I'm a raccoon lover and was in a Group that involved coons and skunks. We kept having one "Go Off" in our garage. Best advice about skunk problems I've learned is:
To get rid of the smell in a room: (garage) Put a pot of boiling vinegar in it, repeat if neccessary. (I know this works!)
To get rid of the smell on your dog: Bathe it in Massengil Douche!! (Who would have thunk it?)LOL They swear this works great and is alot better than the old tomato juice rememdy.
To keep them away: Put moth balls in something that animals can't actually get in to, but allows the smell out. We used a minnow trap and it worked! Also, keep ALL trash or food sources~like outside dogfood~ put up where it doesn't attract them. ((Hey, nobody turns down a free meal!))LOL They are actually good for your lawn, they really dig (Pardon the Pun) going after grub worms in your grass! If you have a really large yard, you could try feeding them in a spot farthest away from your house, and keep the dog inside in the evening..they are pretty cute and fun to watch;) If all else fails, call your local wildlife animal control or wildlife rehabilitator, and they will trap and relocate them for you~usually NO charge.
Thanks for not going Rambo! We're all just moving into their natural habitat, and they are running out of space:(
Good Luck!!
2007-02-20 15:04:08
answer #1
answered by kandl722 4
Mothballs, Ammonia, or Bleach, should work, but don't use them together, or you'll gas out the neighborhood. Even urine will work. They hate anything that smell like human, and it's free? Also burning leafs around it will make them leave. They don't like any human activity around. You might try some of those whirly bird thing you put in the garden to keep moles out. Between the movement and vibration it will make them nervous, and they should leave.
2007-02-20 12:41:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Aw, are you being a jokester the following, Jack? LOL! ok, i am going to assume the undesirable smell is coming from the neighbor and not at all the skunk. If it seems she's to blame of "failure to bathe", provide her a tremendous basket with fantastically-smelling soaps on her next visit then gush and gush about how a lot you adore that cleansing soap and that she ought to attempt it because you imagine she would like it, too! If that would not artwork, then in simple terms pull the colors and do not answer the door the subsequent time she comes calling. She ought to get the hint.
2016-12-04 10:44:01
answer #3
answered by ? 4
The only way to get rid of them is to have them caught and removed. A skunk trap is designed to not let them spray. A skunk needs to lift its tail in order for it to spray. The trap has food on one side and has a height low enough to prevent a spray. Most animal control offices will lend them to you for free. Then they can be released into the wild. (Far From your home) Good luck!!
2007-02-21 02:57:22
answer #4
answered by AJM 2
spearmint or peppermint oil is better than the smelly mothballs. Mothballs work but then the house will smell when it gets hot. I put the oil on cotton balls and stuck them around the holes under the house.
2007-02-21 01:28:55
answer #5
answered by Betty C 1
Haha, that kinda sounds cute. A skunck spraying a little innocent dig, I think you should put your dog into a tomtao bath or build a little fence and call a exterminator.
2007-02-20 12:08:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i think the amonia soaked rag is your best option . why do they keep coming around is your garbage can dirty and they will smell food for quite a while . please take care of this humanely . call the game warden also and tell them you are having this problem they might be able to help you.
2007-02-20 11:24:30
answer #7
answered by Kate T. 7
We used mothballs and that worked.
2007-02-20 11:26:02
answer #8
answered by tchwety40 2
Go to your local glass supplier, windows or drinking glasses, and get as much broken glass as possible. Dig a trench around your property. Fill it with the glass and cover...no more digging pests.
2007-02-20 14:02:50
answer #9
answered by gibson_slayer 3
Yes moth balls do work,get several boxes as they melt with rain.
Good lord,laughing at the answer above mine..,hell plug em again.lol
2007-02-20 11:25:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous