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I need you to give me some reasons why soap is important (this is a very easy question). Also, I need some websites (or you can tell me yourself, providing you list a source) that tell how soap is made nowadays. You know, in modern times. PLEASE and THANKS!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE any help with this!!!

2007-02-20 10:36:26 · 11 answers · asked by Dee 6 in Education & Reference Homework Help

11 answers

Soap is of critical importance in separating dirt from the dirty article and, when doing laundry. And Soap is equally important to helps kill germs.
Soap is a surfactant used in conjunction with water for washing and cleaning. It usually comes in a solid moulded form, termed bars due to its historic and most typical shape. The use of thick liquid soap has also become widespread, especially from soap dispensers in public washrooms. Applied to a soiled surface, soapy water effectively holds particles in suspension so the whole of it can be rinsed off with clean water. In the developed world, synthetic detergents have superseded soap as a laundry aid.


2007-02-20 10:44:34 · answer #1 · answered by ????? 7 · 1 1

Procter and Gamble Soap - This company on the radio in the 20's had soap commercials and therefore the programs were called "soap operas." They are well known on TV today.

Punch in their name and read about the soap maker.

I made soap with my mother and grandmother years ago called Lye Soap. Old lard or grease was used with the lye and what else they used I can't remember. It was heated with fire wood in a large black iron pot outside. Grandma wanted it to wash her hair with.

2007-02-20 10:47:56 · answer #2 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 2

a million. who's your fave touch?? -> i don't have a common. 2. Least fave united states of america?? -> Iraq. 3. Why is it your least fave united states of america?? -> Theres continually various issues occurring there. 4. what proportion domicile windows on your place?? -> 9 i think of. 5. what's your activity?! -> enjoying my piano. 6. what's your fave ingredient bout you family participants member?? -> Do you advise family participants? in case you do, then their continually there for me. 7. final time you went swimming?? -> approximately 4 years in the past haha. 8. Ever been fishing in the past?? -> Nope. 9. appropriate finding united states of america flag?? -> u . s . even nevertheless i'm from England haha. 10. How are you?? -> no longer too undesirable thank you, you? thank you :)

2016-11-24 20:52:19 · answer #3 · answered by stiefel 4 · 0 0

Soap is useful because dirt and stuff that isn't water soluble is usually soluble in oil. Soap, therefore, is made from fats and oil: or in most cases derived from rendered beef fat. My source tells how soap is made and how it works :-) Good luck!

2007-02-20 10:47:08 · answer #4 · answered by theonlymaxsdream 2 · 2 1

These people are not answering the question correctly.

Soap does not kill bacteria (pathogens), soap acts as a disinfectant, which temporarily decreases the amount of harmful pathogens in the area washed.

Soap is made out of lard.

2007-02-20 10:45:06 · answer #5 · answered by Phlow 7 · 0 3

Soap is good and bad. Antibacterial soap kills bad bacteria, but it also kills good bacteria needed for healthy living. Soap can cause health problems like urinary tract infections and it can aggrivate skin allergies. It can also aggrivate acne.

Some scientist attribute superbugs (drug resistant bacteria and viruses) to soap and cleaning products. Bacteria and viruses adapt to withstand soaps and cleaners, thereby making them resistant to the drugs that used to successfully treat bacterial and viral infections.

Sources on how to make soap listed below:

2007-02-20 10:46:20 · answer #6 · answered by Texasippi Girl 3 · 2 1

All the above so far. As far as a website, Martha Stewart knows all. She'll even tell how to make it i am sure.

2007-02-20 10:44:42 · answer #7 · answered by d 3 · 0 2

soap has very huge molecules, which is why they attract dirt and grime and grease.
I have no idea how they make soap, but my soap is blue and white with stripes in it.

2007-02-20 10:41:17 · answer #8 · answered by PH 5 · 0 4

It kills harmful bacteria which can cause infections and you can use it to wash skeet skeet off your underwair.

2007-02-20 10:41:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

clean stuff and kill germs

2007-02-20 10:39:46 · answer #10 · answered by greenfrogs 7 · 0 3

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