Absolutely not. A 30 gallon fish tank is too small for the oscar alone, without the angelfish or discus. Oscars are incredibly messy fish, and will get to be a foot or more. They need at a minumum 50 gallons to be healthy in addition of regular water changes (25% weekly). Discus can also get very large, and are very particular about their water conditions. Its best to have them in a tank my themselves. Angelfish would be alright with the oscar if you have them in a large enough tank. Both species can be very territorial, particularly the oscar, so a minumum of 75 gallons for both of those fish.
2007-02-20 11:30:45
answer #1
answered by Audrey A 6
No! A 30 gallon tank is too small for the oscar by himself.
Now the real reason. Both the angels and discus are shy, slow moving fish that like to hide in tall plants. Oscars are outgoing, agressive fish that will tear up any plants in their tank and harrass any other fish in their tank to prove dominance.
Not to mention that discus are way too expensive and delicate to waste in an experiment with oscars. The discus need pristine water quality that you cannot maintain in a tank with oscars (they are dirty fish).
All three fish are from south America and should be in soft acid water, but none more so than the discus which needs a pH in the neighborhood of 6.5 to prosper. Angels and oscars should be in pH 7.0 or less if possible, but can live in water up to 7.5 pH if they are acclimated to it slowly over a few days.
Discus are easily spooked and should not even have their tank in an area that people or pets walk through frequently. Oscars enjoy people and will interract with their owners on a regular basis even allowing you to touch or stroke them. Many people hand feed their oscars. Angels and discus are terrified if you even put your hand in the water.
Sorry, not a good mix. I would get rid of the oscar and concentrate on discus if I could afford them.
BTW, do not mix angels and discus either. The angels can be carriers of a disease that slowly kills the discus but has no effect on the angels. There is still a lot of study going on about this particular disease and its' treatment. There are no outward signs of the disease in the angels so there is no way to know if they are carriers until the discus start dying off.
2007-02-20 13:45:32
answer #2
answered by 8 In the corner 6
In short - NO!
I would not recommend this. An Oscar will gobble them up for dinner. One reason is due to a small space and the other reason is the Oscar will eat any thing smaller.
Please feel free to try it, but don't blame me when you other two fish have gone!
I hope this helps... let me know what you decide!
2007-02-20 11:31:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
a discus needs soft water quality and slight acidity, so i dont think you should get one.as for the angel fish, if its large enough, you can keep them together.
2007-02-20 11:29:02
answer #4
answered by FGH 1
5 inch Oscars can and will attack anything put into their tanks.
2007-02-20 11:29:57
answer #5
answered by BirdAdvocate 1
absolutely not, unless the anfelfish and discus are being used for fishfood
2007-02-20 11:24:24
answer #6
answered by Miklo 3
no. they fight to death
2007-02-20 11:23:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous