"When God plays God we call it an immoral act." I think Ravi needs to brush up on his religion classes, when God acts it is moral, not immoral. This statement cannot be justified because it is incorrect.
2007-02-20 12:02:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-12-20 04:26:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
This Site Might Help You.
What Do You You Think about This Quote on Abortion?
"A plane crashes: Thirty people die, and twenty people live. What kind of God would arbitrarily choose some to live and some to die? When we play God and determine whether a child within a mother's womb should live, we argue for that as a moral right. So when human beings are given the...
2015-08-13 14:34:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awMAm
I fully agree. Biologically speaking, it's difficult to support a ban on early-term abortion. One third of all pregnancies naturally miscarry during this time, without the mother even noticing! Most pro-life arguments concerning this period are based on theistic or religious views that ascribe a soul to an embryo, and more recently a fertilized egg. But what about genetic "chimeras" who have two different sets of DNA in their bodies? Or twins who are in reality one divided embryo? And physically, an embryo is substantially different than a third trimester fetus or a baby that has already been born. I do not think there is adequate moral justification for a ban. And then we have many new ideas about women's liberties being equal to men, including health care. And let's face it, contraception is not always effective, and no woman should be forced to bring a child into the world that she does not choose to, while her male partner does not have to financially support that child or go through a serious medical procedure. I think that early-term abortion should be left into the hands of private citizens, in conjunction with trained medical staff. That accommodates the freedom of everybody, including those who choose to keep a pregnancy. Some conservatives use their pro-life argument in favor of religious doctrine supporting the marriage between one man and woman under Christian authority and strongly defined gender roles. They see unwanted pregnancy as a "punishment" for the teenagers or groups that don't conform to their view, a kind of "I told you so, but now you're stuck with it." But what kind of perspective does this place onto a child born in such circumstances? Or in to homes not prepared to care for a baby? When we were twelve, my best friend was raped by a coach at our Catholic school. What would officials have suggested had she become pregnant? That a twelve-year old should be forced to endure the pain and burden of motherhood? The extreme side of the pro-life movement often sounds unconscionable to me.
2016-04-07 09:04:03
answer #4
answered by Shirley 4
I understand both sides to the abortion question. Ideally, abortion would never be an option. The problem lies in how we apply our idealism to the law. Birth control prevents abortion adequately, but the pro-lifers don't seem to like the idea of educating our youth on this type of prevention. I also think it is hypocritical to support a ban on abortion if we support infertility treatment, since these treatments produce many eggs that are discarded. Not to mention our separation of church and state, which is designed to protect government from religious intervention.
2016-03-17 02:50:54
answer #5
answered by Deborah 4
Well Said Ravi Zacharias!!!! I am with you all the way! It is strange that all of the poeple who are for abortion had a mother who gave life to them but yet they do not want the unborn baby in a mothers womb to have that same chance. Some say "Save the whale." Save the eagle but at the same time it is fine to abort the unborn baby. What kind of crazy thinking is that?
Three of our four children are adopted. I am so very thankful that their birthmothers gave them the gift of life . We had the priveledge to raise these wonderful kids!
There are so very many couples in the US who would love to adopt babies. So let it be known right here and now that there are no "unwanted" babies. Every baby is wanted. Just give them a chance to live!
2007-02-20 12:06:47
answer #6
answered by peggie r 2
I think Ravi is demonstrating a strawman argument.
He sets up a stituation of a plane crashing and HE calls Gods decision to let some die and some live an immoral act. He then ridicules his own judgement and uses that to form a weak argument that we shouldn't play God in choosing to abort a fetus.
Try again.
2007-02-20 12:04:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
When God "plays" God, I don't know how you call it an immoral act. Some state amoral, some state moral, some qualify moral with an unknown purpose to the madness. But certainly not immoral.
2007-02-20 12:09:56
answer #8
answered by Testaco 3
First thing wrong with this quote is that it believes everyone in the US believes in God. Since I don't believe in God, why the hell should I have to give up my rights to satisfy someone elses belief??? If I don't believe in God, then by choosing an abortion I'm not playing God. If people believe in God and feel abortion is wrong, then here's a simple solution: don't get one.
2007-02-20 12:07:59
answer #9
answered by theonlymaxsdream 2
Wow, that's... Um... Spot on. That's a good description why abortion should be mostly illegal.
2007-02-20 12:05:33
answer #10
answered by ldnester 3