescind a Motion.

The Unabomber allegedly hurt or killed 23 people.

2007-02-20 13:03:40 · answer #1 · answered by Wabbit 5 · 10 1

Number 23 Meaning

2016-10-02 05:46:38 · answer #2 · answered by sardeep 4 · 0 0


2016-12-20 03:18:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

About the 23 Enigma

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

2007-02-20 13:32:59 · answer #4 · answered by Polo 7 · 4 1

Wanting to know more about yourselves and what future is awaiting you then you need to pay a look below https://tr.im/h8r3k
Sometimes people obtain bothered with points the future holds and as a result of this obtains so anxious regarding just what is coming. Numerology much like psychic reading and hand reading are research of phenomena which could not be checked by convectional scientific technique (Parasciences) but all file existing in Numerologist is a great relevance with exact information and the confidence to face what is ahead would certainly be developed with this website, Numerologist.

2016-04-13 17:12:32 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Boston is a superior mixture of colonial history and cutting-edge innovation. From the charming cobblestones of Beacon Hill and progressive landmarks of the Freedom Trail, to the renowned reasons of Harvard University and Fenway Park, Boston is really a value chest of Americana and with hotelbye you could have the opportunity to know that treasure. Boston is famous it while the "cradle of liberty" and Faneuil Hall is one of the places must-see similar to the adjoining Faneuil Hall Marketplace, a spot which includes three extended halls: Quincy Market, North Industry, and South Market. , Faneuil Hall Marketplace is relationship from the early 19th century and is now entertained by way of a dynamic choice of stores, restaurants, and exhibitions. In great climate, you will find road performers and buskers wearing shows in the square round the market.

2016-12-20 06:20:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nissan. In Japanese, ni san, the number 23. It's a lucky number in Japan.

2016-09-06 16:18:52 · answer #7 · answered by EdZ 1 · 0 0

It's the number after 22 and before 24.

2007-02-20 13:01:20 · answer #8 · answered by b97st 7 · 0 2

There is really no significance, just myth and superstition.

The significance seems more important now because there's a movie coming out regarding that. And that's marketing, not science.

2007-02-20 13:29:40 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

Get Your Video Numerology Report!

2016-07-23 22:50:57 · answer #10 · answered by shella 4 · 0 0

You posted this question 2 hours ago and there are 3 days left to answer.

That's 23 dude. whoa.

2007-02-20 14:42:16 · answer #11 · answered by ignoramus_the_great 7 · 5 1

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